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Pop Songs and Opera Voices
The music group Il Divo combines opera and pop music
August 11th 2006

What happens when classical musicians from aroud the world sing pop songs? That’s the question famous British music producer Simon Cowell asked in 2001. Cowell wanted to create a singing group to bridge the gap between classicl music and pop. He held and international talent search to find classical singers. His extensive search lasted almost two years.
In December 2003, Cowell’s search ended. He found four talented and handsome singers from Spain, the United States, France and Switzerland. These four men became the singing group Ⅱ Divo.
在2003年的12月,科维尔搜罗人才一事宣告终结。他已从西班牙,美国,法国和瑞士等国找到四位年青的帅歌手。这四位帅哥男生就成为“艾尔。迪瓦”演唱乐队。The group has made opera-style music appealling to people who don’t like traditional opera. They sing both old and new pop songs with strong classical voices. This opera-style pop-dubbed “popera”-blurs musical genres. Ⅱ Divo has sung songs by such sings in English, Italian, French and Spanish.
The groug’s first album sold more than 5 million copies worldwide. It topped the music charts in 13 counties. Their second album, Ancora, was released in November 2005.

Word band

Bridge the gap(idiom) 搭起桥梁;缩短距离或差距
The government is working on ways to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor.
After Hurricane Katrina, people made an extensive effort to clean up New Orleans.
Dub (v) 被称为
Detroit, Michigan, is dubbed “Motor City” because it is the center of car manufacturing in America.
Blur (v) 使模糊不清
Be careful what you’re teaching. Don’t bulr the line between what is right and what is wrong.

More information

Talent search(n) 选秀;觅才
Wnen Beverly was young, she competed in many talent serches to become a famous dance.
Muisc charts (n pl) 音乐排行榜
This song is very popular;;it’s been No. 1 on the music charts for a whole month!
