
来源:互联网 发布:蓝牙串口软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 17:31


2)程序:分析pcap文件头 -> 分析pcap_pkt头 -> 分析帧头 -> 分析ip头 -> 分析tcp头 -> 分析http信息

#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<netinet/in.h>#include<time.h>#define BUFSIZE 10240#define STRSIZE 1024typedef long bpf_int32;typedef unsigned long bpf_u_int32;typedef unsigned short  u_short;typedef unsigned long u_int32;typedef unsigned short u_int16;typedef unsigned char u_int8;//pacp文件头结构体struct pcap_file_header{bpf_u_int32 magic;       /* 0xa1b2c3d4 */u_short version_major;   /* magjor Version 2 */u_short version_minor;   /* magjor Version 4 */bpf_int32 thiszone;      /* gmt to local correction */bpf_u_int32 sigfigs;     /* accuracy of timestamps */bpf_u_int32 snaplen;     /* max length saved portion of each pkt */bpf_u_int32 linktype;    /* data link type (LINKTYPE_*) */};//时间戳struct time_val{long tv_sec;         /* seconds 含义同 time_t 对象的值 */long tv_usec;        /* and microseconds */};//pcap数据包头结构体struct pcap_pkthdr{struct time_val ts;  /* time stamp */bpf_u_int32 caplen; /* length of portion present */bpf_u_int32 len;    /* length this packet (off wire) */};//数据帧头typedef struct FramHeader_t{ //Pcap捕获的数据帧头u_int8 DstMAC[6]; //目的MAC地址u_int8 SrcMAC[6]; //源MAC地址u_short FrameType;    //帧类型} FramHeader_t;//IP数据报头typedef struct IPHeader_t{ //IP数据报头u_int8 Ver_HLen;       //版本+报头长度u_int8 TOS;            //服务类型u_int16 TotalLen;       //总长度u_int16 ID; //标识u_int16 Flag_Segment;   //标志+片偏移u_int8 TTL;            //生存周期u_int8 Protocol;       //协议类型u_int16 Checksum;       //头部校验和u_int32 SrcIP; //源IP地址u_int32 DstIP; //目的IP地址} IPHeader_t;//TCP数据报头typedef struct TCPHeader_t{ //TCP数据报头u_int16 SrcPort; //源端口u_int16 DstPort; //目的端口u_int32 SeqNO; //序号u_int32 AckNO; //确认号u_int8 HeaderLen; //数据报头的长度(4 bit) + 保留(4 bit)u_int8 Flags; //标识TCP不同的控制消息u_int16 Window; //窗口大小u_int16 Checksum; //校验和u_int16 UrgentPointer;  //紧急指针}TCPHeader_t;//void match_http(FILE *fp, char *head_str, char *tail_str, char *buf, int total_len); //查找 http 信息函数//int main(){struct pcap_file_header *file_header;struct pcap_pkthdr *ptk_header;IPHeader_t *ip_header;TCPHeader_t *tcp_header;FILE *fp, *output;int   pkt_offset, i=0;int ip_len, http_len, ip_proto;int src_port, dst_port, tcp_flags;char buf[BUFSIZE], my_time[STRSIZE];char src_ip[STRSIZE], dst_ip[STRSIZE];char  host[STRSIZE], uri[BUFSIZE];//初始化file_header = (struct pcap_file_header *)malloc(sizeof(struct pcap_file_header));ptk_header  = (struct pcap_pkthdr *)malloc(sizeof(struct pcap_pkthdr));ip_header = (IPHeader_t *)malloc(sizeof(IPHeader_t));tcp_header = (TCPHeader_t *)malloc(sizeof(TCPHeader_t));memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));//if((fp = fopen(“test.pcap”,”r”)) == NULL){printf(“error: can not open pcap file\n”);exit(0);}if((output = fopen(“output.txt”,”w+”)) == NULL){(“error: can not open output file\n”);exit(0);}//开始读数据包pkt_offset = 24; //pcap文件头结构 24个字节while(fseek(fp, pkt_offset, SEEK_SET) == 0) //遍历数据包{i++;//pcap_pkt_header 16 byteif(fread(ptk_header, 16, 1, fp) != 1) //读pcap数据包头结构{printf(“\nread end of pcap file\n”);break;}pkt_offset += 16 + ptk_header->caplen;   //下一个数据包的偏移值strftime(my_time, sizeof(my_time), “%Y-%m-%d %T”, localtime(&(ptk_header->ts.tv_sec))); //获取时间// printf(“%d: %s\n”, i, my_time);//数据帧头 14字节fseek(fp, 14, SEEK_CUR); //忽略数据帧头//IP数据报头 20字节if(fread(ip_header, sizeof(IPHeader_t), 1, fp) != 1){printf(“%d: can not read ip_header\n”, i);break;}inet_ntop(AF_INET, (void *)&(ip_header->SrcIP), src_ip, 16);inet_ntop(AF_INET, (void *)&(ip_header->DstIP), dst_ip, 16);ip_proto = ip_header->Protocol;ip_len = ip_header->TotalLen; //IP数据报总长度// printf(“%d:  src=%s\n”, i, src_ip);if(ip_proto != 0×06) //判断是否是 TCP 协议{continue;}//TCP头 20字节if(fread(tcp_header, sizeof(TCPHeader_t), 1, fp) != 1){printf(“%d: can not read ip_header\n”, i);break;}src_port = ntohs(tcp_header->SrcPort);dst_port = ntohs(tcp_header->DstPort);tcp_flags = tcp_header->Flags;// printf(“%d:  src=%x\n”, i, tcp_flags);if(tcp_flags == 0×18) // (PSH, ACK) 3路握手成功后{if(dst_port == 80) // HTTP GET请求{http_len = ip_len – 40; //http 报文长度match_http(fp, “Host: “, “\r\n”, host, http_len); //查找 host 值match_http(fp, “GET “, “HTTP”, uri, http_len); //查找 uri 值sprintf(buf, “%d:  %s  src=%s:%d  dst=%s:%d  %s%s\r\n”, i, my_time, src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port, host, uri);//printf(“%s”, buf);if(fwrite(buf, strlen(buf), 1, output) != 1){printf(“output file can not write”);break;}}}} // end whilefclose(fp);fclose(output);return 0;}//查找 HTTP 信息void match_http(FILE *fp, char *head_str, char *tail_str, char *buf, int total_len){int i;int http_offset;int head_len, tail_len, val_len;char head_tmp[STRSIZE], tail_tmp[STRSIZE];//初始化memset(head_tmp, 0, sizeof(head_tmp));memset(tail_tmp, 0, sizeof(tail_tmp));head_len = strlen(head_str);tail_len = strlen(tail_str);//查找 head_strhttp_offset = ftell(fp); //记录下HTTP报文初始文件偏移while((head_tmp[0] = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) //逐个字节遍历{if((ftell(fp) – http_offset) > total_len) //遍历完成{sprintf(buf, “can not find %s \r\n”, head_str);exit(0);}if(head_tmp[0] == *head_str) //匹配到第一个字符{for(i=1; i<head_len; i++) //匹配 head_str 的其他字符{head_tmp[i]=fgetc(fp);if(head_tmp[i] != *(head_str+i))break;}if(i == head_len) //匹配 head_str 成功,停止遍历break;}}// printf(“head_tmp=%s \n”, head_tmp);//查找 tail_strval_len = 0;while((tail_tmp[0] = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) //遍历{if((ftell(fp) – http_offset) > total_len) //遍历完成{sprintf(buf, “can not find %s \r\n”, tail_str);exit(0);}buf[val_len++] = tail_tmp[0]; //用buf 存储 value 直到查找到 tail_strif(tail_tmp[0] == *tail_str) //匹配到第一个字符{for(i=1; i<tail_len; i++) //匹配 head_str 的其他字符{tail_tmp[i]=fgetc(fp);if(tail_tmp[i] != *(tail_str+i))break;}if(i == tail_len) //匹配 head_str 成功,停止遍历{buf[val_len-1] = 0; //清除多余的一个字符break;}}}// printf(“val=%s\n”, buf);fseek(fp, http_offset, SEEK_SET); //将文件指针 回到初始偏移}