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The EM_GETOLEINTERFACE message retrieves an IRichEditOle object that a client can use to access a rich edit control's COM functionality.

To send this message, call the SendMessage function with the following parameters.

SendMessage(     (HWND) hWnd,            // handle to destination window     EM_GETOLEINTERFACE,     // message to send    (WPARAM) wParam,        // not used; must be zero    (LPARAM) lParam         // IRichEditOle object (LPVOID *)  );参数:wParam This parameter is not used; it must be zero. lParam Pointer to a pointer that receives the IRichEditOle object. The   control calls the AddRef method   for the object before returning, so the calling application must call the Release method when it is done with   the object. 返回值:如果操作成功返回非零值.如果操作失败返回零值.需求:Windows NT/2000/XP: Included in Windows NT 4.0 and later.Windows   95/98/Me: Included in Windows 95 and later.头文件: Declared in   Richedit.h.