
来源:互联网 发布:四十知天命 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/26 19:34




typedef structdouList{               struct douList *prior;               struct douList *next;               int data;}DouList;


DouList *Creat_List(){               DouList *root = NULL;               DouList *pre = NULL;               DouList *cur = NULL;               int data = 0;               int i = 0;                 root = (DouList*)malloc(sizeof(DouList));               if(NULL == root)               {                               printf("ERROR:Can't malloc the root.\n");                               exit(ERROR);               }               root->next = NULL;               root->prior = NULL;                 pre = root;               while(++i <= 10)               {                               cur = (DouList*)malloc(sizeof(DouList));                               if(NULL == cur)                               {                                              printf("ERROR:Can't malloc the current List\n");                                              exit(ERROR);                               }                                 //init the cur                               cur->next =NULL;                               cur->prior =NULL;                               cur->data =2*i - 1;                                 //connect theDoubly Linked List                               pre->next =cur;                               cur->next =NULL;                               if(pre == root)                               {                                              cur->prior= NULL;                                              pre->prior= NULL;                                              pre->prior= cur;                               }                               else                               {                                              root->prior= cur;                                              cur->prior= pre;                               }                               pre = cur;               }                 return root;}



voidShow_NextList(DouList *root){               DouList *pre = root->next;                 printf("This is the doublylinked list in the next order;\n");               while(NULL != pre)               {                               printf("%d\n",pre->data);                               pre =pre->next;               }}


voidShow_PriorList(DouList *root){               DouList *pre = root->prior;                 printf("This is the doublylinked list in the prior order;\n");               while(NULL != pre)               {                               printf("%d\n",pre->data);                               pre =pre->prior;               }}



DouList*Find_NextList(DouList *root){               DouList *cur = root->next;               int data;                 printf("Enter a data youwant to find in next order:\n");               scanf("%d",&data);                 while(NULL != cur)               {                               if(data ==cur->data)                               {                                              returncur;                               }                               cur =cur->next;               }                 return NULL;}


DouList*Find_PriorList(DouList *root){               DouList *cur = root->prior;               int data;                 printf("Enter a data youwant to find in prior order:\n");               scanf("%d",&data);                 while(NULL != cur)               {                               if(data ==cur->data)                               {                                              returncur;                               }                               cur =cur->prior;               }                 return NULL;}


DouList*Insert_List(DouList *root){               DouList *cur = root->next;               DouList *pre = root;               int data = 0;               DouList *newList = NULL;                 printf("Enter the data youwant to insert:\n");               scanf("%d",&data);                 newList = (DouList*)malloc(sizeof(DouList));               if(NULL == newList)               {                               printf("ERROR:Can't malloc the new List.\n");                               exit(ERROR);               }                 newList->data = data;               newList->next = NULL;               newList->prior = NULL;                 while(NULL != cur->next)               {                               //find thelocation which need to be inserted                               if(data < cur->data)                               {                                              //ifthe new List in the front of the first List(except the root)                                              if(root->next== cur)                                              {                                                             root->next= newList;                                                             newList->next= cur;                                                             newList->prior= NULL;                                                             cur->prior= newList;                                              }                                              //ifthe new List in the front of the last List                                              //whenin the order of next                                              else                                              {                                                             pre->next= newList;                                                             newList->next= cur;                                                             newList->prior= pre;                                                             cur->prior= newList;                                              }                                                break;                               }                               //move thepointer to the doubly linked list                               else                               {                                              pre= cur;                                              cur= cur->next;                               }               }                 if(NULL == cur->next)               {                               //insert the newList in the front of last List                               if(data <cur->data)                               {                                              pre->next= newList;                                              newList->next= cur;                                              cur->prior= newList;                                              newList->prior= pre;                               }                               //insert the newList in the last List                               else                               {                                              cur->next= newList;                                              newList->next= NULL;                                              newList->prior= cur;                                              root->prior= newList;                               }               }                 //insert successe               return newList;}


DouList*Delete_List(DouList *root){               DouList *cur = root->next;               DouList *pre = root;               DouList *deleteList = NULL;               int data;                 printf("Enter a data youwant to delete:\n");               scanf("%d",&data);                 while(NULL != cur->next)               {                               if(data ==cur->data)                               {                                              deleteList= cur;                                                //ifthe list to delete is in the first List(except the root)                                              if(root->next== cur)                                              {                                                             cur->next->prior= NULL;                                                             root->next= cur->next;                                              }                                              //ifthe list to delete isn't in the first List(except the root)                                              else                                              {                                                             pre->next= cur->next;                                                             cur->next->prior= pre;                                              }                                              free(cur);                                                                                           //thedeleteList is connected with the cur                                              //whencur was free,deleteList will become shakable                                              //shouldinit the deleteList to let the return's use                                              deleteList->next= NULL;                                              deleteList->prior= NULL;                                              deleteList->data= data;                                                                                           returndeleteList;                               }                               else                               {                                              pre= cur;                                              cur= cur->next;                               }               }                 //when the list to delete is inthe last List               if(data == cur->data)               {                               deleteList = cur;                               pre->next =NULL;                               root->prior =pre;                                                             free(cur);                                 deleteList->next= NULL;                               deleteList->prior= NULL;                               deleteList->data= data;                               returndeleteList;               }                 return NULL;}

