Differences between Hibernate and NHibernate

来源:互联网 发布:个人征信数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 06:42
 Differences between Hibernate and NHibernate

Most features of Hibernate 2.1 are present in the 1.0.1 release of NHibernate.

Unimplemented features:(未实现的特性)

  • Databinder - never requested by our users, so we consider it a low priority feature.
  • SchemaUpdate - too complicated to implement, we will accept a patch if anybody decides to implement SchemaUpdate on their own.
  • ScrollableResults - requires scrolling support from the underlying result set object. ADO.NET IDataReaders do not support scrolling.
  • SqlExceptionConverter

Extra features (from Hibernate 3):

  • fetch="join/select" attribute, equivalent to outer-join="true/false"
  • unsaved-value guessing - NHibernate will try to guess unsaved-value for <id> and <version> if none is specified in the mapping file.


from http://www.hibernate.org