cgi 上传文件(c 语言) 进度条显示

来源:互联网 发布:海迈预算软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 07:23
//虚拟机上搭建apache服务器上传文件//1.代码:#include "stdio.h"#include "string.h"#include "stdlib.h"#include "dirent.h"#include <wchar.h>#include <assert.h>static int atoii (char *zzzz){  int i = 0;  int num=0;for(i=0;i<20;i++){  if(zzzz[i] >= '0' && zzzz[i] <= '9')  {  num = num * 10 + (zzzz[i] - '0'); }else { break; }}  return num;}char* getCgiData(FILE* fp, char* requestmethod){       char* input;       int len;   char *pppp;       int size = 1024;       int i = 0;     if(!strcmp(requestmethod, "GET"))       {              input = getenv("QUERY_STRING");              return input;       }       else if (!strcmp(requestmethod, "POST"))       {       pppp=getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");             len = atoii(pppp);              input = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(size + 1));                  if (len == 0)              {                     input[0] = '\0';                     return input;              }        fgets(input, len+1, stdin);input[len]='\0'; return input;       }       return NULL;}static unsigned int tmppp=0;char *getFileName(unsigned char *req){int i;int leng;tmppp=0;char *psz1; char *psz2;unsigned char *cur_post,*buf;// get filename keywordif ((psz1=strstr(req, "filename=")) == NULL){return (char *)&tmppp;}// get pointer to actual filename (it's in quotes)psz1+=strlen("filename=");if ((psz1 = strtok(psz1, "\"")) == NULL){return (char *)&tmppp;}// remove leading path for both PC and UNIX systemsif ((psz2 = strrchr(psz1,'\\')) != NULL){psz1 = psz2+1;}if ((psz2 = strrchr(psz1,'/')) != NULL){psz1 = psz2+1;}return psz1;}main(){char *reqMethod;char *wp;char *var=NULL;int len;long total,i,count;char *fileName,*ps1,*ps2;char *fileN;char Boundary[256];char errorBuf[200]="";char tmpBuf[512];char filePath[256]="/usr/local/apache2/webdav/";//directory of uploaded fileFILE *fileBuf=NULL;reqMethod=getenv("REQUEST_METHOD");len=atoii(getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"));printf("%s","Content-type:text/html \r\n\r\n");//printf("<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=UTF-8\"></head>");Boundary[0] = '\r';Boundary[1] = '\n';Boundary[2] = '\0';if (fgets(&Boundary[2], sizeof(Boundary)-2, stdin) == NULL){sprintf(errorBuf,"%s","Get boundary failed !");goto error;}//strip terminating CR / LFif ((ps1=strchr(&Boundary[2],'\r')) != NULL){*ps1 = '\0';}if ((ps1=strchr(&Boundary[2],'\n')) != NULL){*ps1 = '\0';}//printf("Boundry=\"%s\"<br>",Boundary);//printf("content-length=%d<br>",len);fgets(tmpBuf,512,stdin);//printf("All=%s<br>",tmpBuf);fileName=getFileName(tmpBuf);if(fileName){//printf("fileName=%s<br>",fileName);}strcat(filePath,fileName);//printf("filepath===%s<br>",filePath);memset(tmpBuf,512,0x00);fgets(tmpBuf,512,stdin);//printf("%s<br>",tmpBuf);//content-typememset(tmpBuf,512,0x00);fgets(tmpBuf,512,stdin);//printf("%s<br>",tmpBuf);// \r\nif(fopen(filePath,"rb")){sprintf(errorBuf,"%s","File already exist."); goto error;}if ((fileBuf = fopen(filePath, "wb+")) == NULL){sprintf(errorBuf,"%s","File open error.Make sure you have the permission.");goto error;}// copy the filewhile ((count=fread(tmpBuf, 1, 512, stdin)) != 0){if ((fwrite(tmpBuf, 1, count, fileBuf)) != count){sprintf(errorBuf,"%s","Write file error.");goto error;}}// re read last 128 bytes of file, handling files < 128 bytesif ((count = ftell(fileBuf)) == -1){goto error;}if (count > 128){count = 128;}if (fseek(fileBuf, 0-count, SEEK_END) != 0){goto error;}// get the new positionif ((total = ftell(fileBuf)) == -1){goto error;}// and read the data from fileBufcount = fread(tmpBuf, 1, sizeof(tmpBuf), fileBuf);tmpBuf[count] = '\0';//printf("count=%ld<br>",count);// determine offset of terminating boundary linefor (i=0; i<=(count); i++)//-(long)strlen(Boundary){//printf("%c",tmpBuf[i]);if (tmpBuf[i] == Boundary[0]){//printf("found /r<br>");if(strncmp(Boundary, &tmpBuf[i], strlen(Boundary)) == 0){total+=i;//printf("find boudary.<br>");break;}}}//printf("<br>i=%ld<br>",i);//printf("total=%ld<br>",total);if (fseek(fileBuf,total, SEEK_SET) != 0){goto error;}if ((total = ftell(fileBuf)) == -1){goto error;}//printf("total=%ld<br>",total);// truncate the terminating boundary line .int fd=fileno(fileBuf);ftruncate(fd,total);fflush(fileBuf);error:if (fileBuf != NULL){fclose(fileBuf);}if(errorBuf[0]!='\0')//打印信息到网页的隐藏的iframe中printf("<script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>alert('%s');parent.location.replace('upload.html');</script>",errorBuf);else {//printf("file upload success !<br>");printf("<script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>alert('File upload success!');parent.location.replace('upload.html');</script>");}return;}


2. 编译代码

 gcc -o upload upload.c

3.网页文件,因无法通过ajax实现无刷新上传文件,只好借用隐藏的 iframe实现。包含有进度条哦!

<html><head><title></title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><META http-equiv=Pragma content=no-cache><META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"><script>var time=0;var delay_time=1000;var loop_num=0;function getRefToDivNest(divID, oDoc) {  if( !oDoc ) { oDoc = document; }  if( document.layers ) {if( oDoc.layers[divID] ) { return oDoc.layers[divID]; } else {for( var x = 0, y; !y && x < oDoc.layers.length; x++ ) {y = getRefToDivNest(divID,oDoc.layers[x].document); }return y; } }  if( document.getElementById ) { return document.getElementById(divID); }  if( document.all ) { return document.all[divID]; }  return document[divID];}function progressBar( oBt, oBc, oBg, oBa, oWi, oHi, oDr ) {  MWJ_progBar++; = 'MWJ_progBar' + MWJ_progBar; this.dir = oDr; this.width = oWi; this.height = oHi; this.amt = 0;  //write the bar as a layer in an ilayer in two tables giving the border  document.write( '<span id = "progress_div" class = "off" > <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="'+oBt+'">'+'<tr><td>Please wait...</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="'+oBc+'">'+'<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td height="'+oHi+'" width="'+oWi+'" bgcolor="'+oBg+'">' );  if( document.layers ) {document.write( '<ilayer height="'+oHi+'" width="'+oWi+'"><layer bgcolor="'+oBa+'" name="MWJ_progBar'+MWJ_progBar+'"></layer></ilayer>' );  } else {document.write( '<div style="position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;height:'+oHi+'px;width:'+oWi+';">'+'<div style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;height:0px;width:0;font-size:1px;background-color:'+oBa+';" id="MWJ_progBar'+MWJ_progBar+'"></div></div>' );  }  document.write( '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></span>\n' );  this.setBar = resetBar; //doing this inline causes unexpected bugs in early NS4  this.setCol = setColour;}function resetBar( a, b ) {  //work out the required size and use various methods to enforce it  this.amt = ( typeof( b ) == 'undefined' ) ? a : b ? ( this.amt + a ) : ( this.amt - a );  if( isNaN( this.amt ) ) { this.amt = 0; } if( this.amt > 1 ) { this.amt = 1; } if( this.amt < 0 ) { this.amt = 0; }  var theWidth = Math.round( this.width * ( ( this.dir % 2 ) ? this.amt : 1 ) );  var theHeight = Math.round( this.height * ( ( this.dir % 2 ) ? 1 : this.amt ) );  var theDiv = getRefToDivNest( ); if( !theDiv ) { window.status = 'Progress: ' + Math.round( 100 * this.amt ) + '%'; return; }  if( ) { theDiv =; theDiv.clip = 'rect(0px '+theWidth+'px '+theHeight+'px 0px)'; }  var oPix = document.childNodes ? 'px' : 0;  theDiv.width = theWidth + oPix; theDiv.pixelWidth = theWidth; theDiv.height = theHeight + oPix; theDiv.pixelHeight = theHeight;  if( theDiv.resizeTo ) { theDiv.resizeTo( theWidth, theHeight ); }  theDiv.left = ( ( this.dir != 3 ) ? 0 : this.width - theWidth ) + oPix; = ( ( this.dir != 4 ) ? 0 : this.height - theHeight ) + oPix;}function setColour( a ) {  //change all the different colour styles  var theDiv = getRefToDivNest( ); if( ) { theDiv =; }  theDiv.bgColor = a; theDiv.backgroundColor = a; theDiv.background = a;}function show_div(show,id) {if(show){document.getElementById(id).style.display  = "block";}else{document.getElementById(id).style.display  = "none";}}function progress(){if (time < 1){time = time + 0.033;}else {time = 0;loop_num++;}setTimeout('progress()',delay_time);myProgBar.setBar(time);}function sendClicked(F){ if(document.usb_upload.uploadedfile.value == ""){document.usb_upload.uploadedfile.focus();alert('File name can not be empty !');return false;}F.submit();show_div(true, "progress_div");progress();}function init(){show_div(0, "progress_div");}</script></head><body onload=init();><h1>upload file</h1><form name="usb_upload" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/cgi-bin/upload" method="post" target="hidden_frame"><p>Select File:<input id="uploadedfile" type="file" size="35" name="uploadedfile">  <input id="Upload" onclick=sendClicked(this.form) type=button name="Upload" value="Upload"></p><iframe name='hidden_frame' id="hidden_frame" style='display:none'></iframe> </form><iframe name='hidden_frame' id="hidden_frame" style='display:none'></iframe><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2">var MWJ_progBar = 0;var myProgBar = new progressBar(1,'#2e2e2e', '#2e2e2e','#043db2',300,15,1);</script><div id="current_directory" style="display:none"></div></body></html> 

