Multi-Touch in Actionscript3.0 on Touch-enabled Devices: 利用兩點觸摸實現縮放手勢

来源:互联网 发布:利益风暴 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/08 05:37

實際上這個研究是從發現adobe的官方Actionscript3.0開發文檔開始的,在其中有一章是介紹用As3在觸摸設備上進行多點觸摸開發。它的在線版本是:Touch, multitouch and gesture input

先介紹一些我做這個實驗所使用的測試系統環境,我使用的硬件是一個46寸的光學觸摸屏,它有自帶的嵌入式計算機,跟普通的個人電腦沒啥區別,裏面運行的操作系統是Windows 7。雖然與觸摸功能相關的硬件的生產商是中國大陸公司,但硬件驅動則是一家國外的公司寫的,而且開源。


首先我們應該討論的是Multitouch類。這個類是用來獲取關於設備對觸摸功能的支持的信息。它是一個全局靜態類,當Flash被加載之後,它被Flash Runtime初始化并賦值給成員變量。這些變量有:inputModemapTouchToMousemaxTouchPointssupportedGesturessupportsGestureEventssupportsTouchEvents。其中除了inputMode與mapTouchToMouse之外,都是只讀。

inputMode表示著Flash Runtime對觸摸功能支持到什麽程度,它可能有三個值:MultitouchInputMode.NONEMultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINTMultitouchInputMode.GESTURE


None No special handling is provided for touch events. Set:Multitouch.inputMode=MultitouchInputMode.NONE and use the MouseEvent class to handle input.

Single touch points All touch input is interpreted, individually, and all touch points can be tracked and handled. Set:Multitouch.inputMode=MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT and use the TouchEvent class to handle input.

Gesture input The device or operating system interprets input as a complex form of finger movement across the screen. The device or operating system collectively assigns the movement to a single gesture input event. Set: Multitouch.inputMode=MultitouchInputMode.GESTURE and use the TransformGestureEvent, PressAndTapGestureEvent, or GestureEvent classes to handle input.


package  {import flash.display.MovieClip;import flash.ui.Multitouch;public class main extends MovieClip{public function main() {var $output:String = "";$output += "Multi-touch Mode: ";$output += Multitouch.inputMode.toString();$output += "\n";$output += "Supports Touch Event: ";$output += Multitouch.supportsTouchEvents.toString();$output += "\n";$output += "Supports Gesture Event: ";$output += Multitouch.supportsGestureEvents.toString();$output += "\n";$output += "Maximum number of concurrent touch points: ";$output += Multitouch.maxTouchPoints.toString();$output += "\n";var $gs:Vector.<String> = Multitouch.supportedGestures;if($gs && $gs.length){$output += "Multi-touch contact types supported: \n";var $len:int = $gs.length;for(var $i:int = 0; $i < $len; $i++){$output += ("\t" + $gs[$i] + "\n");}}discoveryTxt.text = $output;}}}






package  {import flash.display.MovieClip;import flash.ui.Multitouch;import flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode;import flash.display.Sprite;import flash.text.TextField;import;import flash.utils.*;public class main extends MovieClip{private var _mySprite:Sprite = new Sprite();private var _myTextField:TextField = new TextField();public function main() {/* indicate the input mode */Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;/* set up something as target */;,0,100,100);;this._mySprite.x = 50;this._mySprite.y = 50;this.addChild(this._mySprite);/* set up text field for output */this._myTextField.width = 850;this._myTextField.height = 600;this._myTextField.selectable = false;this._myTextField.multiline = true;this._myTextField.x = 150;/* attach listener */this._mySprite.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, this.tapHandler);}private function tapHandler($e:TouchEvent):void{var $output:String = "";$output += ( "The Event Class Name: " + getQualifiedClassName($e) + "\n" );$output += ( "The horizontal coordinate in global Stage coordinates: " + $e.stageX.toString() + "\n" );$output += ( "The vertical coordinate in global Stage coordinates: " + $e.stageY.toString() + "\n" );$output += ( "The id number assigned to the touch point: " + $e.touchPointID.toString() + "\n" );$output += ( "The horizontal coordinate relative to the containing sprite: " + $e.localX.toString() + "\n" );$output += ( "The vertical coordinate relative to the containing sprite: " + $e.localY.toString() + "\n" );if($e.relatedObject == null){$output += ( "Object that is related to the event: is null \n" );}else{$output += ( "Object that is related to the event: is not null \n" );}this._myTextField.text = $output;this.addChild(this._myTextField);}}}



從現在開始,我將不再把變量的值輸出到TextField里,因為這樣做效率不高,我將使用一個專業點的調試工具:Alcon,不過很遺憾,剛剛發現它的官方網站消失了。我只好找回我本地的舊備份:Alcon v3.1.4.1854(其實我記得我另外還有個新一點的版本,可是不記得放在哪裡了),如何安裝我就不贅述了,因為以前寫過這個話題。







package  {import flash.display.MovieClip;import flash.display.Sprite;import flash.display.Loader;import;import flash.ui.Multitouch;import flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode;import;import;import;import;import com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug;public class main extends MovieClip{private var _loader:Loader = new Loader();private var _mySprite:Sprite = new Sprite();public function main() {Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.GESTURE;this._mySprite.addEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM, this.gestureZoomHandler);this._loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imgLoaded);var $req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("polina-nefidova-deer-woman.jpg");this._loader.load($req);}private function imgLoaded($e:Event):void{this._loader.x = - this._loader.width / 2;this._loader.y = - this._loader.height / 2;this._mySprite.addChild(this._loader);this._mySprite.scaleX = 0.25;this._mySprite.scaleY = 0.25;this._mySprite.x = 500;this._mySprite.y = 300;this.addChild(this._mySprite);}private function gestureZoomHandler($e:TransformGestureEvent):void{if ($e.phase==GesturePhase.BEGIN){      Debug.trace("Phase: Begin");  }if ($e.phase==GesturePhase.UPDATE){this._mySprite.scaleX += 0.01;this._mySprite.scaleY += 0.01;Debug.trace("Phase: Update");Debug.trace("scaleX: " + $e.scaleX + " ,scaleY: " + $e.scaleY);Debug.trace("localX: " + $e.localX + " ,localY: " + $e.localY);Debug.trace("offsetX: " + $e.offsetX + " ,offsetY: " + $e.offsetY);}if ($e.phase==GesturePhase.END){Debug.trace("Phase: End");}}}}




 [I] Phase: Begin [I] Phase: Update [I] scaleX: 3.2285714149475098 ,scaleY: 3.2285714149475098 [I] localX: 416 ,localY: 312 [I] offsetX: 0 ,offsetY: 0 [I] Phase: Update [I] scaleX: 1 ,scaleY: 1 [I] localX: 415.402392578125 ,localY: 307.679052734375 [I] offsetX: 0 ,offsetY: 0 [I] Phase: Update [I] scaleX: 1 ,scaleY: 1 [I] localX: 414.842578125 ,localY: 307.3987060546875 [I] offsetX: 0 ,offsetY: 0 [I] Phase: Update [I] scaleX: 1 ,scaleY: 1 [I] localX: 414.307958984375 ,localY: 307.169189453125 [I] offsetX: 0 ,offsetY: 0 [I] Phase: Update [I] scaleX: 1 ,scaleY: 1 [I] localX: 413.821337890625 ,localY: 303.438671875 [I] offsetX: 0 ,offsetY: 0 [I] Phase: Update [I] scaleX: 1.017699122428894 ,scaleY: 1.017699122428894 [I] localX: 413.368359375 ,localY: 296.6919189453125 [I] offsetX: 0 ,offsetY: 0 [I] Phase: Update [I] scaleX: 1 ,scaleY: 1 [I] localX: 409.693505859375 ,localY: 296.782080078125 [I] offsetX: 0 ,offsetY: 0 [I] Phase: Update [I] scaleX: 1 ,scaleY: 1 [I] localX: 409.3638671875 ,localY: 290.6238037109375 [I] offsetX: 0 ,offsetY: 0 [I] Phase: Update [I] scaleX: 1 ,scaleY: 1 [I] localX: 409.10439453125 ,localY: 290.9212646484375 [I] offsetX: 0 ,offsetY: 0 [I] Phase: Update [I] scaleX: 1 ,scaleY: 1 [I] localX: 405.8865478515625 ,localY: 291.192138671875 [I] offsetX: 0 ,offsetY: 0 [I] Phase: End

官方文檔所告訴我們的幾乎就這麼多了,可是Zoom事件有一個很大的問題,就是它的靈敏度,只有當兩隻手指移動的方向嚴格地在同一條直線上時,它才會發生,總之這究竟是Flash運行環境的問題還是Windows 7的問題,我並不確定,也並不想深究。因為很顯然接下來我要做的事情是自己來通過對兩點觸摸的識別來捕捉放大動作。




package  {import flash.display.MovieClip;import flash.display.Sprite;import flash.display.Loader;import;import flash.ui.Multitouch;import flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode;import;import;import;import com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug;public class main extends MovieClip{private var _loader:Loader = new Loader();private var _mySprite:Sprite = new Sprite();public function main() {Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);}/* handlers */private function addedToStageHandler($e:Event):void{this._loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imgLoaded);var $req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("polina-nefidova-deer-woman.jpg");this._loader.load($req);}private function imgLoaded($e:Event):void{this._loader.x = - this._loader.width / 2;this._loader.y = - this._loader.height / 2;this._mySprite.addChild(this._loader);//this._mySprite.scaleX = 0.25;//this._mySprite.scaleY = 0.25;this._mySprite.x = 500;this._mySprite.y = 300;this.addChild(this._mySprite);this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, touchBeginHandler);this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, touchMoveHandler);this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, touchEndHandler);}private function touchBeginHandler($e:TouchEvent):void{Debug.trace("*******************");Debug.trace("Touch Begin");Debug.trace("Touch Point ID: " + $e.touchPointID);Debug.trace("Touch Begin Position: [" + $e.stageX + ", " + $e.stageY + "]");Debug.trace("\n");}private function touchMoveHandler($e:TouchEvent):void{Debug.trace("++++Touch Move++++");Debug.trace("Touch Point ID: " + $e.touchPointID);Debug.trace("Touch Move Position: [" + $e.stageX + ", " + $e.stageY + "]");Debug.trace("\n");}private function touchEndHandler($e:TouchEvent):void{Debug.trace("Touch End");Debug.trace("Touch Point ID: " + $e.touchPointID);Debug.trace("Touch End Position: [" + $e.stageX + ", " + $e.stageY + "]");Debug.trace("\n");Debug.trace("*******************");}}}




 [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Begin Position: [690, 389.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [691, 383.5] [I]   ...... [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [892, 248.5] [I]  [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch End Position: [892, 248.5] [I]  [I] *******************




 [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Begin Position: [391, 415.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [385, 419.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [369, 425.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [363, 427.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [363, 427.5] [I]  [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Begin Position: [630, 282.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [357, 430.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Move Position: [635, 275.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [351, 433.5] [I]    ......   [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch End Position: [230, 467.5] [I]  [I] ******************* [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Move Position: [753, 177.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Move Position: [754, 176.5] [I]  [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch End Position: [754, 176.5] [I]  [I] *******************







 [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Begin Position: [478, 300.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [471, 305.5] [I]  ......(only ID 2 appears) [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [313, 375.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [313, 375.5] [I]  [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Begin Position: [544, 301.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [309, 376.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Move Position: [549, 299.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [304, 374.5] [I]  ......(ID 3 and ID 2 appear anternatively) [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [307, 396.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Move Position: [564, 266.5] [I]  [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch End Position: [307, 396.5] [I]  [I] ******************* [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Move Position: [564, 266.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Move Position: [569, 262.5] [I]  ......(only ID 3 appears) [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Move Position: [729, 151.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Move Position: [731, 151.5] [I]  [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Begin Position: [443, 299.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Move Position: [731, 151.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [440, 303.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Move Position: [731, 151.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [436, 307.5] [I]  ......(ID 3 and ID 2 appear anternatively) [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Move Position: [254, 437.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Move Position: [768, 124.5] [I]  [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch End Position: [254, 437.5] [I]  [I] ******************* [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Move Position: [768, 124.5] [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Move Position: [770, 123.5] [I]  [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch End Position: [770, 123.5] [I]  [I] *******************




package  {import flash.display.MovieClip;import flash.display.Sprite;import flash.display.Loader;import;import flash.ui.Multitouch;import flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode;import;import;import;import flash.geom.Point;import com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug;public class main extends MovieClip{private var _loader:Loader = new Loader();private var _mySprite:Sprite = new Sprite();private var _point1:Point = new Point();private var _point2:Point = new Point();private var _startDistance:uint = 0;private var _currentDistance:uint = 0;private var _touchPointCounter:uint = 0;public function main() {Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);}private function calculateDistance():uint{return Math.sqrt( (_point1.x-_point2.x)*(_point1.x-_point2.x) + (_point1.y-_point2.y)*(_point1.y-_point2.y) );}/* handlers */private function addedToStageHandler($e:Event):void{this._loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imgLoaded);var $req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("polina-nefidova-deer-woman.jpg");this._loader.load($req);}private function imgLoaded($e:Event):void{this._loader.x = - this._loader.width / 2;this._loader.y = - this._loader.height / 2;this._mySprite.addChild(this._loader);this._mySprite.x = 500;this._mySprite.y = 300;this.addChild(this._mySprite);this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, touchBeginHandler);this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, touchMoveHandler);this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, touchEndHandler);}private function touchBeginHandler($e:TouchEvent):void{Debug.trace("*******************");Debug.trace("Touch Begin");Debug.trace("Touch Point ID: " + $e.touchPointID);Debug.trace("Touch Begin Position: [" + $e.stageX + ", " + $e.stageY + "]");this._touchPointCounter++;if($e.touchPointID == 2){this._point1.x = $e.stageX;this._point1.y = $e.stageY;}else if($e.touchPointID == 3){this._point2.x = $e.stageX;this._point2.y = $e.stageY;}// get the init distance bewteen the two pointsif(this._touchPointCounter == 2){this._currentDistance = this._startDistance = this.calculateDistance();}Debug.trace(">>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: " + this._startDistance);Debug.trace("\n");}private function touchMoveHandler($e:TouchEvent):void{Debug.trace("++++Touch Move++++");if($e.touchPointID == 2){this._point1.x = $e.stageX;this._point1.y = $e.stageY;}if($e.touchPointID == 3){this._point2.x = $e.stageX;this._point2.y = $e.stageY;}if(this._touchPointCounter == 2){this._currentDistance = this.calculateDistance();}Debug.trace(">>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: " + this._currentDistance);Debug.trace("\n");}private function touchEndHandler($e:TouchEvent):void{Debug.trace("Touch End");Debug.trace("Touch Point ID: " + $e.touchPointID);Debug.trace("Touch End Position: [" + $e.stageX + ", " + $e.stageY + "]");this._touchPointCounter--;this._currentDistance = this._startDistance = 0;Debug.trace(">>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: " + this._startDistance);Debug.trace("\n");Debug.trace("*******************");}}}


 [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Begin Position: [480, 350.5] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Begin Position: [689, 258.5] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 280 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 296 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 314 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 331 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 350 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 359 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 379 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 392 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 404 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 426 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 430 [I]  [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch End Position: [353, 381.5] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ******************* [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]  [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch End Position: [756, 231.5] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 0 [I]  [I] *******************


 [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Begin Position: [490, 327.5] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]  ...... [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Begin Position: [554, 301.5] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 128 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 127 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 125 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 124 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 134 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 136 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 147 [I]  ...... [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 284 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 287 [I]  [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch End Position: [354, 396.5] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ******************* [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]  ...... [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Begin Position: [512, 314.5] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 230 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 230 [I]  ...... [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 422 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 423 [I]  [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch End Position: [349, 395.5] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ******************* [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]  [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch End Position: [729, 189.5] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 0 [I]  [I] *******************


 [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Begin Position: [829, 181.5] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]   [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch Begin Position: [454, 305.5] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 261 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 248 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 227 [I]  ...... [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 108 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 93 [I]  [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch End Position: [654, 261.5] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ******************* [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]  [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] Touch End Position: [603, 286.5] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ******************* [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch Begin Position: [586, 790] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current Distance: 0 [I]  [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] Touch End Position: [596, 782] [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 0 [I]  [I] *******************


var $difference:Number = this._currentDistance - this._prevDistance;if($difference > 0){// zoom in}else{// zoom out}


package  {import flash.display.MovieClip;import flash.display.Sprite;import flash.display.Loader;import;import flash.ui.Multitouch;import flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode;import;import;import;import flash.geom.Point;import com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug;public class main extends MovieClip{private var _loader:Loader = new Loader();private var _mySprite:Sprite = new Sprite();private var _point1:Point = new Point();private var _point2:Point = new Point();private var _startDistance:uint = 0;private var _currentDistance:uint = 0;private var _touchPointCounter:uint = 0;private var _prevDistance:uint = 0;public function main() {Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);}private function calculateDistance():uint{return Math.sqrt( (_point1.x-_point2.x)*(_point1.x-_point2.x) + (_point1.y-_point2.y)*(_point1.y-_point2.y) );}/* handlers */private function addedToStageHandler($e:Event):void{this._loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imgLoaded);var $req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("polina-nefidova-deer-woman.jpg");this._loader.load($req);}private function imgLoaded($e:Event):void{this._loader.x = - this._loader.width / 2;this._loader.y = - this._loader.height / 2;this._mySprite.addChild(this._loader);this._mySprite.x = 500;this._mySprite.y = 300;this.addChild(this._mySprite);this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, touchBeginHandler);this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, touchMoveHandler);this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, touchEndHandler);}private function touchBeginHandler($e:TouchEvent):void{Debug.trace("*******************");Debug.trace("Touch Begin");Debug.trace("Touch Point ID: " + $e.touchPointID);this._touchPointCounter++;// get the init distance bewteen the two pointsif($e.touchPointID == 2){this._point1.x = $e.stageX;this._point1.y = $e.stageY;}else if($e.touchPointID == 3){this._point2.x = $e.stageX;this._point2.y = $e.stageY;}if(this._touchPointCounter == 2){this._prevDistance = this._currentDistance = this._startDistance = this.calculateDistance();}Debug.trace(">>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: " + this._startDistance);Debug.trace("\n");}private function touchMoveHandler($e:TouchEvent):void{Debug.trace("++++Touch Move++++");if($e.touchPointID == 2){this._point1.x = $e.stageX;this._point1.y = $e.stageY;}if($e.touchPointID == 3){this._point2.x = $e.stageX;this._point2.y = $e.stageY;}if(this._touchPointCounter == 2){this._currentDistance = this.calculateDistance();var $difference:Number = this._currentDistance - this._prevDistance;if($difference > 0){// zoom inDebug.trace(">>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom in");}else{// zoom outDebug.trace(">>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom out");}this._prevDistance = this._currentDistance;}Debug.trace("Current Distance: " + this._currentDistance);Debug.trace("\n");}private function touchEndHandler($e:TouchEvent):void{Debug.trace("Touch End");Debug.trace("Touch Point ID: " + $e.touchPointID);this._touchPointCounter--;this._currentDistance = this._startDistance = 0;Debug.trace("\n");Debug.trace("*******************");}}}


 [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Current Distance: 0 [I]  [I] ******************* [I] Touch Begin [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Init Distance: 175 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom in [I] Current Distance: 182 [I]  ...... [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom out [I] Current Distance: 659 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom in [I] Current Distance: 663 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom out [I] Current Distance: 663 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom out [I] Current Distance: 663 [I]  ...... [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom out [I] Current Distance: 130 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom in [I] Current Distance: 132 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom out [I] Current Distance: 130 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom in [I] Current Distance: 131 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom out [I] Current Distance: 129 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom out [I] Current Distance: 129 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom in [I] Current Distance: 130 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom out [I] Current Distance: 130 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom out [I] Current Distance: 130 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom out [I] Current Distance: 130 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom out [I] Current Distance: 127 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom out [I] Current Distance: 125 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom out [I] Current Distance: 121 [I]  [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] >>>>>>>>>>>>Current State: zoom in [I] Current Distance: 122 [I]  [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 2 [I]  [I] ******************* [I] ++++Touch Move++++ [I] Current Distance: 0 [I]  [I] Touch End [I] Touch Point ID: 3 [I]  [I] *******************

這個輸出揭示一個問題,對於zoom in或zoom out的判斷看起來不准確,即使在手勢沿著一個方向運動(即放大或縮小),可數據上反應的情況確是有時在變大有時在變小。一方面這與判斷的地方if($difference > 0)並沒考慮0有關。但這不是主要的原因。總之,看起來我們需要一定程度上拋棄過於細微的變化,即設定一個閾值,當距離的差超過這個閾值時才進行縮放處理。



package  {import flash.display.MovieClip;import flash.display.Sprite;import flash.display.Loader;import;import flash.ui.Multitouch;import flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode;import;import;import;import flash.geom.Point;import flash.utils.Timer;import;import com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug;public class main extends MovieClip{private var _loader:Loader = new Loader();private var _mySprite:Sprite = new Sprite();private var _point1:Point = new Point();private var _point2:Point = new Point();private var _startDistance:uint = 0;private var _currentDistance:uint = 0;private var _touchPointCounter:uint = 0;private var _prevDistance:uint = 0;private var _differenct:Number = 0;private var _zoomin:Boolean = false;private var _zoomTimer:Timer = new Timer(33);public function main() {Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);}private function calculateDistance():uint{return Math.sqrt( (_point1.x-_point2.x)*(_point1.x-_point2.x) + (_point1.y-_point2.y)*(_point1.y-_point2.y) );}private function doZoom($e:TimerEvent):void{if(this._touchPointCounter != 2){return;}if(this._differenct < 5){return;}if(_zoomin){this._mySprite.width += (this._mySprite.width * 0.03);this._mySprite.height += (this._mySprite.height * 0.03);}else{this._mySprite.width -= (this._mySprite.width * 0.03);this._mySprite.height -= (this._mySprite.height * 0.03);}}/* handlers */private function addedToStageHandler($e:Event):void{this._loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imgLoaded);var $req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("polina-nefidova-deer-woman.jpg");this._loader.load($req);}private function imgLoaded($e:Event):void{this._loader.x = - this._loader.width / 2;this._loader.y = - this._loader.height / 2;this._mySprite.addChild(this._loader);this._mySprite.x = 500;this._mySprite.y = 300;this.addChild(this._mySprite);this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, touchBeginHandler);this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, touchMoveHandler);this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, touchEndHandler);this._zoomTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, doZoom);}private function touchBeginHandler($e:TouchEvent):void{this._touchPointCounter++;// get the init distance bewteen the two pointsif($e.touchPointID == 2){this._point1.x = $e.stageX;this._point1.y = $e.stageY;}else if($e.touchPointID == 3){this._point2.x = $e.stageX;this._point2.y = $e.stageY;}if(this._touchPointCounter == 2){this._prevDistance = this._currentDistance = this._startDistance = this.calculateDistance();this._zoomTimer.start();}}private function touchMoveHandler($e:TouchEvent):void{Debug.trace("++++Touch Move++++");if($e.touchPointID == 2){this._point1.x = $e.stageX;this._point1.y = $e.stageY;}if($e.touchPointID == 3){this._point2.x = $e.stageX;this._point2.y = $e.stageY;}if(this._touchPointCounter == 2){this._currentDistance = this.calculateDistance();var $difference:Number = this._currentDistance - this._prevDistance;Debug.trace("$difference: " + $difference);this._differenct = Math.abs($difference);if($difference >= 0){// zoom inthis._zoomin = true;}else{// zoom outthis._zoomin = false;}this._prevDistance = this._currentDistance;}}private function touchEndHandler($e:TouchEvent):void{Debug.trace("Touch End");Debug.trace("Touch Point ID: " + $e.touchPointID);this._touchPointCounter--;this._currentDistance = this._startDistance = 0;this._zoomTimer.stop();}}}





Multitouch and gesture support on the Flash Platform
