What Is HTML Transitional, Strict & Frameset?

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝商城电话是多少 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 09:22

What Is HTML Transitional, Strict & Frameset?


  1. HTML

    • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language; it is incorporated into a vast array of Web pages on the Internet. HTML is used to add structure to a page layout; it is like the wire frame behind the scenes. You can use HTML to lay out where certain elements will display on a page, create tables, design forms and incorporate images. This is all accomplished through the use of tags; the tags, or elements, you can use on any given HTML Web page are determined by what type of "document declaration" you make; Strict, Transitional and Frameset are all document declarations.


    • Strict is the most basic form of HTML; it allows the use of all of the HTML features with the exception of presentational elements. Presentational elements add style to a Web page; the <font> tag is an example of a presentational element that is not allowed in HTML Strict. The browser opening the Web page will look for the "Document Type Declaration" to determine how to render the page. If you declare it as Strict and use, for example, a Transitional element, the page will not display correctly.


    • Transitional document types allow all of the elements that Strict document types allow, as well as some elements that are not allowed in Strict. To use the same example again, the <font> tag is not allowed in the Strict document type, but it is allowed in the Transitional document type. A Frameset is a way of displaying content in a sectioned-off or framed area; neither Transitional nor Strict allow the use of Framesets within their document types.


    • Frameset is another type of HTML document; it closely resembles the Transitional document type. It allows the use of all of the Strict elements as well as all of the Transitional elements, like the <font> tag. You can also utilize a Frameset within another document. A frameset is a unique way to display Web content by using the <frameset> tag. Depending on how the frame is structured, the use will be able to adjust proportions of the frame on the page.
