
来源:互联网 发布:屏幕录制软件免费版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 00:16


package question3;import java.lang.reflect.Method;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.Collection;import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.Set;import javax.tools.JavaCompiler;import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;import javax.tools.ToolProvider;/* * 写一个ArrayList类的代理,其内部实现和ArrayList中完全相同的功能, * 并可以计算每个方法运行的时间。 *  *  解题方式四 *  1.实现ProxyHandler,以达到代理代码的自定义 *  2.实现内存中的字节码动态编译 *  3.实现代理类的真正动态生成 *  4.比java api 代理类更简短的参数列表,抛弃ClassLoader参数 *  5.与SUN 的 api 底层实现方式不同,本方法使用JVM的编译器API *   *   *  优点:真正意义上的动态代理实现!!!! *   *  缺点:由于tools api支持有限,并且为JDK1.6的新支持,兼容性 *       太差,编译速度也不快,这也是为什么SUN自己都不用,反而 *       用Groove,真打脸,糊弄人么这不是 *   *  注:1秒=1 000 000 000纳秒 jdk api中以毫微秒表示纳秒 */public class ArrayListProxy_4{public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{//collection接口的方法太多了,输出代理类源代码//的话,控制台太占地方setOutputSource(false);Collection collection = (Collection) newProxyInstance(new ProxyHandler(){long taken;ArrayList target = new ArrayList();@Overridepublic Object invoke(Method method, Object... args){Object returnValue = null;//以纳秒为单位输出耗时taken = System.nanoTime();try                {//如果代理了多个接口,那么这个地方调用前也需要//判断当前method是属于哪个目标实例的方法//否则会抛异常returnValue = method.invoke(target, args);                }                catch (Exception e)                {                e.printStackTrace();                }                taken = System.nanoTime() - taken;                System.out.println("method "+method.getName()+"() invoked times taken by "+taken+"ns" + "    return " + returnValue);                return returnValue;}}, Collection.class);//测试两个方法,足够了System.out.println("the proxy class name "+collection.getClass().getName());collection.size();collection.add("asd");//Runnable接口就一个方法,可以输出一下源代码//貌似源代码的格式还是不错的,(*^__^*)嘻嘻setOutputSource(true);//测试Runnable接口的代理Runnable runnable = (Runnable) newProxyInstance(new ProxyHandler(){long taken;Thread target = new Thread();@Overridepublic Object invoke(Method method, Object... args){Object returnValue = null;//以纳秒为单位输出耗时taken = System.nanoTime();try                {//如果代理了多个接口,那么这个地方调用前也需要//判断当前method是属于哪个目标实例的方法//否则会抛异常returnValue = method.invoke(target, args);                }                catch (Exception e)                {                e.printStackTrace();                }                taken = System.nanoTime() - taken;                System.out.println("method "+method.getName()+"() invoked times taken by "+taken+"ns" + "    return " + returnValue);                return returnValue;}}, Runnable.class);System.out.println("the proxy class name "+runnable.getClass().getName());runnable.run();}/** * 代理对象的计数 */private static int proxy_count;private static boolean isOutputSource = false;private static void setOutputSource(boolean b){isOutputSource = b;}/** *  * @param loader * @param h * @param interfaces 代理类需要实现的接口,如果这些接口中含有子父接口关系 * 的接口,将只会保留子接口的实现,以避免重复实现 * @return * @throws Exception */public static Object newProxyInstance(ProxyHandler h,Class<?>... interfaces) throws Exception  {//以集合的方式判断是否有重复的接口//这将包括一样的接口,以及子父接口//只保留最后的子接口Set<Class<?>> interfaceSet = new HashSet<Class<?>>();for (Class<?> clazz : interfaces)        {//添加前先检查是否重复,如果重复的话抛出removeSuperAndSameInterfaces(interfaceSet, clazz);        interfaceSet.add(clazz);        }//为代理创建内存编译器MemoryCompiler compiler = new MemoryCompiler();//为需要的代理接口在内存中生成源代码//并进行内存编译返回代理类的实例Object proxy = compiler.compileJavaSourceFile(interfaceSet);//将代理程序传递给代理类proxy.getClass().getField("h").set(proxy, h);//将代理对象的计数增加并返回代理实例proxy_count++;return proxy;}/** * 删除指定接口在集合中相同接口和父接口 *  * <p>该方法主要用来保证最后的接口集合不存在重复的 * 方法出现在代理类中,比如相同的接口,以及指定接口 * 的父接口 *  * <p>该方法是{@link #newProxyInstance(ClassLoader, ProxyHandle, Class...)} * 方法的内联方法 *  * <p>该方法使用递归方式进行向上迭代 *  * @param set 需要进行检查的集合 * @param clazz 起始的最下层接口 * @see #newProxyInstance(ClassLoader, ProxyHandle, Class...) */private static void removeSuperAndSameInterfaces(Set<Class<?>> set, Class<?> clazz){if(set.contains(clazz))set.remove(clazz);Class<?>[] interfaces = clazz.getInterfaces();if(0 != interfaces.length)for (Class<?> super_clazz : interfaces)removeSuperAndSameInterfaces(set, super_clazz);}/** * 代理类的代理程序接口 */public static interface ProxyHandler{//代理对象的实际调用方法public Object invoke(Method method, Object... args);}/** * 本类为内存编译器 *  * 实现了根据代理接口动态生成源文件,并在内存中进行编译 */static class MemoryCompiler {/** * 根据指定的接口生成代理类的源文件并进行编译 *  * @param interfaceSet 代理类的代理接口 * @return 代理类的实例对象 */public Object compileJavaSourceFile(Set<Class<?>> interfaceSet){//根据代理接口生成代理类的源代码String source = writeJavaSourceFileForMemory(interfaceSet);//创建java编译器JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();//创建内存文件管理器MemoryFileManager filemanage = new MemoryFileManager(compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null));//创建代理类的内存编译单元JavaFileObject file = MemoryFileManager.makeSource("Proxy$"+(proxy_count),source);//生成编译表,就一个元素的ArrayList,api需要,不写不行。。。Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> compilationUnits = Arrays.asList(file);//为编译器创建编译任务JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task = compiler.getTask(null, filemanage,null, null, null, compilationUnits);//执行编译任务boolean success = task.call();//输出代理类的源代码。。。if(isOutputSource)System.out.println(source);//输出编译是否成功System.out.println("compile " + success);//定义一个万能引用,用来返回代理对象Object obj = null;try            {//将代理类的字节码加载进内存,并为其创建实例            Class<?> clazz = filemanage.getClassLoader(null).loadClass("Proxy$"+(proxy_count));            obj = clazz.newInstance();            }//好吧,万恶的ClassNotFoundException着实浪费我不少时间            catch (Exception e)            {            e.printStackTrace();            }//返回代理类的实例对象return obj;}/** * 将代理类的源代码写入内存 * @param interfaceSet 需要实现的接口 * @return 源代码的字符串 */public String writeJavaSourceFileForMemory(Set<Class<?>> interfaceSet) {StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();writeClassHead(sb, interfaceSet);sb.append("{\n");sb.append("\tpublic question3.ArrayListProxy_4.ProxyHandler h;\n");writeMethods(sb, interfaceSet);sb.append("}");return sb.toString();}/** * 将代理类的class声明写入内存 */private void writeClassHead(StringBuilder sb, Set<Class<?>> interfaceSet){sb.append("public class Proxy$"+(proxy_count)+" implements ");int size = interfaceSet.size();//遍历所有的代理接口,并在代理类中实现他们//不同接口直接以,分开Iterator<Class<?>> iterator = interfaceSet.iterator();for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)            {sb.append(iterator.next().getCanonicalName());if(i != size - 1)sb.append(", ");            }sb.append("\n");}/** * 根据代理类的代理接口将代理类的方法实现 *  */private void writeMethods(StringBuilder sb, Set<Class<?>> interfaceSet){Method[] methods;//遍历所有的接口,并为代理类逐一实现其内部的所有方法for (Class<?> clazz : interfaceSet)            {//拿到当前接口的所有方法            methods = clazz.getMethods();            //逐一实现方法            for (Method method : methods)                {            sb.append("\tpublic ");            //写入返回类型            Class<?> returnType = method.getReturnType();            //数组有点特殊,直接getname会是一个[L这样开头的            //蛋疼名字                if(returnType.isArray())                sb.append(returnType.getCanonicalName());                else                sb.append(returnType.getName());                //写方法名            sb.append(" ").append(method.getName());                sb.append("(");                                                Class<?>[] parameters = method.getParameterTypes();                //该变量用来附加在形参参数名称后,                //用来区分参数列表中的对象,例如                //String arg0,String arg1...                int i = 0;                //该字符串用来保存形参的参数名称,                //调用invoke方法的时候会用到这些                //名称的列表                String args = "";                //该字符串保存了形参的字节码文件                //就像Object.class这样的,用来                //转发调用请求时的参数类型                String pclazz = "";                //写入形参列表                for (Class<?> parameter : parameters)                    {                    sb.append(parameter.getCanonicalName()).append(" arg").append(i);                    args+="arg"+i;                    pclazz+=parameter.getCanonicalName()+".class";                    if(i != parameters.length - 1)                    {                    sb.append(",");                    args+=",";                    pclazz+=",";                    }                    i++;                    }                                //这块实在不知道注释怎么写。。。。。。                sb.append(")\n\t{\n");                sb.append("\t\tObject obj = null;\n");                sb.append("\t\ttry\n\t\t{\n");                sb.append("\t\t\tobj = h.invoke(");                sb.append(clazz.getCanonicalName()+".class.getMethod(\""+method.getName()+"\","+(parameters.length == 0 ? "new Class<?>[]{}" : pclazz)+"),");                sb.append((parameters.length == 0 ? "new Object[]{}" : args));                sb.append(")");                sb.append(";\n");                sb.append("\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (Exception e)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\te.printStackTrace();\n\t\t}\n");                sb.append("\t\treturn");                                //写入返回值,不过要注意的是基本类型                //如果直接返回不强制转换为包装类型的                //话会出现ClassCastException                //Object cannot be cast to primitive type                if(returnType != void.class)                {                if(returnType == boolean.class)                sb.append(" (Boolean)");                else if(returnType == int.class)                sb.append(" (Integer)");                else if(returnType == byte.class)                sb.append(" (Byte)");                else if(returnType == short.class)                sb.append(" (Short)");                else if(returnType == long.class)                sb.append(" (Long)");                else if(returnType == float.class)                sb.append(" (Float)");                else if(returnType == double.class)                sb.append(" (Double)");                else if(returnType == char.class)                sb.append(" (Character)");                else                sb.append(" ("+returnType.getCanonicalName()+")");                sb.append("obj");                }                sb.append(";");                sb.append("\n\t}\n");                }            }}}}

package question3;/* * Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or * have any questions. */import java.util.Map;/** * A class loader which loads classes from byte arrays. *  * <p><b>This is NOT part of any API supported by Sun Microsystems. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own * risk.  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change * or deletion without notice.</b></p> * @author Peter von der Ahé */public class ByteArrayClassLoader extends ClassLoader {    /**     * Maps binary class names to class files stored as byte arrays.     */    private Map<String, byte[]> classes;        /**     * Creates a new instance of ByteArrayClassLoader     * @param classes a map from binary class names to class files stored as byte arrays     */    public ByteArrayClassLoader(Map<String, byte[]> classes) {        this.classes = classes;    }    @Override    public Class<?> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {        try {            return super.loadClass(name);        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {            byte[] classData = classes.get(name);            return defineClass(name, classData, 0, classData.length);        }    }}

内存文件管理器 基于javax.tools api
package question3;/* * Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or * have any questions. */import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;import java.io.FilterOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.net.URI;import java.net.URISyntaxException;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;import javax.tools.FileObject;import javax.tools.ForwardingJavaFileManager;import javax.tools.JavaFileManager;import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;import javax.tools.JavaFileObject.Kind;import javax.tools.SimpleJavaFileObject;/** * A file manager for compiling strings to byte arrays. * This file manager delegates to another file manager * to lookup classes on boot class path. *  * <p><b>This is NOT part of any API supported by Sun Microsystems. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own * risk.  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change * or deletion without notice.</b></p> * @author Peter von der Ahé */public final class MemoryFileManager extends ForwardingJavaFileManager {    /**     * Maps binary class names to class files stored as byte arrays.     */    private Map<String, byte[]> classes;    /**     * Creates a JavaFileObject representing the given compilation unit.     * @param name a name representing this source code, for example, the name of a class     * @param code a compilation unit (source code for a Java program)     * @return a JavaFileObject represtenting the given compilation unit     */    public static JavaFileObject makeSource(String name, String code) {        return new JavaSourceFromString(name, code);    }        /**     * Construct a memory file manager which delegates to the specified     * file manager for unknown sources.     * @param fileManager a file manager used to look up class files on class path, etc.     */    public MemoryFileManager(JavaFileManager fileManager) {        super(fileManager);        classes = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();    }        /**     * Get a class loader which first search the classes stored     * by this file mananger.     * @return a class loader for compiled files     */    @Override    public ClassLoader getClassLoader(Location location) {        return new ByteArrayClassLoader(classes);    }    @Override    public JavaFileObject getJavaFileForOutput(Location location,                                               String name,                                               Kind kind,                                               FileObject originatingSource)        throws UnsupportedOperationException    {        if (originatingSource instanceof JavaSourceFromString) {            return new JavaClassInArray(name);        } else {            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();        }    }    protected static URI uriFromString(String uri) {        try {            return new URI(uri);        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);        }    }    /**     * A file object representing a Java class file stored in a byte array.     */    private class JavaClassInArray extends SimpleJavaFileObject {        private String name;        /**         * Constructs a JavaClassInArray object.         * @param name binary name of the class to be stored in this file object         */        JavaClassInArray(String name) {            super(uriFromString("mfm:///" + name.replace('.','/') + Kind.CLASS.extension),                  Kind.CLASS);            this.name = name;        }        public OutputStream openOutputStream() {            return new FilterOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {                public void close() throws IOException {                    out.close();                    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = (ByteArrayOutputStream)out;                    classes.put(name, bos.toByteArray());                }            };        }    }    /**     * A file object used to represent source coming from a string.     */    private static class JavaSourceFromString extends SimpleJavaFileObject {        /**         * The source code of this "file".         */        final String code;                /**         * Constructs a new JavaSourceFromString.         * @param name the name of the compilation unit represented by this file object         * @param code the source code for the compilation unit represented by this file object         */        JavaSourceFromString(String name, String code) {            super(uriFromString("mfm:///" + name.replace('.','/') + Kind.SOURCE.extension),                  Kind.SOURCE);            this.code = code;        }        @Override        public CharSequence getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) {            return code;        }    }}
