GetExitCodeThread(hThread, (PDWORD) &uSum);

来源:互联网 发布:苹果mac 镜像下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 11:48
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// An example of calling Sum for uNum = 0 through 9// uNum: 0 1 2 3  4  5  6  7  8  9 ...// Sum:  0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 ...UINT Sum(UINT uNum) {   // Call Sum recursively.   return((uNum == 0) ? 0 : (uNum + Sum(uNum - 1)));}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*LONG WINAPI FilterFunc(DWORD dwExceptionCode) {   return((dwExceptionCode == STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW)       ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH);}//*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The separate thread that is responsible for calculating the sum. // I use a separate thread for the following reasons://    1. A separate thread gets its own 1 MB of stack space.//    2. A thread can be notified of a stack overflow only once.//    3. The stack's storage is freed when the thread exits.DWORD WINAPI SumThreadFunc(PVOID pvParam) {Sleep(2000);   // The parameter pvParam, contains the number of integers to sum.   UINT uSumNum = PtrToUlong(pvParam);   // uSum contains the summation of the numbers from 0 through uSumNum.    // If the sum cannot be calculated, a sum of UINT_MAX is returned.   UINT uSum = UINT_MAX;   __try {      // To catch the stack overflow exception, we must       // execute the Sum function while inside an SEH block.      uSum = Sum(uSumNum);    }   __except (FilterFunc(GetExceptionCode())) {      // If we get in here, it's because we have trapped a stack overflow.       // We can now do whatever is necessary to gracefully continue execution      // This sample application has nothing to do, so no code is placed       // in this exception handler block.   }   // The thread's exit code is the sum of the first uSumNum    // numbers, or UINT_MAX if a stack overflow occurred.   return(uSum);}///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void CMyExitCodeDlg::OnBtnCalc() {         // Get the number of integers the user wants to sum.         UINT uSum = GetDlgItemInt( IDC_NUM_INPUT, NULL, FALSE);         // Create a thread (with its own stack) that is         // responsible for performing the summation.         DWORD dwThreadId; /*         HANDLE hThread = chBEGINTHREADEX(NULL, 0,             SumThreadFunc, (PVOID) (UINT_PTR) uSum, 0, &dwThreadId);*//*#define chBEGINTHREADEX(psa, cbStack, pfnStartAddr, \   pvParam, fdwCreate, pdwThreadId)                 \*/      HANDLE hThread = ((HANDLE)_beginthreadex(         (void *)        (NULL),         (unsigned)      (0),         (PTHREAD_START) (SumThreadFunc),         (void *)        ((PVOID) (UINT_PTR) uSum),         (unsigned)      (0),          (unsigned *)    (&dwThreadId)));         // Wait for the thread to terminate.         //WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);         // The thread's exit code is the resulting summation.         GetExitCodeThread(hThread, (PDWORD) &uSum);while(STILL_ACTIVE==uSum)  {  static unsigned int i=0;    SetDlgItemInt(IDC_SHOW_ANSWER, ++i, FALSE);  Sleep(200); GetExitCodeThread(hThread, (PDWORD) &uSum);  }         // Allow the system to destroy the thread kernel object         CloseHandle(hThread);         // Update the dialog box to show the result.         if (uSum == UINT_MAX) {            // If result is UINT_MAX, a stack overflow occurred.            SetDlgItemText(IDC_SHOW_ANSWER, TEXT("Error"));            chMB("The number is too big, please enter a smaller number");         } else {            // The sum was calculated successfully;             SetDlgItemInt(IDC_SHOW_ANSWER, uSum, FALSE);         }}
