HRESULT 数据类型和显示错误信息

来源:互联网 发布:土豪金手机淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 01:23


What we should know about HRESULT ?
- HRSULT is a kind of Data Type ( Long 32bit) which is used for Windows.
- It is The return codes used by COM interfaces.
- To test an HRESULT value, use the FAILED and SUCCESSED macros.
- This type is declared in WinNT.h as follows:
   typedef LONG HRESULT;

Structure of COM Error Codes.
- HRESULT value has 32bits and is divided into 3 fields:  a severity code, a facility code, and an error code.

Bit    31 30 29 28 27, 26 25 24 ... 16, 15 14 ... 0
Field  S   R  C   N   r , Facility           , Error

Convert HRSULT retrun codes to error messages.
法(1) We can use  AMGetErrorText Function.
- Syntax :

DWORD AMGetErrorText (HRESULT hr,           // HRESULT value.
TCHAR *pBuffer,     // Pointer to a character buffer that receives the error message. DWORD MaxLen     // Number of characters in pBuffer.);

- Requirement:
   Header: Errors.h (dshow.h)
   Lib : Quarz.lib
- Example:

void ShowError(HRESULT hr){    if (FAILED(hr))    {        TCHAR szErr[MAX_ERROR_TEXT_LEN];        DWORD res = AMGetErrorText(hr, szErr, MAX_ERROR_TEXT_LEN);        if (res == 0)        {            StringCchPrintf(szErr, MAX_ERROR_TEXT_LEN, "Unknown Error: 0x%2x", hr);        }        MessageBox(0, szErr, TEXT("Error!"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);    }}



//But , 我尝试上述,似乎总是找不到AMGetErrorText函数,找不到合适的H文件,可能需要安装额外的SDK.

法 (2) 

CString HrToMessage( HRESULT hr ){     LPVOID lpMsgBuf;     CString strTmp;     ::FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |         FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM,         NULL,         hr,         MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT),         (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,         0,         NULL );     strTmp.Format( _T("%s"), (char *) lpMsgBuf );     ::LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );     return strTmp;}


