Advanced PHP Programming -- 如何理解 Console/Getopt.php 的使用 P129

来源:互联网 发布:信息可视化软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 18:58

  开始没怎么理解short options 与 long options , 后来看了(这个连接中的例子理解了。对“Console/Getopt.php”的了解也根据上面连接里的内容。



<?php/** * Example how to get a key-value pair array * from command line parameters with Console_Getopt. * * @link */require_once 'Console/Getopt.php';/** * Make a key-value array. * Since Console_Getopt does not provide such a method, * we implement it ourselves. * * @params array $params Array of parameters from Console_Getopt::getopt2() * * @return array key-value pair array */function &condense_arguments($params){    $new_params = array();    foreach ($params[0] as $param) {        $new_params[$param[0]] = $param[1];    }    return $new_params;}$cg = new Console_Getopt();$args = $cg->readPHPArgv();array_shift($args);$shortOpts = 'u:g:';$longOpts  = array('user=', 'group=');$params = $cg->getopt2($args, $shortOpts, $longOpts);if (PEAR::isError($params)) {    echo 'Error: ' . $params->getMessage() . "\n";    exit(1);}var_dump(condense_arguments($params));/*When called as follows: associative.php -u jason -g argonautsyou will get this output: array(2) {   ["u"]=>   string(5) "jason"   ["g"]=>   string(9) "argonauts" } */?> 

