
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝达人如何加粉丝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 03:40
我从java1.3开始学习java,后来主要用1.4,再后来1.5和1.6中的很多新特性,都停留在“知道”的状态,比如nio,虽然据说可以提升性能,但并没有真正深入使用和测试过,工作操作文件的情况不多,所以关注也不多,即便用到,也还是习惯性的用。今天看到的这篇文章,虽然测试手段非常简单,所得结论也难免有些片面 ,但依然说明,在顺序访问的时候,NIO的性能相对java.io有很大的提升。



最近我在工作中用到了java i/o相关功能。因为对java.io的了解更多(毕竟面世较早),所以一开始我使用的是java.io包下的类,后来为了测试一下是不是能够通过NIO提高文件操作性能,于是转向了java.nio。我得到的结论让我感到有些震惊,下面是对比测试的一些细节:

   2、在java.nio的初步测试代码中,使用FileChannel对象。NIO之所以比java.io更加高效,是因为NIO面向的是data chunks,而java.io基本上是面向byte的。


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  1. class Employee { 
  2.         String last; // the key 
  3.         String first; 
  4.         int id; 
  5.         int zip; 
  6.         boolean employed; 
  7.         String comments; 
  8.     } 

员工数据写入文件,并将last name作为索引key,日后可以通过这个key从文件中加载该员工对应的数据。无论使用IO、NIO还是MappedByteBuffers,首先都需要打开一个RandomAccessFile。以下代码在用户的home目录下创建一个名为employee.ejb的文件,设置为可读可写,并初始化对应的Channel和MappedByteBuffer:
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  1. String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home"); 
  2.     StringBuffer pathname = new StringBuffer(userHome); 
  3.     pathname.append(File.separator); 
  4.     pathname.append("employees.ejb"); 
  5. journal = 
  6.         new RandomAccessFile(pathname.toString(),"rw"); 
  8.     //下面这一句是为了NIO 
  9.     java.nio.channels.FileChannel channel = journal.getChannel(); 
  11.     //下面这两句是为了使用MappedByteBuffer 
  12.     journal.setLength(PAGE_SIZE); 
  13.     MappedByteBuffer mbb = 
  14., 0, journal.length() ); 



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  1. public boolean addRecord_IO(Employee emp) { 
  2.         try
  3.             byte[] last = emp.last.getBytes(); 
  4.             byte[] first = emp.first.getBytes(); 
  5.             byte[] comments = emp.comments.getBytes(); 
  7.             // Just hard-code the sizes for perfomance 
  8.             int size = 0
  9.             size += emp.last.length(); 
  10.             size += 4; // strlen - Integer 
  11.             size += emp.first.length(); 
  12.             size += 4; // strlen - Integer 
  13.             size += 4; // - Integer 
  14.             size += 4; // - Integer 
  15.             size += 1; // emp.employed - byte 
  16.             size += emp.comments.length(); 
  17.             size += 4; // strlen - Integer 
  18.             long offset = getStorageLocation(size); 
  19.             // 
  20.             // Store the record by key and save the offset 
  21.             // 
  22.             if ( offset == -1 ) { 
  23.                 // We need to add to the end of the journal. Seek there 
  24.                 // now only if we're not already there 
  25.                 long currentPos = journal.getFilePointer(); 
  26.                 long jounralLen = journal.length(); 
  27.                 if ( jounralLen != currentPos ) 
  28.           ; 
  30.                 offset = jounralLen; 
  31.             }else
  32.                 // Seek to the returned insertion point 
  33.       ; 
  34.             } 
  35.             // Fist write the header 
  36.             journal.writeByte(1); 
  37.             journal.writeInt(size); 
  38.             // Next write the data 
  39.             journal.writeInt(last.length); 
  40.             journal.write(last); 
  41.             journal.writeInt(first.length); 
  42.             journal.write(first); 
  43.             journal.writeInt(; 
  44.             journal.writeInt(; 
  45.             if ( emp.employed ) 
  46.                 journal.writeByte(1); 
  47.             else 
  48.                 journal.writeByte(0); 
  49.             journal.writeInt(comments.length); 
  50.             journal.write(comments); 
  51.             // Next, see if we need to append an empty record if we inserted 
  52.             // this new record at an empty location 
  53.             if ( newEmptyRecordSize != -1 ) { 
  54.                 // Simply write a header 
  55.                 journal.writeByte(0);//inactive record 
  56.                 journal.writeLong(newEmptyRecordSize); 
  57.             } 
  58.             employeeIdx.put(emp.last, offset); 
  59.             return true
  60.         } 
  61.         catch ( Exception e ) { 
  62.             e.printStackTrace(); 
  63.         } 
  64.         return false
  65.     } 


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  1. public boolean addRecord_NIO(Employee emp) { 
  2.         try
  3.             data.clear(); 
  4.             byte[] last = emp.last.getBytes(); 
  5.             byte[] first = emp.first.getBytes(); 
  6.             byte[] comments = emp.comments.getBytes(); 
  7.             data.putInt(last.length); 
  8.             data.put(last); 
  9.             data.putInt(first.length); 
  10.             data.put(first); 
  11.             data.putInt(; 
  12.             data.putInt(; 
  13.             byte employed =0
  14.             if ( emp.employed ) 
  15.                 employed = 1
  16.             data.put(employed); 
  17.             data.putInt(comments.length); 
  18.             data.put(comments); 
  19.             data.flip(); 
  20.             int dataLen = data.limit(); 
  21.             header.clear(); 
  22.             header.put((byte)1);// 1=active record 
  23.             header.putInt(dataLen); 
  24.             header.flip(); 
  25.             long headerLen = header.limit(); 
  26.             int length = (int)(headerLen + dataLen); 
  27.             long offset = getStorageLocation((int)dataLen); 
  28.             // 
  29.             // Store the record by key and save the offset 
  30.             // 
  31.             if ( offset == -1 ) { 
  32.                 // We need to add to the end of the journal. Seek there 
  33.                 // now only if we're not already there 
  34.                 long currentPos = channel.position(); 
  35.                 long jounralLen = channel.size(); 
  36.                 if ( jounralLen != currentPos ) 
  37.                     channel.position(jounralLen); 
  38.                 offset = jounralLen; 
  39.             } 
  40.             else
  41.                 // Seek to the returned insertion point 
  42.                 channel.position(offset); 
  43.             } 
  44.             // Fist write the header 
  45.             long written = channel.write(srcs); 
  46.             // Next, see if we need to append an empty record if we inserted 
  47.             // this new record at an empty location 
  48.             if ( newEmptyRecordSize != -1 ) { 
  49.                 // Simply write a header 
  50.                 data.clear(); 
  51.                 data.put((byte)0); 
  52.                 data.putInt(newEmptyRecordSize); 
  53.                 data.flip(); 
  54.                 channel.write(data); 
  55.             } 
  56.             employeeIdx.put(emp.last, offset); 
  57.             return true
  58.         } 
  59.         catch ( Exception e ) { 
  60.             e.printStackTrace(); 
  61.         } 
  62.         return false
  63.     } 


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  1. public boolean addRecord_MBB(Employee emp) { 
  2.         try
  3.             byte[] last = emp.last.getBytes(); 
  4.             byte[] first = emp.first.getBytes(); 
  5.             byte[] comments = emp.comments.getBytes(); 
  6.             int datalen = last.length + first.length + comments.length +12 + 9
  7.             int headerlen =5
  8.             int length = headerlen + datalen; 
  9.             // 
  10.             // Store the record by key and save the offset 
  11.             // 
  12.             long offset = getStorageLocation(datalen); 
  13.             if ( offset == -1 ) { 
  14.                 // We need to add to the end of the journal. Seek there 
  15.                 // now only if we're not already there 
  16.                 long currentPos = mbb.position(); 
  17.                 long journalLen = channel.size(); 
  18.                 if ( (currentPos+length) >= journalLen ) { 
  19.                     //log("GROWING FILE BY ANOTHER PAGE"); 
  20.                     mbb.force(); 
  21.                     journal.setLength(journalLen + PAGE_SIZE); 
  22.                     channel = journal.getChannel(); 
  23.                     journalLen = channel.size(); 
  24.                     mbb =, 0, journalLen); 
  25.                     currentPos = mbb.position(); 
  26.                 } 
  27.                 if ( currentEnd != currentPos ) 
  28.                     mbb.position(currentEnd); 
  29.                 offset = currentEnd;//journalLen; 
  30.             } 
  31.             else
  32.                 // Seek to the returned insertion point 
  33.                 mbb.position((int)offset); 
  34.             } 
  35.             // write header 
  36.             mbb.put((byte)1);// 1=active record 
  37.             mbb.putInt(datalen); 
  38.             // write data 
  39.             mbb.putInt(last.length); 
  40.             mbb.put(last); 
  41.             mbb.putInt(first.length); 
  42.             mbb.put(first); 
  43.             mbb.putInt(; 
  44.             mbb.putInt(; 
  45.             byte employed =0
  46.             if ( emp.employed ) 
  47.                 employed = 1
  48.             mbb.put(employed); 
  49.             mbb.putInt(comments.length); 
  50.             mbb.put(comments); 
  51.             currentEnd += length; 
  52.             // Next, see if we need to append an empty record if we inserted 
  53.             // this new record at an empty location 
  54.             if ( newEmptyRecordSize != -1 ) { 
  55.                 // Simply write a header 
  56.                 mbb.put((byte)0); 
  57.                 mbb.putInt(newEmptyRecordSize); 
  58.                 currentEnd += 5
  59.             } 
  60.             employeeIdx.put(emp.last, offset); 
  61.             return true
  62.         } 
  63.         catch ( Exception e ) { 
  64.             e.printStackTrace(); 
  65.         } 
  66.         return false
  67.     } 

接下来,调用每种方法插入100,000条记录, 耗时对比如下:
    * With ~10,000 milliseconds
    * With java.nio: ~2,000 milliseconds
    * With MappedByteBuffer: ~970 milliseconds


    * With ~6,900 milliseconds
    * With java.nio: ~1,400 milliseconds
    * With MappedByteBuffer: ~355 milliseconds
