visual c++ 2008进行MySQL编程(ODBC) --三 查询数据库

来源:互联网 发布:河北煤改气 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/09 18:55

前面两讲说到了,安装MySql数据库,安装ODBC驱动以及使用CDatabase操作数据库的基本操作比如Add del edit,链接如下:

visual c++ 2008进行MySQL编程(ODBC) -- (一)  套装安装      

visual c++ 2008进行MySQL编程(ODBC) --二 操作数据库

visual c++ 2008进行MySQL编程(ODBC) --三 查询数据库

visual c++ 2008进行MySQL编程(ODBC)-- (四)  终极实现 之 派生CRecordset 上     

visual c++ 2008进行MySQL编程(ODBC)-- (四) 终极实现 之 派生CRecordset 中     

visual c++ 2008进行MySQL编程(ODBC)-- (四) 终极实现 之 派生CRecordset 下





二、给这个新加的list control添加成员变量,m_list_ctrl:

三、在Cmy_dbDlg类的初始化函数OnInitDialog()里面添加添加的list control的初始化代码:

    m_list_ctrl.InsertColumn( 0, _T("Cust Id"), LVCFMT_CENTER, 70 );//插入列     m_list_ctrl.InsertColumn( 1, _T("Cust Name"), LVCFMT_CENTER, 85 ); 




void Cmy_dbDlg::OnBnClickedGetAllItem(){    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here}


Opens the recordset by retrieving the table or performing the query that the recordset represents.virtual BOOL Open(    UINT nOpenType = AFX_DB_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE,    LPCTSTR lpszSQL = NULL,    DWORD dwOptions = none  ); Returns nonzero if the recordset has been positioned before the first record. There is no current record.BOOL IsBOF( ) const; Returns nonzero if the recordset has been positioned after the last record. There is no current record.BOOL IsEOF( ) const;Makes the first record in the next rowset the current record.void MoveNext( ); 

Open函数打开指定的数据库,之后才可以遍历,如果数据库为空,则IsBOF返回true,如果需要遍历每一条,则使用MoveNext( )。



void Cmy_dbDlg::OnBnClickedGetAllItem(){    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here    CRecordset my_record(&m_db_opr);        try    {        int count = 0;        CString str;        my_record.Open(CRecordset::snapshot, _T("select * from customer"));        if(my_record.IsBOF())        {            return;        }        while(!my_record.IsEOF())        {            my_record.GetFieldValue((short)0, str);            m_list_ctrl.InsertItem(count, str);            my_record.GetFieldValue(1, str);            m_list_ctrl.SetItemText(count, 1, str);                        my_record.MoveNext();            count++;        }    }    catch(CDBException* pe)    {        // The error code is in pe->m_nRetCode        pe->ReportError();        pe->Delete();    }}


  • CRecordset::dynaset A recordset with bi-directional scrolling. The membership and ordering of the records are determined when the recordset is opened, but changes made by other users to the data values are visible following a fetch operation. Dynasets are also known as keyset-driven recordsets.

  • CRecordset::snapshot A static recordset with bi-directional scrolling. The membership and ordering of the records are determined when the recordset is opened; the data values are determined when the records are fetched. Changes made by other users are not visible until the recordset is closed and then reopened.

  • CRecordset::dynamic A recordset with bi-directional scrolling. Changes made by other users to the membership, ordering, and data values are visible following a fetch operation. Note that many ODBC drivers do not support this type of recordset.

    CRecordset::forwardOnly A read-only recordset with only forward scrolling.

    For CRecordset, the default value is CRecordset::snapshot. The default-value mechanism allows the Visual C++ wizards to interact with both ODBCCRecordset and DAOCDaoRecordset, which have different defaults.






    六、我们设定过滤规则,比如我想要查询100<= x <= 200范围内的cust id的条目,如何进行?




            my_record.m_strFilter = _T("cust_id <= 200 and cust_id >= 100");        my_record.Open(CRecordset::snapshot, _T("select * from customer"));


    void Cmy_dbDlg::OnBnClickedGetAllItem(){    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here    CRecordset my_record(&m_db_opr);        try    {        int count = 0;        CString str;        my_record.m_strFilter = _T("cust_id <= 200 and cust_id >= 100");        my_record.Open(CRecordset::snapshot, _T("select * from customer"));        if(my_record.IsBOF())        {            return;        }        while(!my_record.IsEOF())        {            my_record.GetFieldValue((short)0, str);            m_list_ctrl.InsertItem(count, str);            my_record.GetFieldValue(1, str);            m_list_ctrl.SetItemText(count, 1, str);                        my_record.MoveNext();            count++;        }    }    catch(CDBException* pe)    {        // The error code is in pe->m_nRetCode        pe->ReportError();        pe->Delete();    }}


    但是我们知道,设定查询范围怎么弄?需要where 子句,比如 :

    select * from customer where cust_id <= 200 and cust_id >= 100;


    七、我们可以设定排序规则,比如按照cust id排序,而且是逆序,这个操作就要借助于



    my_record.m_strFilter = _T("cust_id <= 200 and cust_id >= 100");        my_record.m_strSort = _T("cust_id desc");my_record.Open(CRecordset::snapshot, _T("select * from customer"));

  • 和上面过滤的规则一样,sql语句是需要Order by子句的,如果使用了m_strSort之后,那么就不能有“order by”了,而这个语句:
  • my_record.m_strSort = _T("cust_id desc");

  • 就相当于, “order by cust_id desc” 子句了。
  • 修改后的消息响应函数就是这个样子的了:

  • void Cmy_dbDlg::OnBnClickedGetAllItem(){    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here    CRecordset my_record(&m_db_opr);        try    {        int count = 0;        CString str;        my_record.m_strFilter = _T("cust_id <= 200 and cust_id >= 100");        my_record.m_strSort = _T("cust_id desc");        my_record.Open(CRecordset::snapshot, _T("select * from customer"));        if(my_record.IsBOF())        {            return;        }        while(!my_record.IsEOF())        {            my_record.GetFieldValue((short)0, str);            m_list_ctrl.InsertItem(count, str);            my_record.GetFieldValue(1, str);            m_list_ctrl.SetItemText(count, 1, str);                        my_record.MoveNext();            count++;        }    }    catch(CDBException* pe)    {        // The error code is in pe->m_nRetCode        pe->ReportError();        pe->Delete();    }}


    还是那句话,如果有下一个博文,我会继续说更好的使用visual c++ 2008对mysql数据库编程的实现。