
来源:互联网 发布:圣剑网络三国神将传 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 07:42
#ifdef _WIN32#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE    1#endif#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include "SKP_Silk_SDK_API.h"#include "SKP_Silk_SigProc_FIX.h"#define MAX_BYTES_PER_FRAME     1024#define MAX_INPUT_FRAMES        5#define MAX_FRAME_LENGTH        480#define MAX_LBRR_DELAY          2static void print_usage(char* argv[]) {    printf( "\nusage: %s in.bit out.pcm [settings]\n", argv[ 0 ] );    printf( "\nin.bit        : Bitstream input to decoder" );    printf( "\nout.pcm       : Speech output from decoder" );    printf( "\n   settings:" );    printf( "\n-fs <kHz>     : Sampling rate of output signal in kHz; default: 24" );    printf( "\n-loss <perc>  : Simulated packet loss percentage (0-100); default: 0" );    printf( "\n" );}int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){    size_t    counter;    SKP_int   args, totPackets, i, k;    SKP_int16 ret, len, tot_len;    SKP_int16 nBytes;    SKP_uint8 payload[    MAX_BYTES_PER_FRAME * MAX_INPUT_FRAMES * ( MAX_LBRR_DELAY + 1 ) ];    SKP_uint8 FECpayload[ MAX_BYTES_PER_FRAME * MAX_INPUT_FRAMES ], *payloadPtr;    SKP_uint8 *payloadEnd = NULL, *payloadToDec = NULL;    SKP_int16 nBytesFEC;    SKP_int16 nBytesPerPacket[ MAX_LBRR_DELAY + 1 ], totBytes;    SKP_int16 out[ ( MAX_FRAME_LENGTH << 1 ) * MAX_INPUT_FRAMES ], *outPtr;    char      speechOutFileName[ 150 ], bitInFileName[ 150 ];    FILE      *bitInFile, *speechOutFile;    SKP_int   Fs_kHz = 0;    SKP_int32 decSizeBytes;    void      *psDec;    float     loss_prob;    SKP_int   frames, lost, quiet;    SKP_SILK_SDK_DecControlStruct DecControl;    if( argc < 3 ) {        print_usage( argv );        exit( 0 );    }    quiet     = 0;    loss_prob = 0.0f;    args = 1;    strcpy( bitInFileName, argv[ args ] );    args++;    strcpy( speechOutFileName, argv[ args ] );    args++;    while( args < argc ) {        if( SKP_STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE( argv[ args ], "-loss" ) == 0 ) {            sscanf( argv[ args + 1 ], "%f", &loss_prob );            args += 2;        } else if( SKP_STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE( argv[ args ], "-fs" ) == 0 ) {            sscanf( argv[ args + 1 ], "%d", &Fs_kHz );            args += 2;        } else if( SKP_STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE( argv[ args ], "-quiet" ) == 0 ) {            quiet = 1;            args++;        } else {            printf( "Error: unrecognized setting: %s\n\n", argv[ args ] );            print_usage( argv );            exit( 0 );        }    }    if( !quiet ) {        printf("******************* Silk Decoder v %s ****************\n", SKP_Silk_SDK_get_version());        printf("******************* Compiled for %d bit cpu ********* \n", (int)sizeof(void*) * 8 );        printf( "Input:                       %s\n", bitInFileName );        printf( "Output:                      %s\n", speechOutFileName );    }    bitInFile = fopen( bitInFileName, "rb" );    if( bitInFile == NULL ) {        printf( "Error: could not open input file %s\n", bitInFileName );        exit( 0 );    }    speechOutFile = fopen( speechOutFileName, "wb" );    if( speechOutFile == NULL ) {        printf( "Error: could not open output file %s\n", speechOutFileName );        exit( 0 );    }    if( Fs_kHz == 0 ) {        DecControl.sampleRate = 24000;    } else {        DecControl.sampleRate = Fs_kHz * 1000;    }    ret = SKP_Silk_SDK_Get_Decoder_Size( &decSizeBytes );    if( ret ) {        printf( "\nSKP_Silk_SDK_Get_Decoder_Size returned %d", ret );    }    psDec = malloc( decSizeBytes );    ret = SKP_Silk_SDK_InitDecoder( psDec );    if( ret ) {        printf( "\nSKP_Silk_InitDecoder returned %d", ret );    }    totPackets = 0;    payloadEnd = payload;    for( i = 0; i < MAX_LBRR_DELAY; i++ ) {        counter = fread( &nBytes, sizeof( SKP_int16 ), 1, bitInFile );        counter = fread( payloadEnd, sizeof( SKP_uint8 ), nBytes, bitInFile );        if( (SKP_int16)counter < nBytes ) {            break;        }        nBytesPerPacket[ i ] = nBytes;        payloadEnd          += nBytes;    }    while( 1 ) {        counter = fread( &nBytes, sizeof( SKP_int16 ), 1, bitInFile );        if( nBytes < 0 || counter < 1 ) {            break;        }        counter = fread( payloadEnd, sizeof( SKP_uint8 ), nBytes, bitInFile );        if( (SKP_int16)counter < nBytes ) {            break;        }        if( ( (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX >= loss_prob / 100 ) && counter > 0 ) {            nBytesPerPacket[ MAX_LBRR_DELAY ] = nBytes;            payloadEnd                       += nBytes;        } else {            nBytesPerPacket[ MAX_LBRR_DELAY ] = 0;        }        if( nBytesPerPacket[ 0 ] == 0 ) {            lost = 1;            payloadPtr = payload;            for( i = 0; i < MAX_LBRR_DELAY; i++ ) {                if( nBytesPerPacket[ i + 1 ] > 0 ) {                    SKP_Silk_SDK_search_for_LBRR( psDec, payloadPtr, nBytesPerPacket[ i + 1 ], i + 1, FECpayload, &nBytesFEC );                    if( nBytesFEC > 0 ) {                        payloadToDec = FECpayload;                        nBytes = nBytesFEC;                        lost = 0;                        break;                    }                }                payloadPtr += nBytesPerPacket[ i + 1 ];            }        } else {            lost = 0;            nBytes = nBytesPerPacket[ 0 ];            payloadToDec = payload;        }        outPtr = out;        tot_len = 0;        if( lost == 0 ) {            frames = 0;            do {                ret = SKP_Silk_SDK_Decode( psDec, &DecControl, 0, payloadToDec, nBytes, outPtr, &len );                if( ret ) {                    printf( "\nSKP_Silk_SDK_Decode returned %d", ret );                }                frames++;                outPtr  += len;                tot_len += len;                if( frames > MAX_INPUT_FRAMES ) {                    outPtr  = out;                    tot_len = 0;                    frames  = 0;                }            } while( DecControl.moreInternalDecoderFrames );        } else {            for( i = 0; i < DecControl.framesPerPacket; i++ ) {                ret = SKP_Silk_SDK_Decode( psDec, &DecControl, 1, payloadToDec, nBytes, outPtr, &len );                if( ret ) {                    printf( "\nSKP_Silk_Decode returned %d", ret );                }                outPtr  += len;                tot_len += len;            }        }        totPackets++;        fwrite( out, sizeof( SKP_int16 ), tot_len, speechOutFile );        totBytes = 0;        for( i = 0; i < MAX_LBRR_DELAY; i++ ) {            totBytes += nBytesPerPacket[ i + 1 ];        }        SKP_memmove( payload, &payload[ nBytesPerPacket[ 0 ] ], totBytes * sizeof( SKP_uint8 ) );        payloadEnd -= nBytesPerPacket[ 0 ];        SKP_memmove( nBytesPerPacket, &nBytesPerPacket[ 1 ], MAX_LBRR_DELAY * sizeof( SKP_int16 ) );        if( !quiet ) {            fprintf( stderr, "\rFrames decoded:              %d", totPackets );        }    }    for( k = 0; k < MAX_LBRR_DELAY; k++ ) {        if( nBytesPerPacket[ 0 ] == 0 ) {            lost = 1;       payloadPtr = payload;            for( i = 0; i < MAX_LBRR_DELAY; i++ ) {                if( nBytesPerPacket[ i + 1 ] > 0 ) {                    SKP_Silk_SDK_search_for_LBRR( psDec, payloadPtr, nBytesPerPacket[ i + 1 ], i + 1, FECpayload, &nBytesFEC );                    if( nBytesFEC > 0 ) {                        payloadToDec = FECpayload;                        nBytes = nBytesFEC;                        lost = 0;                        break;                    }                }                payloadPtr += nBytesPerPacket[ i + 1 ];            }        } else {            lost = 0;            nBytes = nBytesPerPacket[ 0 ];            payloadToDec = payload;        }          outPtr  = out;        tot_len = 0;        if( lost == 0 ) {            frames = 0;            do {                ret = SKP_Silk_SDK_Decode( psDec, &DecControl, 0, payloadToDec, nBytes, outPtr, &len );                if( ret ) {                    printf( "\nSKP_Silk_SDK_Decode returned %d", ret );                }                frames++;                outPtr  += len;                tot_len += len;                if( frames > MAX_INPUT_FRAMES ) {                    outPtr  = out;                    tot_len = 0;                    frames  = 0;                }            } while( DecControl.moreInternalDecoderFrames );        } else {            for( i = 0; i < DecControl.framesPerPacket; i++ ) {                ret = SKP_Silk_SDK_Decode( psDec, &DecControl, 1, payloadToDec, nBytes, outPtr, &len );                if( ret ) {                    printf( "\nSKP_Silk_Decode returned %d", ret );                }                outPtr  += len;                tot_len += len;            }        }        totPackets++;        fwrite( out, sizeof( SKP_int16 ), tot_len, speechOutFile );        totBytes = 0;        for( i = 0; i < MAX_LBRR_DELAY; i++ ) {            totBytes += nBytesPerPacket[ i + 1 ];        }        SKP_memmove( payload, &payload[ nBytesPerPacket[ 0 ] ], totBytes * sizeof( SKP_uint8 ) );        payloadEnd -= nBytesPerPacket[ 0 ];        SKP_memmove( nBytesPerPacket, &nBytesPerPacket[ 1 ], MAX_LBRR_DELAY * sizeof( SKP_int16 ) );        if( !quiet ) {            fprintf( stderr, "\rPackets decoded:              %d", totPackets );        }    }    if( !quiet ) {        printf( "\nDecoding Finished \n" );    }free( psDec );    fclose( speechOutFile );    fclose( bitInFile );    return 0;}
