[MSDN_vs2008] Casting Operators

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝新款有送流量的吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 00:25

There are several casting operators specific to the C++ language. 

These operators are intended to remove some of the ambiguity and danger inherent in old style C language casts. 

These operators are:

  • dynamic_cast   Used for conversion of polymorphic types.

  • static_cast   Used for conversion of nonpolymorphic types.

  • const_cast   Used to remove the constvolatile, and __unaligned attributes.

  • reinterpret_cast   Used for simple reinterpretation of bits.

  • safe_cast    Used to produce verifiable MSIL.

Use const_cast and reinterpret_cast as a last resort, since these operators present the same dangers as old style casts. However, they are still necessary in order to completely replace old style casts.


const int a = 10;const int* const_p = &a;//int* pb = const_cast<int*>(&a);         //其实这两行用什么方式转换指针似乎不重要int* pb = (int*)(&a);*pb = 11;cout<<&a<<"\t\t"<<a<<endl;cout<<const_p<<"\t\t"<<*const_p<<endl;cout<<pb<<"\t\t"<<*pb<<endl;
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