The Great IRQ Debate in the Linux kernel

来源:互联网 发布:唐山直销软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 00:59

If people take our code, they'd better behave according to our rules. But we shouldn't have to behave according to the RIAA rules just because we _listen_ to their music. Similarly, nobody should be forced to behave according to our rules just because they _use_ our system.

There's a big difference between "copy" and "use". It's exactly the same issue whether it's music or code. You can't re-distribute other peoples music (becuase it's _their_ copyright), but they shouldn't put limits on how you personally _use_ it (because it's _your_ life).

Same goes for code. Copyright is about _distribution_, not about use. We shouldn't limit how people use the code.
