Calculator Beta 1.0 (大一课程设计)

来源:互联网 发布:qq同步助手 网络错误 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/09 16:58


/*  Name:                             Calculator Beta 1.0;  Author:                                     Welcome.Z;  Date:                             01/07/12      15:46;  Description: for calculate a sort of math expressions.*/#include<iostream>#include<string>#include<fstream>#include<cmath>#include<iomanip>#include<stack>#include<windows.h>#include<conio.h>#include<ctype.h>#include<time.h>using namespace std;const char op2[]={'+','-','*','/','^','(',')','\0'};const string op1[]={"sin","cos","tan","log","ln","exp","sqrt",                    "abs","asin","acos","atan","sinh","cosh","tanh"};const int priortable[8][8]={{1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,1},                           {1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,1},                           {1,1,1,1,-1,-1,1,1},                           {1,1,1,1,-1,-1,1,1},                           {1,1,1,1,-1,-1,1,1},                           {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,1},                           {1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1},                           {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,1}};bool err;string err_info;string copyrightname(const char *s){int i=strlen(s)-1;while (s [i]!='.') i--;string u;while (s [--i]!='\\') /////////////////////////////////////u = char(tolower(s[i]))+u;return u;}int GetOrder(char c){  int m = 8;  for (int i=0;i<8;i++)  if (c==op2[i])  {     m = i;     break;  }  return m;}int CheckChar(char c){  if (('0'<=c) && (c<='9') || (c=='.'))    return 0;  else if (GetOrder(c)!=8)    return 1;  else if (('a'<=c)&&(c<='z') || ('A'<=c)&&(c<='Z'))    return 2;  else    return-1;}int Priority(char o1, char o2){  int i, j;  i = GetOrder(o1);  j = GetOrder(o2);  return priortable[i][j];}void transform(string mid, char *suffix){  int i, j;  i = 0;  j = 0;  char c = mid[0];  stack<char> S;  char o;                            //current operator  S.push('\0');  while(!S.empty())  {    if (CheckChar(c)==0)    {      suffix[i++] = c;    }    else if (CheckChar(c)==2)    {       suffix[i++] = c;       if(mid[j+1]=='(')       {          S.push('@');          suffix[i++] = '(';       }    }    else    {       if (i>0 && suffix[i-1]!=' ')          suffix[i++] = ' ';       switch(c)       {          case'(': S.push(c); break;          case')': o =;                   bool flag;                   flag = false;                   while (o!='(')                   {                      suffix[i++] = o;                      suffix[i++] = ' ';                      S.pop();                      o =;                      flag = true;                   }                   if (flag) i--;                   S.pop();                   o =;                   if (o=='@')                   {                      suffix[i++] = ')';                      S.pop();                   }                   break;          default: while(!S.empty())                   {                      o =;                      if (Priority(o,c)==1)                      {                         suffix[i++] = o;                         suffix[i++] = ' ';                      }                      else break;                      S.pop();                   }                   if (c!='\0')                      S.push(c);                   break;       }    }    if (c!='\0')       c = mid[++j];  }  suffix[i] = '\0';}double calculate(double a, char c, double b){  switch(c)  {    case'+': return a + b;    case'-': return a - b;    case'*': if (log10(a)+log10(b)>98)             {                err = false;                err_info = "Multiplication Overflow...";                break;             }             else return a * b;    case'/': if (b==0)             {                err = false;                err_info = "Division By Zero...";                break;             } else             return a / b;    case'^': bool flag;             flag = true;             if (a<0)             {                flag = false;                a = -a;             }             double m;             double x;             x = b * log10(a);             if (x>99)             {                err = false;                err_info = "Power Over flow...";                break; }             else             {                m = exp(b * log(a));                if (!flag)                if (long(b*1000)%2==0) m = -m;                return m;             }    default: return-1;  }}double calc(double a, string f){  int i, j;  for (i=0;i<14;i++)  if (op1[i]==f) break;  switch(i)  {     case 0: return sin(a);     case 1: return cos(a);     case 2: return tan(a);     case 3: if (a<0)             {                err = false;                err_info = "Log Negative Number...";                break;             }             else             return log10(a);    case 4: if (a<0)            {                err = false;                err_info = "Ln Negative Number...";                break;            }            else            return log(a);    case 5: return exp(a);    case 6: if (a<0)            {                err = false;                err_info = "Sqrt Negative Number...";                break;            }            else            return sqrt(a);    case 7: return fabs(a);    case 8: if (fabs(a)>1)         {                err = false;                err_info = "Operating Number Over Arcsin Domain...";                break;            } else         return asin(a);    case 9: if (fabs(a)>1)         {                err = false;                err_info = "Operating Number Over Arccos Domain...";                break;             } else         return acos(a);    case 10:return atan(a);    case 11:return sinh(a);    case 12:return cosh(a);    case 13:return tanh(a);    default:err = false;            err_info = "Invalid Function Input...";            return -1;  }}double work(char *suffix){  int i = 0;  char c = suffix[0];  double x;  stack<double> S;  stack<string> SS;  double a, b;  while((c!='\0') && (err))  {     double w1 = 10.0;     double w2 = 1.0;     bool flag = false;     if (CheckChar(c)==0)     {        x = 0;        while (CheckChar(c)==0)        {           if (c=='.')           {              w1 = 1.0;              w2 = 10.0;              flag = true;           }           else           {              x = w1*x + (c-'0')/w2;              if (flag) w2 *= 10;           }           c = suffix[++i];        }        S.push(x);     }     else if (c==')')     {        a =;        S.pop();        string function =;        SS.pop();        S.push(calc(a,function));     }     else if (CheckChar(c)==1)     {        b =;        S.pop();        a =;        S.pop();        S.push(calculate(a,c,b));     }     else if (CheckChar(c)==2)     {        string function;        while(c!='(')        {           if (c<'a') c = c+32;           function = function + c;           c = suffix[++i];}        SS.push(function);     }     c = suffix[++i];  }  return;}string standardize(string s){  int i = s.find(' ', 0);  while (i!=string::npos)  {     s.erase(i, 1);     i = s.find(' ', 0);  }  int n = s.find(';', 0);  if (n!=-1)    s.erase(n);  return s;}void Checkexpress(string &s){  int i, j, n, l = 0;  n = s.length();  for (i=0;i<n;i++)  {    if (s[i]=='(') l++;    if (s[i]==')') l--;    if (l<0)    {      err = false;      err_info = "Bracket Not Match...";      break;    }    if (s[i]=='(')    {       if (s[i+1]!='(' && s[i+1]!='-' && CheckChar(s[i+1])==1)       {          err = false;          err_info="Lack of Operating Number...";       }    }    else if (s[i]==')')    {       int x = CheckChar(s[i+1]);       if (x==0||x==2||s[i+1]=='(')       {  err = false;  err_info = "Lack of Operator...";       }    }    else if (CheckChar(s[i])==-1)    {       err = false;       err_info = "Invalid Operator...";       break;    }    else if (CheckChar(s[i])==1)    {       if (s[i+1]!='(' && CheckChar(s[i+1])==1)       {          err = false;          err_info = "Lack of Operating Number...";       }    }    else if (CheckChar(s[i])==2)    {       if (!(CheckChar(s[i+1])==2))       if (s[i+1]!='(')       {          err = false;          err_info = "Illegal Function Called...";       }    }  }  if (i==n && l!=0)  {     err = false;     err_info = "Bracket Not Match...";  }}void gettime(int &y, int &m, int &d){time_t timer;time(&timer);tm* t_tm = localtime(&timer);y = t_tm->tm_year + 1900;m = t_tm->tm_mon + 1;d = t_tm->tm_mday;}bool iscputime(string s){int n = s.length();if (n>8) return false;int i = 0;while (s[i]!='.'&&CheckChar(s[i])==0) i++;if (s[i++]!=':') return false;while (s[i]!='.'&&CheckChar(s[i])==0) i++;if (s[i++]!=':') return false;while (s[i]!='.'&&CheckChar(s[i])==0) i++;if (s[i]!='\0') return false;return true;}void welcome(){  cout<<"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"<<endl;  cout<<"$  xxxxx    x     x       xxxxx x     x x          x   xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx  $"<<endl;  cout<<"$ x        x x    x      x      x     x x         x x     x    x     x x    x $"<<endl;  cout<<"$x        xxxxx   x     x       x     x x        xxxxx    x    x     x xxxxx  $"<<endl;  cout<<"$ x      x     x  x      x      x     x x       x     x   x    x     x x    x $"<<endl;  cout<<"$  xxxxxx       x xxxxxx  xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx x       x  x    xxxxxxx x     x$"<<endl;  cout<<"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"<<endl;  cout<<"            Made By Welcome.Z  [Version Beta 1.00]  Issue Date:1/7/12        \n"<<endl;  int y, m, d, r;  bool ava = true;  gettime(y, m, d);  if (!(y==2012&&m<=8)) ava = false;  else r = 31 * (8 - m) + 32 - d;  if (ava)  {cout<<"     This beta version expired on 1st of September. Just "<<r<<" day";if (r!=1) cout<<'s';cout<<" remaining.  \n"<<endl;  }  else  {system("color fc");cout<<"\n                        This Beta version has expired."<<endl;cout<<"             Please contact the author to obtain the latest version."<<endl;cout<<"                          E-mail:"<<endl;char p = getch();if (p!='`') exit(0);  }//while(!kbhit()){}}bool legalname(string s){  if (s!="calculator beta 1.0")  {    system("color fc");    cout<<"You have mandatory renamed the program, which is prohibited by author."<<endl;    cout<<"Change the official name back or you will never normal startup the process."<<endl;    char q = getch();    if (q=='`')    {system("cls");return true;    }    else return false;  }  return true;}bool rebuilt(){  string s, u;  system("tasklist /fi \"imagename eq notepad.exe\" /v >tas.txt");  ifstream ii("tas.txt");  while (!ii.eof())  {    ii>>s;    if (iscputime(s))    {      getline(ii, s);      int t = s.length();      while (s[--t]!='.') s.erase(t, 1);      s.erase(t, 1);      for (int i=0;i<s.length();i++) s[i]=tolower(s[i]);      if (s==" calculator_in")      {      return false;      ii.clear();        ii.close();      }    }  }  ii.clear();  ii.close();  return true;}int main(int argc, char **argv){  bool ava;  string s;  s = copyrightname(argv[0]);  if (!legalname(s)) exit(0);  welcome();  cout<<"                        Press Any Key To Continue . . .\n";  char pp = getch();  string mid;  char suffix[1000];  double answer;  bool exist;  exist = true;  char p;  fstream icin("Calculator_in.txt", ios::in);  ofstream ocout("Calculator_out.txt");  if (icin==0)  {     exist = false;     system("color 0c");     cout<<"                          Input File Inexistence . . ."<<endl;     cout<<"                   Please Check The File's Name Or Rebuild It."<<endl;     cout<<"                          Wanna Rebuild It ? (Y/N) "<<endl;     cout<<"                                  ";     p = getch();     if (!(p=='n'||p=='N'))     {"Calculator_in.txt", ios::out);        icin.clear();        icin.close();        system("start Calculator_in.txt");        cout<<"\n                        Waiting For Rebuild File";        while (!rebuilt())        {cout<<" ."; Sleep(500);cout<<" ."; Sleep(500);cout<<" ."; Sleep(500);cout<<"\b\b\b\b\b\b      \b\b\b\b\b\b"; Sleep(500);}system("del /q tas.txt");cout<<" . . .\n                       Input File Has Already Rebuilt!"<<endl;        cout<<"                        Press Any Key To Continue . . .";char pp = getch();        system("cls");        welcome();        exist = true;"Calculator_in.txt", ios::in);    }    else    {        system("cls");        welcome();        cout<<"                               Mission Failed!"<<endl;    }  }  if (exist)  {     int num = 0;     int sss = 0;     while(!icin.eof())     {        memset(suffix, '\0', sizeof(suffix));        getline(icin, mid);        if (mid=="") continue;        if (mid[0]==';') break;        num++;        mid = standardize(mid);        int i = mid.length() - 1;        if (mid[i]==';') mid.erase(i,1);        ocout<<"Mission "<<num<<":"<<endl;        ocout<<"The middle expression is:  "<<mid<<endl;        err = true;        Checkexpress(mid);        if (err)        {           int i = 0;           int j = mid.find('(',i);   while (j!=-1)   {     if (mid[++j]=='-')     mid.insert(j,"0");     j = mid.find('(',j);           }}        if (err) transform(mid, suffix);        if (err) answer = work(suffix);        if (err)        {           ocout<<"The answer is:             "<<answer<<endl<<endl;           sss++;        }        else        {           ocout<<"Calculate failed!          ";           ocout<<err_info<<endl<<endl;        }     }     if (num==0) ocout<<"No Mission!"<<endl;     else     ocout<<num<<" expressions in sum. "<<sss<<" Successful. "<<num-sss<<" Failed. "<<endl;     ocout<<"_____________________________________________________________";     ocout<<"\nCalculator Beta 1.0   Made By Welcome.Z   [Version Beta 1.00] \n";  }  icin.close();  ocout.close();  if (exist)  {     system("color 0a");     cout<<"                             Mission Complete!!!"<<endl;     cout<<"                      Whether Show Up The Result ? (Y/N) "<<endl;     cout<<"                                  ";     p = getch();     if (p=='y'||p=='Y'||p=='\0')     {        system("start Calculator_out.txt");     }  }  cout<<"\n                         Press Any Key To Quit . . . "<<endl;  p = getch();  return 0;}