
来源:互联网 发布:软件 一面 苹果 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 06:41



import java.awt.BasicStroke;import java.awt.BorderLayout;import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.Container;import java.awt.Dimension;import java.awt.Font;import java.awt.Graphics;import java.awt.Graphics2D;import java.awt.GridLayout;import java.awt.RenderingHints;import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;import java.awt.geom.Line2D;import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;import javax.swing.JComponent;import javax.swing.JFrame;import javax.swing.JPanel;/** * 刻度盘 * @author xdoc */public class Tick extends JComponent {    private static final int VALUE_FONT_SIZE = 18;    private double from = 0;    private double to = 10;    private String type = "line";    private double major = 1;    private double minor = 0.1;    private String value = "";    private String unit = "";    public double getFrom() {        return from;    }    public Tick() {        super();        this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 60));        this.setBackground(Color.WHITE);    }    public void setFrom(double from) {        this.from = from;    }    public double getMajor() {        return major;    }    public void setMajor(double major) {        this.major = major;    }    public double getMinor() {        return minor;    }    public void setMinor(double minor) {        this.minor = minor;    }    public double getTo() {        return to;    }    public void setTo(double to) {        this.to = to;    }    public String getType() {        return type;    }    /**     * 直尺     */    public static final String LINE = "line";    /**     * 120度圆环     */    public static final String RING_120 = "ring120";    public static final String RING_180 = "ring180";    public static final String RING_240 = "ring240";    /**     * 圆盘     */    public static final String CIRCLE = "circle";    public void setType(String type) {        this.type = type;    }    public String getUnit() {        return unit;    }    public void setUnit(String unit) {        this.unit = unit;    }    public String getValue() {        return value;    }    public void setValue(String value) {        this.value = value;    }    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {        double w = this.getWidth();        double h = this.getHeight();        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;        g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);        g2.setColor(this.getBackground());        g2.fillRect(0, 0, (int) w, (int) h);        g2.setColor(this.getForeground());        g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1));        int fontSize = 14;        g2.setFont(new Font(Font.SERIF, Font.PLAIN, fontSize));        if (major <= 0) {            major = to - from;        }        if (to > from) {            if (type.startsWith("ring") || type.equals("circle")) {                double angle;                double angleStart;                if (type.equals("circle")) {                    angle = 360;                    angleStart = Math.PI / 2;                } else {                    angle = toDouble(type.substring(4));                    angleStart = (180 + (angle - 180) / 2) / 180 * Math.PI;                }                double r = angle <= 180 ? Math.min(w / 2, h) : Math.min(w / 2, h / 2);                double voff = angle <= 180 ? 0 : r;                double dunit = (angle / 180 * Math.PI) / (to - from);                for (int i = 0; i <= (to - from) / major; i++) {                    g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(Math.cos(angleStart - i * major * dunit) * r + w / 2, h - voff - Math.sin(angleStart - i * major * dunit) * r,                            Math.cos(angleStart - i * major * dunit) * r * 0.75 + w / 2, h - voff - Math.sin(angleStart - i * major * dunit) * r * 0.75));                    if (minor > 0 && i < (to - from) / major) {                        for (int j = 1; j < major / minor; j++) {                            if (i * major + j * minor < to - from) {                                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(Math.cos(angleStart - (i * major + j * minor) * dunit) * r + w / 2, h - voff - Math.sin(angleStart - (i * major + j * minor) * dunit) * r,                                        Math.cos(angleStart - (i * major + j * minor) * dunit) * r * 0.875 + w / 2, h - voff - Math.sin(angleStart - (i * major + j * minor) * dunit) * r * 0.875));                            }                        }                    }                }                if (value.length() > 0) {                    double val = toDouble(value);                    GeneralPath p = new GeneralPath();                    p.moveTo(Math.cos(angleStart - (val - from) * dunit) * r * 0.875 + w / 2, h - voff - Math.sin(angleStart - (val - from) * dunit) * r * 0.875);                    p.lineTo(Math.cos(angleStart - (val - from) * dunit + Math.PI * 0.5) * 2 + w / 2, h - voff - Math.sin(angleStart - (val - from) * dunit + Math.PI * 0.5) * 2);                    p.lineTo(Math.cos(angleStart - (val - from) * dunit - Math.PI * 0.5) * 2 + w / 2, h - voff - Math.sin(angleStart - (val - from) * dunit - Math.PI * 0.5) * 2);                    p.closePath();                    g2.fill(p);                }            } else {                if (w > h) {                    double dunit = w / (to - from);                    for (int i = 0; i <= (to - from) / major; i++) {                        g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(i * major * dunit, 0, i * major * dunit, h - fontSize));                        if (i < (to - from) / major && minor > 0) {                            for (int j = 1; j < major / minor; j++) {                                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((i * major + j * minor) * dunit, 0, (i * major + j * minor) * dunit, (h - fontSize) / 2));                            }                        }                    }                    if (value.length() > 0) {                        double val = toDouble(value);                        GeneralPath p = new GeneralPath();                        p.moveTo((val - from) * dunit, (h - fontSize) / 2);                        p.lineTo((val - from) * dunit - 4, h - fontSize);                        p.lineTo((val - from) * dunit + 4, h - fontSize);                        p.closePath();                        g2.fill(p);                    }                } else {                    int max = (int) Math.max(getStrBounds(g2, format(from)).getWidth(), getStrBounds(g2, format(to)).getWidth());                    double dunit = h / (to - from);                    for (int i = 0; i <= (to - from) / major; i++) {                        g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(0, h - i * major * dunit, w - max, h - i * major * dunit));                        if (i < (to - from) / major && minor > 0) {                            for (int j = 1; j < major / minor; j++) {                                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(0, h - (i * major + j * minor) * dunit, (w - max) / 2, h - (i * major + j * minor) * dunit));                            }                        }                    }                    if (value.length() > 0) {                        double val = toDouble(value);                        GeneralPath p = new GeneralPath();                        p.moveTo((w - max) / 2, h - (val - from) * dunit);                        p.lineTo(w - max, h - (val - from) * dunit - 4);                        p.lineTo(w - max, h - (val - from) * dunit + 4);                        p.closePath();                        g2.fill(p);                    }                }            }        }        if (to > from) {            if (major > 0) {                if (type.startsWith("ring") || type.equals("circle")) {                    double angle;                    double angleStart;                    if (type.equals("circle")) {                        angle = 360;                        angleStart = Math.PI / 2;                    } else {                        angle = toDouble(type.substring(4));                        angleStart = (180 + (angle - 180) / 2) / 180 * Math.PI;                    }                    double r = angle <= 180 ? Math.min(w / 2, h) : Math.min(w / 2, h / 2);                    double voff = angle <= 180 ? 0 : r;                    double dunit = (angle / 180 * Math.PI) / (to - from);                    int xoff = 0;                    int yoff = 0;                    double strAngle;                    for (int i = type.equals("circle") ? 1 : 0; i <= (to - from) / major; i++) {                        String str;                        str = format(from + i * major);                        strAngle = (angleStart - i * major * dunit + Math.PI * 2) % (Math.PI * 2);                        xoff = 0;                        yoff = 0;                        if (strAngle >= 0 && strAngle < Math.PI * 0.25) {                            xoff = (int) -getStrBounds(g2, str).getWidth();                            yoff = fontSize / 2;                            if (strAngle == 0 && angle == 180) {                                yoff = 0;                            }                        } else if (near(strAngle, Math.PI * 0.5)) {                            xoff = (int) -getStrBounds(g2, str).getWidth() / 2;                            yoff = fontSize;                        } else if (strAngle >= Math.PI * 0.25 && strAngle < Math.PI * 0.5) {                            xoff = (int) -getStrBounds(g2, str).getWidth();                            yoff = fontSize;                        } else if (strAngle >= Math.PI * 0.5 && strAngle < Math.PI * 0.75) {                            yoff = fontSize;                        } else if (strAngle >= Math.PI * 0.75 && strAngle < Math.PI) {                            yoff = fontSize / 2;                        } else if (near(strAngle, Math.PI)) {                            xoff = 1;                            yoff = fontSize / 2;                            if (angle == 180) {                                yoff = 0;                            }                        } else if (strAngle >= Math.PI && strAngle < Math.PI * 1.25) {                            yoff = fontSize / 4;                        } else if (near(strAngle, Math.PI * 1.5)) {                            xoff = (int) -getStrBounds(g2, str).getWidth() / 2;                        } else if (strAngle >= Math.PI * 1.5 && strAngle < Math.PI * 2) {                            xoff = (int) -getStrBounds(g2, str).getWidth();                        }                        g2.drawString(str, (int) (Math.cos(strAngle) * r * 0.75 + w / 2) + xoff, (int) (h - voff - Math.sin(strAngle) * r * 0.75) + yoff);                    }                    g2.setFont(new Font("", Font.BOLD, VALUE_FONT_SIZE));                    if (value.length() > 0) {                        voff = angle <= 180 ? 10 : r - fontSize / 2;                        drawValue(g2, value + unit, (int) (w / 2 - getStrBounds(g2, value).getWidth() / 2), (int) (h - voff));                    }                } else {                    if (w > h) {                        double dunit = w / (to - from);                        int off = 0;                        String str;                        for (int i = 0; i <= (to - from) / major; i++) {                            str = format(from + i * major);                            if (i == 0) {                                str += unit;                                off = 0;                            } else if (i == (to - from) / major) {                                off = (int) -getStrBounds(g2, str).getWidth();                            } else {                                off = (int) (-getStrBounds(g2, str).getWidth() / 2);                            }                            g2.drawString(str, (int) (i * major * dunit) + off, (int) (h - 2));                        }                        if (value.length() > 0) {                            double val = toDouble(value);                            value = format(val);                            if (val == from) {                                off = 0;                            } else if (val == to) {                                off = (int) -getStrBounds(g2, value + unit).getWidth();                            } else {                                off = (int) (-getStrBounds(g2, value + unit).getWidth() / 2);                            }                            if ((h - fontSize) / 2 >= fontSize) {                                drawValue(g2, value + unit, (int) ((val - from) * dunit) + off, (int) ((h - fontSize) / 2));                            } else {                                drawValue(g2, value + unit, (int) ((val - from) * dunit) + off, fontSize);                            }                        }                    } else {                        double dunit = h / (to - from);                        int max = (int) Math.max(getStrBounds(g2, format(from)).getWidth(), getStrBounds(g2, format(to)).getWidth());                        int off = 0;                        for (int i = 0; i <= (to - from) / major; i++) {                            if (i == 0) {                                off = 0;                            } else if (i == (to - from) / major) {                                off = fontSize;                            } else {                                off = fontSize / 2;                            }                            g2.drawString(format(from + i * major), (int) (w - max + 1), (int) (h - i * major * dunit) + off);                        }                        if (unit.length() > 0) {                            g2.drawString(unit, (int) ((w - max) / 2 + 1), (int) (h - fontSize));                        }                        if (value.length() > 0) {                            double val = toDouble(value);                            value = format(val);                            if (val == 0) {                                off = 0;                            } else if (val == to) {                                off = VALUE_FONT_SIZE;                            } else {                                off = VALUE_FONT_SIZE / 2;                            }                            drawValue(g2, value + unit, (int) ((w - getStrBounds(g2, value + unit).getWidth()) / 2), (int) (h - (val - from) * dunit + off));                        }                    }                }            }        }    }    private void drawValue(Graphics2D g2, String value, int x, int y) {        g2.setFont(new Font(Font.SERIF, Font.BOLD, VALUE_FONT_SIZE));        g2.drawString(value, x, y);    }    private String format(double d) {        if ((int) d == d) {            return String.valueOf((int) d);        } else {            return String.valueOf(d);        }    }    private double toDouble(String string) {        try {            return Double.valueOf(string);        } catch (Exception e) {            return 0;        }    }    private boolean near(double d1, double d2) {        return Math.round(d1 * 1000000) == Math.round(d2 * 1000000);    }    private static Rectangle2D getStrBounds(Graphics2D g, String str) {        Font f = g.getFont();        Rectangle2D rect = f.getStringBounds(str, g.getFontRenderContext());        if (rect.getHeight() < f.getSize()) {            rect.setFrame(rect.getX(), rect.getY(), rect.getWidth(), f.getSize() + 1);        }        return rect;    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        try {            JFrame f = new JFrame("刻度盘测试");            Container p = f.getContentPane();            Tick tick;            tick = new Tick();            tick.setType(Tick.LINE);            tick.setValue("3");            tick.setUnit("CM");            p.add(tick, BorderLayout.NORTH);            tick = new Tick();            tick.setType(Tick.LINE);            p.add(tick, BorderLayout.WEST);            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2, 2));            tick = new Tick();            tick.setForeground(Color.BLUE);            tick.setType(Tick.RING_120);            tick.setValue("3.5");            tick.setUnit("A");            panel.add(tick);            tick = new Tick();            tick.setType(Tick.RING_180);            tick.setValue("6");            tick.setUnit("V");            panel.add(tick);            tick = new Tick();            tick.setType(Tick.RING_240);            tick.setValue("3");            tick.setUnit("Kg");            panel.add(tick);            tick = new Tick();            tick.setType(Tick.CIRCLE);            tick.setValue("3");            tick.setUnit("Kg");            tick.setBackground(Color.BLACK);            tick.setForeground(Color.WHITE);            panel.add(tick);            p.add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);            f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);            f.setSize(640, 480);            f.setVisible(true);        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }}
