
来源:互联网 发布:java web应用服务器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 11:53
unit PingThread;interfaceuses  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, winsock;type  TPingReply = class(TObject)    IP, bytes, RTT: string;  end;  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------  PIPOptionInformation = ^TIPOptionInformation;  TIPOptionInformation = packed  record    TTL: Byte;    TOS: Byte;    Flags: Byte;    OptionsSize: Byte;    OptionsData: PChar;  end;  PIcmpEchoReply = ^TIcmpEchoReply;  TIcmpEchoReply = packed record    Address: DWORD;    Status: DWORD;    RTT: DWORD;    DataSize: Word;    Reserved: Word;    Data: Pointer;    Options: TIPOptionInformation;    phe: pHostent;  end;  TIcmpCreateFile = function: THandle; stdcall;  TIcmpCloseHandle = function(IcmpHandle: THandle): Boolean; stdcall;  TIcmpSendEcho = function(IcmpHandle:THandle;          DestinationAddress: DWORD;          RequestData: Pointer;          RequestSize: Word;          RequestOptions: PIPOptionInformation;          ReplyBuffer: Pointer;          ReplySize: DWord;          Timeout: DWord          ): DWord; stdcall;  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------  TPingThread = class(TThread)  protected    procedure Execute; override;  private    { Private declarations }    hICMP: THANDLE;    IcmpCreateFile : TIcmpCreateFile;    IcmpCloseHandle: TIcmpCloseHandle;    IcmpSendEcho: TIcmpSendEcho;    IP1, IP2, TimeOut: DWORD;    reply: TPingReply;    CurrentIP: string;    procedure OnReply;    procedure OnBegin;    procedure OnEnd;    procedure OnSend;  public    { Public declarations }    OnBeginEvent: TNotifyEvent;    OnEndEvent: TNotifyEvent;    OnRecvEvent: TNotifyEvent;    OnSendEvent: TNotifyEvent;    constructor Create(IP_1, IP_2: string; time_out: integer);  end;var  exit_ping_thread: boolean;implementationconstructor TPingThread.Create(IP_1, IP_2: string; time_out: integer);var  WSAData: TWSAData;  hICMPdll: HMODULE;begin  wsastartup($101,wsadata);  hICMPdll := LoadLibrary('icmp.dll');  @ICMPCreateFile := GetProcAddress(hICMPdll, 'IcmpCreateFile');  @IcmpCloseHandle := GetProcAddress(hICMPdll, 'IcmpCloseHandle');  @IcmpSendEcho := GetProcAddress(hICMPdll, 'IcmpSendEcho');  hICMP := IcmpCreateFile;  IP1 := ntohl(inet_addr(pchar(IP_1)));  IP2 := ntohl(inet_addr(pchar(IP_2)));  TimeOut := time_out;  FreeOnTerminate := True;  inherited Create(True);end;procedure TPingThread.OnReply;begin  if assigned(OnRecvEvent) then OnRecvEvent(reply);end;procedure TPingThread.OnBegin;begin  if assigned(OnBeginEvent) then OnBeginEvent(nil);end;procedure TPingThread.OnEnd;begin  if assigned(OnEndEvent) then OnEndEvent(nil);end;procedure TPingThread.OnSend;begin  if assigned(OnSendEvent) then OnSendEvent(TObject(CurrentIP));end;procedure TPingThread.Execute;var  IPOpt: TIPOptionInformation;// IP Options for packet to send  FIPAddress: DWORD;  pReqData,pRevData: PChar;  pIPE: PIcmpEchoReply;// ICMP Echo reply buffer  FSize: DWORD;  MyString: string;  FTimeOut: DWORD;  BufferSize: DWORD;  i: DWORD;  ret: integer;begin  Synchronize(OnBegin);  reply := TPingReply.Create; // must be created.      FSize := 40;  BufferSize := SizeOf(TICMPEchoReply) + FSize;  GetMem(pRevData,FSize);  GetMem(pIPE,BufferSize);  FillChar(pIPE^, SizeOf(pIPE^), 0);  pIPE^.Data := pRevData;  MyString := 'a';  pReqData := PChar(MyString);  FillChar(IPOpt, Sizeof(IPOpt), 0);  IPOpt.TTL := 64;  FTimeOut := TimeOut;  for i:=IP1 to IP2 do  begin      //去掉x.x.x.0或x.x.x.255的地址。    if (((i - 255) mod 256)=0)or((i mod 256)=0) then continue;    FIPAddress := htonl(i);    CurrentIP := inet_ntoa(in_addr(FIPAddress));    Synchronize(OnSend);    ret := IcmpSendEcho(hICMP, FIPAddress, pReqData, Length(MyString), @IPOpt, pIPE, BufferSize, FTimeOut);    if (ret<>0)and(pReqData^ = pIPE^.Options.OptionsData^) then    begin      reply.IP := CurrentIP;      reply.bytes := IntToStr(pIPE^.DataSize);      reply.RTT := IntToStr(pIPE^.RTT);      //if assigned(OnRecvEvent) then OnRecvEvent(reply);      Synchronize(OnReply);    end;    if exit_ping_thread then break;      end;  FreeMem(pRevData);  FreeMem(pIPE);    Synchronize(OnEnd);end;end.
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