superAdmin: Quickly change the status of EmailReport && Property

来源:互联网 发布:景云网络防病毒 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 05:27

1, List page(aspx.cs)

 if (resultList.ElementAt(i).frequency == -1)                    {                        listStr += "<td class='" + styleClass + "'> Closed   <div class='showAslink' href='' onclick='ajaxChangeStatusForEmailReport(" + resultList.ElementAt(i).idAgent + "," + 0 + ")'>TurnOn</div></td>";                    }                    else if (resultList.ElementAt(i).frequency == 0)                    {                        listStr += "<td class='" + styleClass + "'>" + "Unopen!" + "</span>   <div class='showAslink' href='' onclick='ajaxChangeStatusForEmailReport(" + resultList.ElementAt(i).idAgent + "," + 1 + ")'>Open</div></td>";                    }                    else                    {                        listStr += "<td class='" + styleClass + "'>" + resultList.ElementAt(i).frequency + " Day   <div class='showAslink' href='' onclick='ajaxChangeStatusForEmailReport(" + resultList.ElementAt(i).idAgent + "," + 2 + ")'>TurnOff</div></td>";                    }                    //************ template ************                    if (resultList.ElementAt(i).Template == 0)                    { listStr += "<td class='" + styleClass + "'> Default " + "   <div class='showAslink' href='' onclick='ajaxChangeTemplateForEmailReport(" + resultList.ElementAt(i).idAgent + "," + 0 + ")'>Change</div> </td>"; }                    else if (resultList.ElementAt(i).Template == 1)                    { listStr += "<td class='" + styleClass + "'> Onview " + "   <div class='showAslink' href='' onclick='ajaxChangeTemplateForEmailReport(" + resultList.ElementAt(i).idAgent + "," + 1 + ")'>Change</div> </td>"; }                    else                    { listStr += "<td class='" + styleClass + "'> Other </td>"; }

 if (crule == 1)                    {                        listStr += "<td class='" + styleClass + "'>" + "Online" + "</span>   <div class='showAslink' href='' onclick='ajaxChangeStatusOfProperty(" + resultList.ElementAt(i).idList + "," + 2 + ")'>Turn Off</div> </td>";                    }                    else                    {                        listStr += "<td class='" + styleClass + "'>" + "Offline" + "</span>   <div class='showAslink' href='' onclick='ajaxChangeStatusOfProperty(" + resultList.ElementAt(i).idList + "," + 1 + ")'>Turn On</div> </td>";                    }

2,AjaxResponse page(aspx.cs)

 //######################## WebMethods for called form Ajax ##############################        [WebMethod]        public static string AjaxControl_emailalert(int IdAgent, int Status)        {            using (var dc = new DAL.findahome.findahomeDataContext())            {                try                {                    string returnMessage = "";                    var freq = dc.AgentContactFrequencies.Where(c => c.AgentId == IdAgent).FirstOrDefault();                    if (Status.Equals(0))                    {                        freq.Frequency = 7;                        returnMessage = "The Email Report has been turn on!";                    }                    else if (Status.Equals(1))                    {                        AgentContactFrequency acf = new AgentContactFrequency();                        acf.AgentId = IdAgent;                        acf.Frequency = 7;                        acf.Template = 0;                        dc.AgentContactFrequencies.InsertOnSubmit(acf);                        returnMessage = "The Email Report has been open!";                    }                    else if (Status.Equals(2))                    {                        freq.Frequency = -1;                        returnMessage = "The Email Report has been Turn Off!";                    }                    dc.SubmitChanges();                    return returnMessage;                                    }                catch (Exception e)                {                    return "An error occur!";                }            }        }        [WebMethod]        public static string Ajax_ChangeReportTemplate(int idAgent, int IDtemplate)        {            using (var dc = new DAL.findahome.findahomeDataContext())            {                try                {                    string returnMessage = "";                    var t = dc.AgentContactFrequencies.Where(c => c.AgentId == idAgent).FirstOrDefault();                    if (IDtemplate.Equals(0))                    {                        t.Template = 1; // change template to onview                        returnMessage = "The Template has been changed as Onview!";                    }                    else if (IDtemplate.Equals(1))                    {                        t.Template = 0; // change template to default                        returnMessage = "The Template has been changed as Default!";                    }                    dc.SubmitChanges();                    return returnMessage;                }                catch (Exception e)                {                    return e.Message;                }            }        }            [WebMethod]        public static string AjaxChange_PropertyCRule(int idList, int status)        {            using (var dc = new DAL.findahome.findahomeDataContext())            {                try                {                    var prop = dc.Properties.Where(c => c.idList == idList).FirstOrDefault();                    string returnMessage = "";                    if (status.Equals(1))                    {                        prop.idCRule = 1;                        returnMessage = "The Property has been take online!";                    }                    else if (status.Equals(2))                    {                        prop.idCRule = 2;                        returnMessage = "The Property has been take offline!";                    }                    dc.SubmitChanges();                    return returnMessage;                }                catch (Exception e)                {                    return e.Message;                }            }        }    

3, Ajax by Jquery(Js)

var idAgent;var status;function ajaxChangeStatusForEmailReport(idAgent, status) {    var nextstatus = ((status == 2) ? "Off" : "On");    if (confirm("Are you sure to Turn" + nextstatus + " Email Report?")) {        $.ajax({            type: "POST",            url: "ajaxResponse.aspx/AjaxControl_emailalert",            data: '{IdAgent:"' + idAgent + '", Status:"' + status + '"}',            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",            dataType: "json",            success: function (msg) {                alert(msg.d);            },            error: function () {                alert("An unexpected error has occurred during processing.");            }        });    }}var IDtemplate;function ajaxChangeTemplateForEmailReport(idAgent, IDtemplate) {    var nextTemplate = ((IDtemplate == 0) ? "" : "Default");    if (confirm("Are you sure to change Email Report Template as " + nextTemplate + "?")) {        $.ajax({            type: "POST",            url: "ajaxResponse.aspx/Ajax_ChangeReportTemplate",            data: '{idAgent:"' + idAgent + '", IDtemplate:"' + IDtemplate + '"}',            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",            dataType: "json",            success: function (msg) {                alert(msg.d);            },            error: function () {                alert("An unexpected error has occurred during processing.");            }        });    }}var idList;function ajaxChangeStatusOfProperty(idList, status) {    var nextstatus = ((status == 1) ? "online" : "offline");    if (confirm("Are you sure to take " + nextstatus + " this property?")) {        $.ajax({            type: "POST",            url: "ajaxResponse.aspx/AjaxChange_PropertyCRule",            data: '{idList:"' + idList + '", status:"' + status + '"}',            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",            dataType: "json",            success: function (msg) {                alert(msg.d);            },            error: function () {                alert("An unexpected error has occurred during processing.");            }        });    }}
