VS2005中的新项目类型:Web Deployment Projects

来源:互联网 发布:手机淘宝评价怎么修改 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 16:43
微软新发布了一个For VS2005的AddIn,目的是为了更加方便实现Web工程的部署定制。其实因为ASP.NET2.0中增加了预编译、多语言支持等多种特性,所以Web部署反而变得麻烦了。所以微软出了一个AddIn来帮助实现各类典型Web部署需求。主要Feature列表:
A Web Deployment project provides the following features for building and deploying ASP.NET 2.0 Web sites:
·         ASP.NET 2.0 precompilation as part of the build process.
·         More flexible options for generating compiled assemblies from a Web project, including these alternatives:
·         A single assembly for the entire Web site.
·         One assembly per content folder.
·         A single assembly for all UI components.
·         An assembly for each compiled file in the Web site.
·         Assembly signing options.
·         The ability to define custom pre-build and post-build actions.
·         The ability to exclude folders from the build.
·         The ability to modify settings in the Web.config file, such as the <connectionString> element, based on the Visual Studio build configuration.
·         Support for creating .msi files with setup projects.
The extensibility of Web Deployment projects enables you to tailor the build and deploy process to suit your needs. This is done without sacrificing the optimized workflow improvements achieved with Visual Studio 2005 Web site projects.
安装包: http://community.hf-mstc.org/download/WebDeploymentSetup.msi
原始地址: http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/reference/infrastructure/wdp/default.aspx