
来源:互联网 发布:学java好的学校 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 14:45
// iPodTest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT            // Allow use of features specific to Windows XP or later.                   #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501     // Change this to the appropriate value to target other versions of Windows.#endif                                          #pragma warning(disable:4996)#include <stdio.h>#include <tchar.h>#include <afxwin.h>         // MFC core and standard components#include "MobileDevice.h"typedef enum { IPOD_STATE_UNCONNECTED = 0, IPOD_STATE_CONNECTED, IPOD_STATE_READY } t_iPodState;// State variablesvolatile t_iPodState iPodState = IPOD_STATE_UNCONNECTED;volatile struct am_device *iPodDev = NULL;CFStringRef iPodAFCName;struct afc_connection *iPodAFC;struct afc_connection *iPodConnection;// Dll dynamic loading datachar *piTunesMobileDevicePath = NULL;HINSTANCE iTunesDll = NULL;// Dll routinestf_AMDeviceNotificationSubscribe        AMDeviceNotificationSubscribe;tf_AMDeviceConnect                              AMDeviceConnect;tf_AMDeviceDisconnect                   AMDeviceDisconnect;tf_AMDeviceIsPaired                             AMDeviceIsPaired;tf_AMDeviceValidatePairing              AMDeviceValidatePairing;tf_AMDeviceStartSession                 AMDeviceStartSession;tf_AMDeviceStartService                 AMDeviceStartService;tf_AMDeviceStopSession                  AMDeviceStopSession;tf_AFCConnectionOpen                            AFCConnectionOpen;tf_AFCDeviceInfoOpen                            AFCDeviceInfoOpen;tf_AFCDirectoryOpen                             AFCDirectoryOpen;tf_AFCDirectoryRead                             AFCDirectoryRead;tf_AFCDirectoryClose                            AFCDirectoryClose;tf_AFCFileInfoOpen                              AFCFileInfoOpen;tf_AFCKeyValueRead                              AFCKeyValueRead;tf_AFCKeyValueClose                             AFCKeyValueClose;tf_AFCFileRefOpen                               AFCFileRefOpen;tf_AFCFileRefClose                              AFCFileRefClose;tf_AFCFileRefRead                               AFCFileRefRead;tf_AFCFileRefWrite                              AFCFileRefWrite;tf_AFCRemovePath                                        AFCRemovePath;tf_AFCDirectoryCreate                   AFCDirectoryCreate;tf_AFCRenamePath                                        AFCRenamePath;tf_AFCGetFileInfo                                       AFCGetFileInfo;void init(){        HKEY hSetting = NULL;        DWORD length = 0;        CString path;        int pos;        // Adds iTunesMobileDevice.dll folder to the path, from the registry:        if (::RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SOFTWARE\\Apple Inc.\\Apple Mobile Device Support\\Shared"), &hSetting) != ERROR_SUCCESS)                throw "iTunesMobileDevice library not found";        if (::RegQueryValueEx(hSetting, _T("iTunesMobileDeviceDLL"), NULL, NULL, NULL, &length) != ERROR_SUCCESS)                throw "iTunesMobileDevice library not found";        piTunesMobileDevicePath = new char[length+1];        ::RegQueryValueEx(hSetting, _T("iTunesMobileDeviceDLL"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)piTunesMobileDevicePath, &length);        // Adds the folder to the current system path:          path.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");        path = (path + ";") + piTunesMobileDevicePath;        pos = path.ReverseFind('\\');        if (pos >= 0)                path = path.Left(pos);        SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", path);        // Loads the DLL routines        iTunesDll = LoadLibrary(piTunesMobileDevicePath);        //iTunesDll = LoadLibrary("C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Apple\\Mobile Device Support\\bin\\MobileDevice.dll");        if (iTunesDll) {                AMDeviceNotificationSubscribe = (tf_AMDeviceNotificationSubscribe)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AMDeviceNotificationSubscribe");                AMDeviceConnect = (tf_AMDeviceConnect)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AMDeviceConnect");                AMDeviceDisconnect = (tf_AMDeviceDisconnect)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AMDeviceDisconnect");                AMDeviceIsPaired = (tf_AMDeviceIsPaired)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AMDeviceIsPaired");                AMDeviceValidatePairing = (tf_AMDeviceValidatePairing)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AMDeviceValidatePairing");                AMDeviceStartSession = (tf_AMDeviceStartSession)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AMDeviceStartSession");                AMDeviceStartService = (tf_AMDeviceStartService)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AMDeviceStartService");                AMDeviceStopSession = (tf_AMDeviceStopSession)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AMDeviceStopSession");                AFCConnectionOpen = (tf_AFCConnectionOpen)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCConnectionOpen");                AFCDeviceInfoOpen = (tf_AFCDeviceInfoOpen)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCDeviceInfoOpen");                AFCDirectoryOpen = (tf_AFCDirectoryOpen)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCDirectoryOpen");                AFCDirectoryRead = (tf_AFCDirectoryRead)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCDirectoryRead");                AFCDirectoryClose = (tf_AFCDirectoryClose)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCDirectoryClose");                AFCFileInfoOpen = (tf_AFCFileInfoOpen)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCFileInfoOpen");                AFCKeyValueRead = (tf_AFCKeyValueRead)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCKeyValueRead");                AFCKeyValueClose = (tf_AFCKeyValueClose)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCKeyValueClose");                AFCFileRefOpen = (tf_AFCFileRefOpen)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCFileRefOpen");                AFCFileRefClose = (tf_AFCFileRefClose)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCFileRefClose");                AFCFileRefRead = (tf_AFCFileRefRead)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCFileRefRead");                AFCFileRefWrite = (tf_AFCFileRefWrite)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCFileRefWrite");                AFCRemovePath = (tf_AFCRemovePath)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCRemovePath");                AFCDirectoryCreate = (tf_AFCDirectoryCreate)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCDirectoryCreate");                AFCRenamePath = (tf_AFCRenamePath)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCRenamePath");                AFCGetFileInfo = (tf_AFCGetFileInfo)GetProcAddress(iTunesDll, "AFCGetFileInfo");        } else                throw "iTunesMobileDevice.dll could not be loaded";}void notification(struct am_device_notification_callback_info *info){        unsigned int msg = info->msg;                //  Need more verbosity here.        printf("[NOTIF] %d\n", msg);        switch (msg) {                case ADNCI_MSG_CONNECTED:                        if (iPodState == IPOD_STATE_UNCONNECTED) {                                iPodDev = info->dev;                                iPodState = IPOD_STATE_CONNECTED;                                printf("iPod is connected\n");                        } else {                                // Was in another state before, something bad must have happened                        }                        break;                case ADNCI_MSG_DISCONNECTED:                        if (iPodState == IPOD_STATE_CONNECTED) {                                iPodState = IPOD_STATE_UNCONNECTED;                                iPodDev = NULL;                                iPodAFC = NULL;                                iPodConnection = NULL;                                printf("iPod is disconnected\n");                        }                        break;                default:                        break;        }}void connect(){        struct am_device_notification *notif;         mach_error_t ret;        int timeout;        struct am_device *pDev;                printf("Trying to connect iPod...\n");        ret = AMDeviceNotificationSubscribe(notification, 0, 0, 0, ¬if);        printf("[RET]AMDeviceNotificationSubscribe() = %d\n", ret);        for (timeout = 0; (timeout < 1000) && (iPodState != IPOD_STATE_CONNECTED); timeout++) {                Sleep(10);        }        if (iPodState != IPOD_STATE_CONNECTED)                throw "Could not find iPod";        pDev = (struct am_device *)iPodDev;        // This part could possibly move to the notification routine:        ret = AMDeviceConnect(pDev);        printf("[RET]AMDeviceConnect() = %d\n", ret);        if (ret) {                // We don't handle the restore mode                throw "Could not connect iPod";        }        ret = AMDeviceIsPaired(pDev);        printf("[RET]AMDeviceIsPaired() = %d\n", ret);        if (!ret)                throw "Could not pair iPod";        ret = AMDeviceValidatePairing(pDev);        printf("[RET]AMDeviceValidatePairing() = %d\n", ret);        if (ret)                throw "Could not validate iPod pairing";        ret = AMDeviceStartSession(pDev);        printf("[RET]AMDeviceStartSession() = %d\n", ret);        if (ret)                throw "Could not start session";        iPodAFCName = AMSVC_AFC2;        ret = AMDeviceStartService(pDev, iPodAFCName, &iPodAFC, NULL);        printf("[RET]AMDeviceStartService() = %d\n", ret);        if (ret) {                // Not jailbroken, tries to connect to the standard name                iPodAFCName = AMSVC_AFC;                ret = AMDeviceStartService(pDev, iPodAFCName, &iPodAFC, NULL);                printf("[RET]AMDeviceStartService() = %d\n", ret);                if (ret)                        throw "Could not start AFC service";        }        ret = AFCConnectionOpen(iPodAFC, 0, &iPodConnection);        printf("[RET]AFCConnectionOpen() = %d\n", ret);        if (ret)                throw "Could not start AFC connection";        printf("Ready\n");        iPodState = IPOD_STATE_READY;}void close(){        if (piTunesMobileDevicePath)                delete piTunesMobileDevicePath;        if (iTunesDll)                FreeLibrary(iTunesDll);        if (iPodState == IPOD_STATE_READY) {                /* Doesn't work:                mach_error_t ret;                int timeout;                ret = AMDeviceStopSession((struct am_device *)iPodDev);                printf("[RET]AMDeviceStopSession() = %d\n", ret);                ret = AMDeviceDisconnect((struct am_device *)iPodDev);                printf("[RET]AMDeviceDisconnect() = %d\n", ret);                for (timeout = 0; (timeout < 500) && (iPodState != IPOD_STATE_UNCONNECTED); timeout++) {                        Sleep(10);                }                if (iPodState != IPOD_STATE_UNCONNECTED)                        throw "Could not disconnect iPod";                */        }}int iPodCmdFileInfo(char *remoteFile){        mach_error_t ret;        struct afc_dictionary *pInfo;        char *pKey, *pVal;        unsigned int size = 0;                //ret = AFCGetFileInfo(iPodConnection, remoteFile, &pInfo, &size);        //printf("[RET]AFCGetFileInfo() = %d\n[RES]\tpInfo=%08X size=%08X\n", ret, (int)pInfo, size);        ret = AFCFileInfoOpen(iPodConnection, remoteFile, &pInfo);        printf("[RET]AFCFileInfoOpen() = %d\n", ret);        if (ret) {                printf("%s doesn't exist\n", remoteFile);                return ret;        }        ret = AFCKeyValueRead(pInfo, &pKey, &pVal);        while(pKey || pVal) {                printf("[RES]\t%s = %s\n", (pKey ? pKey : "<empty>"), (pVal ? pVal : "<empty>"));                AFCKeyValueRead(pInfo, &pKey, &pVal);        }        AFCKeyValueClose(pInfo);        return 0;}int iPodCmdLs(char *remotePath){        struct afc_directory *pDir;        char *pEntry;        mach_error_t ret;        CString filename;                ret = AFCDirectoryOpen(iPodConnection, remotePath, &pDir);        printf("[RET]AFCDirectoryOpen() = %d\n", ret);        if (ret) {                printf("%s doesn't exist\n", remotePath);                return ret;        }        while(1) {                ret = AFCDirectoryRead(iPodConnection, pDir, &pEntry);                if (ret) {                        printf("[RET]AFCDirectoryRead() = %d\n", ret);                        break;                }                if (!pEntry)                        break;                printf("[RES] %s\n", pEntry);                /*                filename = remotePath;                if (filename.Right(1).Compare("/"))                        filename += "/";                filename += pEntry;                iPodCmdFileInfo(filename.GetBuffer());                */        }        ret = AFCDirectoryClose(iPodConnection, pDir);        printf("[RET]AFCDirectoryClose() = %d\n", ret);        return ret;}int iPodCmdFileRead(char *remoteFile){        mach_error_t ret;        struct afc_dictionary *pInfo;        char *pKey, *pVal;        unsigned int size = 0, total = 0, len;        afc_file_ref handle;        unsigned char buffer[16];        unsigned int i;        // Gets the file size        ret = AFCFileInfoOpen(iPodConnection, remoteFile, &pInfo);        if (ret) {                printf("%s doesn't exist\n", remoteFile);                return ret;        }        ret = AFCKeyValueRead(pInfo, &pKey, &pVal);        while(pKey || pVal) {                printf("\t%s = %s\n", pKey, pVal);                if (pKey == NULL || pVal == NULL)                        break;                if (!stricmp(pKey, "st_size")) {                        size = atoi(pVal);                        break;                }                AFCKeyValueRead(pInfo, &pKey, &pVal);        }        AFCKeyValueClose(pInfo);        if (size == 0) {                printf("%s has a null size\n", remoteFile);                return 1;        }        // Opens the file for reading        ret = AFCFileRefOpen(iPodConnection, remoteFile, AFC_FILEMODE_READ, 0, &handle);        if (ret != MDERR_OK) {                printf("[RET]AFCFileRefOpen() = %d\n", ret);                return ret;        }                // Gets the contents by chunks        while (total < size) {                len = min(size - total, sizeof(buffer));                ret = AFCFileRefRead(iPodConnection, handle, buffer, &len);                if (ret != MDERR_OK) {                        printf("[RET]AFCFileRefRead() = %d\n", ret);                        break;                }                if (!len)                        break;                for (i = 0; i < len; i++)                        printf("%02X ", buffer[i]);                printf("%*s| ", (sizeof(buffer)-len)*3+1, " ");                for (i = 0; i < len; i++)                        printf("%c", buffer[i] >= 32 ? buffer[i] : ' ');                putchar('\n');                total += len;        }        AFCFileRefClose(iPodConnection, handle);        return 0;}void test(){        char buffer[512];        while(1) {                printf("> ");                gets(buffer);                if (!*buffer)                        break;                if (buffer[0] == '?') {                        printf("File info on %s:\n", buffer+1);                        iPodCmdFileInfo(buffer+1);                } else if (!strncmp(buffer, "r ", 2)) {                        printf("Reading file %s:\n", buffer+2);                        iPodCmdFileRead(buffer+2);                } else {                        printf("Directory contents of %s:\n", buffer);                        iPodCmdLs(buffer);                }        }}void main(int argc, char *argv[]){        try {                init();                connect();                test();                close();        }        catch(char *message) {                printf("Error: %s\nAborting.\n", message);                close();                exit(1);        }}
