C# Simulation of Intent Locking Protocols

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝莱蔻怎么那么便宜 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 12:01

The Main.cs code:

using System;using System.Threading;using System.IO;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;namespace NS_intentlocker{    #region "All Enums"    public enum Status    {        Eligible,        Running,        Committed,        Faulty    }    public enum BasesetNames    {        A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J    }    public enum BasesetTypes    {        S, X, IS, IX, SIX    }    public enum operations    {        R, A, S, M, D    }    #endregion    #region "Custom class for list"        //[Serializable]    public class collections    {        public int numbers { get; set; }       public string operation_code { get; set; }       public bool locks { get; set; }       public collections(int numbers, string operation_code, bool locks = false)       {           this.numbers = numbers;           this.operation_code = operation_code;           this.locks = locks;       }    }public class transcations{   public int ID { get; set; }   public Status status{get;set;}   public int extra_time_ticks {get; set;}   public int operation_lines {get; set;}   public int intent_locks { get; set; }   public string BasesetName { get; set; }   public string BasesetType { get; set; }   public List<collections> cols { get; set; }   //public int count { get; set; }   public transcations() {   }    }    #endregion        //##########################################################################################    //##########################  Main Operation Class #########################################    //##########################################################################################public class Intent_Locker_implement{       static void Main(string[] args)   {         List<transcations> tsc = new List<transcations>(); // declare the list by transcation type       #region  "Read the data from script and save into the list"             //****************************  Read the data from script and save into the list ***************************************        List<string> tmp = new List<string>();         try        {            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("five.txt")) // here for change different txt file name            {                   String line;                   //int test = 0;                   int ids = 0;                   while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)       {                        if ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != "")  // filter & skip the empty line                      {                          string[] items = line.Split(new Char[] { ' ', ',', '.', ':' }); // split to the element                          var t1 = new transcations(); // declare a new object                          t1.ID = ids;                          ++ids;                          t1.status = Status.Eligible; // the default status set as Eligible                          t1.extra_time_ticks = int.Parse(items[0]);                          t1.operation_lines = int.Parse(items[1]);                          t1.intent_locks = int.Parse(items[2]);                          t1.BasesetName = items[3];                          t1.BasesetType = items[4];                          //********************* get the operation line record **************************                          List<collections> operationList = new List<collections>(); // create the list of collections                          for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(items[1]); i++)                          {                              line = sr.ReadLine();                              string[] items2 = line.Split(new Char[] { ' ', ',', '.', ':' });                              collections cols = new collections(int.Parse(items2[0]), items2[1]);                              //cols.numbers = int.Parse(items2[0]);                              //cols.operation_code = items2[1];                              operationList.Add(cols);                          }                          t1.cols = operationList;                         //******************************************************************************                          tsc.Add(t1); // add the transcation to the list tsc                      }                  }            }        }        catch (Exception e)        {            Console.WriteLine("The file could not be read:");            Console.WriteLine(e.Message);        }               #endregion       #region "testing part"         //Console.WriteLine(tsc[1].cols[1].operation_code); // test read file successful :)         //Console.WriteLine(tsc.Count());         //Console.WriteLine(tsc[0].status);         #endregion                #region "start the Simulation of Intent Locking Protocols"              //***************** Simulation of Intent Locking Protocols ***********************************         int TranscationCount = tsc.Count(); // get the count of the transcations                 int[] rollback = new int[TranscationCount]; // declare the arrays for save the count of rollback or completed         int[] completed = new int[TranscationCount];         for (int n = 0; n < TranscationCount; n++)         {             rollback[n] = 0;             completed[n] = 0;         }         // start the tick         for (int ticks = 0; ticks < 1000; ticks++)         {                          bool[] _array = new bool[1000]; // declear an array of boolean, used for save operation status             for (int n = 0; n < TranscationCount; n++)             {                 if (ticks >= tsc[n].extra_time_ticks && ticks < tsc[n].cols.Count() + tsc[n].extra_time_ticks)                 {                     tsc[n].status = Status.Running; // turn on the transcations                     // turn on the operation                     //Console.WriteLine(n + "/" + ticks);                     //if (tsc[n].cols[ticks - tsc[n].extra_time_ticks].operation_code != "R")                     //{                         if (_array[tsc[n].cols[ticks - tsc[n].extra_time_ticks].numbers] == true) // if is true, that means this operation is using at moment, rollback!                         {                             //tsc[n].rollback = tsc[n].rollback++; // the rollback count of this transcation will be increase one                             rollback[n] = rollback[n]+1;                         }                         else                         {                             _array[tsc[n].cols[ticks - tsc[n].extra_time_ticks].numbers] = true; //otherwise set it as true                             //tsc[n].completed = tsc[n].completed++; // the complete count will increase one                             completed[n] = completed[n]+1;                         }                     //}                                          //                 }                 ////****************** Verify the transcation committed or faulty ***************************************                 if (ticks >= tsc[n].extra_time_ticks + tsc[n].cols.Count() && rollback[n] == 0)                 {                     tsc[n].status = Status.Committed;  //if rollback is 0, set status as commited                 }                 else if (rollback[n] > 0)                 {                     tsc[n].status = Status.Faulty; // if have any rollback, set status as faulty                 }                 ////******************************************************************************************************             }             //************** output the result for each ticks *****************************             Console.WriteLine("*********************************************");             Console.WriteLine("Current ticks is: " + ticks);             for (int n = 0; n < TranscationCount; n++)             {                 Console.WriteLine("Transcation[" + (n + 1) + "] status is :" + tsc[n].status);                 Console.WriteLine("The Number of Rollback is:" + rollback[n]);                 Console.WriteLine("The Number of Completed is:" + completed[n]);             }         }       #endregion       #region "Finally output"         //************** Finally output *****************************       // ouput on the screen         Console.WriteLine("########################################");         Console.WriteLine("####### Summary Output #########");         ///Console.WriteLine("Current ticks is: " + ticks);         for (int n = 0; n < TranscationCount; n++)         {             Console.WriteLine("Transcation[" + (n + 1) + "] status is :" + tsc[n].status);             Console.WriteLine("The Number of Rollback is:" + rollback[n]);             Console.WriteLine("The Number of Completed is:" + completed[n]);         }       // write in the log file         using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("five.log"))         {             sw.WriteLine("########################################");             sw.WriteLine("####### Summary Output #########");             ///Console.WriteLine("Current ticks is: " + ticks);             for (int n = 0; n < TranscationCount; n++)             {                 sw.WriteLine("Transcation[" + (n + 1) + "] status is :" + tsc[n].status);                 sw.WriteLine("The Number of Rollback is:" + rollback[n]);                 sw.WriteLine("The Number of Completed is:" + completed[n]);             }         }       #endregion   }}}

The Text script for read:

2 8 1 A SIX
044 R
045 R
046 R
047 R
047 A
046 S
045 S
044 A

3 8 1 A SIX
024 R
034 R
044 R
054 R
054 A
044 A
034 A
911 R
