sqlserver2000, 密码被改, sp_password被删除

来源:互联网 发布:读书改变气质 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 05:50

重做sp_password, 过两天又一样,还是密码被改, sp_password被删除。想到了重装sp4。运行sp4, 脚本出错:replsys.sql 


I had switched the account that SQL Server uses to start and I did this
through the Services MMC. This caused the SQL Server to not listen
properly on LPC(shared memory). Apparently replsys.sql uses this
protocol to communicate with the SQL Server.

1) In the registry, made a backup copy of the LPC key under (备份以下路径)

2) Then delete the LPC key under (删除下面的注册表值)
(Disclaimer: I make no guarantees to anyone who messes with the

3) Using the Services MMC I set the SQL Server startup account back to
the Local System account and restarted the SQL Server instance.

4) Changed the SQL start up account to domain account using the SQL
Enterprise Manager and again restarted that instance of SQL Server.
