Changing the Favicon in PeopleSoft

来源:互联网 发布:2017淘宝双11晚会视频 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 23:19

A Favicon (short for favorites icon, also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon) is a small logo that appears next to the website URL in the browser address bar.  This website has the favicon from WordPress, as that’s the blogging platform that I use.

Although adding a favicon made the web surfing experience marginally more attractive (the favicon also appears in your bookmarks/favourites menu to make it easier to identify each website, for example) it was pretty unimportant to us in the PeopleSoft world.  Now that tabbed browsers are starting to proliferate into company workstation rollouts the favicon is starting to become more useful.

As an example, can you identify these 9 favicons from my open browser tabs (I’ve redacted the text from a couple as they’re pretty easy):

I’m quite a fan of finding methods to make it easy to differentiate your PeopleSoft environments.  I think it’s a useful productivity tweak to be able to instantly know whether you’re in DEV, TST or PRD without having to check the address bar and parse through the URL (for less technical business users especially).

Wouldn’t it be useful to have a different Favicon for each environment?  That way you can easily tell which tab you need.  When you’re trying to find a specific environment that you’ve logged into, how useful is it to go from this:

to this:

And with grouped taskbar buttons being the default in recent versions of Windows, it’s also handy to go from this:

to this:

So how is it done?

It’s not a big customisation, although it does obviously touch a couple of Tools objects.  I’ve written it uphere.


1. Brett B -May 6, 2011

We achieved similar functionality by replacing the “Home” link in all our non production environments with the name of the environment. It’s a simple message catalog change.

update psmsgcatdefn set message_text = ‘TRN’, descrlong = ‘Environment name home replacement’ where message_set_nbr = ’95′ and message_nbr = ’401′;



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