来源:互联网 发布:nodejs mysql建模 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 21:47
  • 问题描述
  • The game LOL is an interesting game. Recently we are playing this game. Once I used a champion named Kog'Maw - The Mouth of the Abyss.
    For I have to support teammate, I only have a little time to do the last hit to kill the enemy's minions.
    There're N (2 <= N <= 10000) minions, each minion has a threat value TVi (1 <= TVi <= 9).
    And there's a formula to calculate the total threat value:

    I only can kill K (1 <= K < N) minions.
    When I kill one minion, the minions after it will move to front for one step. It means when I kill Minion[5], then Minion[6] will be Minion[5] and Minion[7] will be Minion[6] and so on.
    How to kill the minions that I can leave the minimum total threat value?
  • 输入
  • This problem contains several cases.
    Each case contains two numbers. The first number T is the total threat value at the very beginning (1 <= T < 10^10001). Then follows an integer K, means the number that minions I can kill.
  • 输出
  • For each case, you should output the minimum total threat value after I kill K minions.
  • 样例输入
  • 123456 43212311 4
  • 样例输出
  • 12111
  • AC代码:
  • #include<iostream>#include<string>using namespace std;int main(){string s;int n;while(cin>>s>>n){ for(int i=0;i<n;++i){for(int j=0;j<s.size();++j)if(j==s.size()-1||s[j]>s[j+1]){s.erase(s.begin()+j);break;}}cout<<s<<endl;}return 0;}

  • #include<iostream>#include<string.h>#include<string>using namespace std;string work(string s,int n){int m=s.size()-n;int first=0,last=n;string s1="";while(m--){  int minx=9999999,p;for(int i=first;i<=last;++i)if(s[i]<minx) {p=i;minx=s[i];}    s1+=minx;   first=p+1,last++;}return s1;}int main(){string s;int n;while(cin>>s>>n){cout<<work(s,n)<<endl;}return 0;}

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