APUE读书笔记 6--------- 系统数据文件和信息

来源:互联网 发布:华为大数据在贵州 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 10:33


(1)Linux系统的口令文件/ etc / passwd中的字段包含在passwd结构中,passwd的结构定义如下:
#include <pwd.h>/* The passwd structure.  */struct passwd{  char *pw_name;                /* Username.  */  char *pw_passwd;              /* Password.  */  uid_t pw_uid;                 /* User ID.  */  gid_t pw_gid;                 /* Group ID.  */  char *pw_gecos;               /* Real name.  */  char *pw_dir;                 /* Home directory.  */  char *pw_shell;               /* Shell program.  */};

其中 / etc / passwd 文件中的典型的一行显示为   root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash,分别对应passwd结构中的7个字段。

注意:    若要阻止某用户登到系统,可以将pw_shell设置为 /dev/null、/bin/false或者 /bin/true 。可以使用nobody用户名,这样任何用户都可以登录到该系统,不过只能访问人人可读、可写的文件。 在管理员的权限下,使用vipw命令可以修改口令文件。

#include <pwd.h>/* 若成功则返回指针,若出错,则返回NULL*/ //Search for an entry with a matching user ID.struct passwd *getpwuid ( uid_t uid);//Search for an entry with a matching username.struct passwd *getpwnam ( const char * name);

其中 getpwuid函数可以通过用户ID获得passwd结构,getpwnam函数可以通过用户名获得passwd结构。


#include <pwd.h>//Rewind the password-file stream. void setpwent (void);//Close the password-file stream.void endpwent (void);//Read an entry from the password-file stream, opening it if necessary.struct passwd *getpwent (void);


// 探究passwd的静态性#include <stdio.h>#include <pwd.h>#include <stdlib.h>int main( int argc ,char *argv[] ){        struct passwd *sta_pass=getpwnam( "wang11chao01" );        printf( "username:%s \n userpass:%s \n userid:%d\n",sta_pass->pw_name,sta_pass->pw_passwd,sta_pass->pw_uid);        // 再次调用getpwnam函数,重写passwd结构        getpwnam( "root" );        printf("---------------------------------------"       "---------------------------------\n");        // sta_pass中的内容会修改        printf( "username:%s \n userpass:%s \n userid:%d\n",sta_pass->pw_name,sta_pass->pw_passwd,sta_pass->pw_uid);        exit( 0 );}









(1) 为了提高系统的安全性,防止一般用户获取用户的加密口令,通常将加密口令存放于阴影口令文件 /etc/shadow中,阴影口令项的字段存放于spwd结构中,spwd结构的定义为:

#include <shadow.h>/* Structure of the password file.  */struct spwd  {    char *sp_namp;              /* Login name.  */    char *sp_pwdp;              /* Encrypted password.  */    long int sp_lstchg;         /* Date of last change.  */    long int sp_min;            /* Minimum number of days between changes.  */    long int sp_max;            /* Maximum number of days between changes.  */    long int sp_warn;           /* Number of days to warn user to change                                   the password.  */    long int sp_inact;          /* Number of days the account may be                                   inactive.  */    long int sp_expire;         /* Number of days since 1970-01-01 until                                   account expires.  */    unsigned long int sp_flag;  /* Reserved.  */  };

#include <shadow.h>//Get shadow entry matching NAME.struct spwd *getspnam (const char *name);//Open database for reading.void setspent (void);//Close database.extern void endspent (void);//Get next entry from database, perhaps after opening the file./struct spwd *getspent (void);


#include <grp.h>struct group  {    char *gr_name;              /* Group name.  */    char *gr_passwd;            /* Password.    */    gid_t gr_gid;             /* Group ID.    */    char **gr_mem;              /* Member list. */  };


#include <grp.h>//Search for an entry with a matching group ID.struct group *getgrgid (gid_t gid);//Search for an entry with a matching group name.struct group *getgrnam (const char *name);//Rewind the group-file stream.void setgrent (void);//Close the group-file stream.void endgrent (void);//Read an entry from the group-file stream, opening it if necessary.struct group *getgrent (void);


(3)每个用户除了可以属于口令文件项中组ID所对应的组,也可以属于其他的组 ------ 附加组 


#include <unistd.h>/* If SIZE is zero, return the number of supplementary groups   the calling process is in.  Otherwise, fill in the group IDs   of its supplementary groups in LIST and return the number written.  */int getgroups (int size, gid_t list[]);




存取系统数据文件的类似例程说明数据文件头文件结构附加的关键字查找函数口令/etc/passwd<pwd.h>passwdgetpwnam 、getpwuid组/etc/group<grp.h>groupgetpwnam、getpwuid阴影/etc/shadow<shadow.h>spwdgetspnam主机/etc/hosts<netdb.h>hostentgethostbyname、gethostbyaddr网络/etc/networks<netdb.h>netentgetnetbyname、getnetbyaddr协议/etc/protocols<netdb.h>protoentgetprotobyname、getprotobyaddr服务/etc/services<netdb.h>serventgetservbyname、getservbyaddr



#include <sys/utsname.h>/* Structure describing the system and machine.  */struct utsname  {    /* Name of the implementation of the operating system.  */    char sysname[_UTSNAME_SYSNAME_LENGTH];    /* Name of this node on the network.  */    char nodename[_UTSNAME_NODENAME_LENGTH];    /* Current release level of this implementation.  */    char release[_UTSNAME_RELEASE_LENGTH];    /* Current version level of this release.  */    char version[_UTSNAME_VERSION_LENGTH];    /* Name of the hardware type the system is running on.  */    char machine[_UTSNAME_MACHINE_LENGTH];#if _UTSNAME_DOMAIN_LENGTH - 0    /* Name of the domain of this node on the network.  */# ifdef __USE_GNU    char domainname[_UTSNAME_DOMAIN_LENGTH];# else    char __domainname[_UTSNAME_DOMAIN_LENGTH];# endif#endif  };

#include <sys/utsname.h>//若成功则返回非负值,若出错则返回-1/* Put information about the system in NAME.  */int uname (struct utsname * name);
// uname函数#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/utsname.h>int main( int argc,char *argv[] ){        struct utsname name;        if( uname( &name )==-1 ){                fputs("uname error",stdout);                exit( -1 );        }        printf( "The OS is %s \n The nodeName is %s \n"                "The release is %s \n The version is %s \n"                "The machine is %s \n ",                 name.sysname,name.nodename,name.release,name.version,name.machine );        exit( 0 );}


The OS is Linux 
The nodeName is wang11chao01 
The release is 2.6.32-131.0.15.el6.x86_64 
The version is #1 SMP Sat Nov 12 15:11:58 CST 2011 
The machine is x86_64 


//若成功则返回0,若出错则返回-1#include <time.h>/* Put the name of the current host in no more than LEN bytes of NAME.   The result is null-terminated if LEN is large enough for the full   name and the terminator.  */int gethostname (char * name, size_t len);




2、获取日历时间 ---------- time_t
// 若成功则返回时间值,若出错则返回-1#include <time.h>/* Return the current time and put it in *TIMER if TIMER is not NULL.  */time_t time (time_t *timer);



#include <sys/time.h>/* Get the current time of day and timezone information,   putting it into *TV and *TZ.  If TZ is NULL, *TZ is not filled.   Returns 0 on success, -1 on errors.   NOTE: This form of timezone information is obsolete.   Use the functions and variables declared in <time.h> instead.  */int gettimeofday (struct timeval *restrict  tv,                          timezone_ptr_t tz);
#include <bits/time.h>/* A time value that is accurate to the nearest   microsecond but also has a range of years.  */struct timeval  {    time_t tv_sec;            /* Seconds.  */    suseconds_t tv_usec;      /* Microseconds.  */  };



3、将日历时间转换为人们可读的时间和日期------ tm结构


#include <time.h>/* Used by other time functions.  */struct tm{  int tm_sec;                   /* Seconds.     [0-60] (1 leap second) */  int tm_min;                   /* Minutes.     [0-59] */  int tm_hour;                  /* Hours.       [0-23] */  int tm_mday;                  /* Day.         [1-31] */  int tm_mon;                   /* Month.       [0-11] */  int tm_year;                  /* Year - 1900.  */  int tm_wday;                  /* Day of week. [0-6] */  int tm_yday;                  /* Days in year.[0-365] */  int tm_isdst;                 /* DST.         [-1/0/1]*/#ifdef  __USE_BSD  long int tm_gmtoff;           /* Seconds east of UTC.  */  __const char *tm_zone;        /* Timezone abbreviation.  */#else  long int __tm_gmtoff;         /* Seconds east of UTC.  */  __const char *__tm_zone;      /* Timezone abbreviation.  */#endif};


#include <time.h>/* Return the `struct tm' representation of *TIMER   in Universal Coordinated Time (aka Greenwich Mean Time).  */struct tm *gmtime (const time_t *timer);/* Return the `struct tm' representation   of *TIMER in the local timezone.  */struct tm *localtime (const time_t *timer);


// 若出错则返回-1#include <time.h>/* Return the `time_t' representation of TP and normalize TP.  */time_t mktime (struct tm *tp) ;



#include <time.h> /* Equivalent to `asctime (localtime (timer))'.  */char *ctime (const time_t *timer);
该函数返回类似下面格式的输出:2012年 07月 29日 星期日 19:06:14 CST


include <time.h>/* Return a string of the form "Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy\n"   that is the representation of TP in this format.  */char *asctime (const struct tm *tp) ;




#include <time.h>/* Format TP into S according to FORMAT.   Write no more than MAXSIZE characters and return the number   of characters written, or 0 if it would exceed MAXSIZE.  */size_t strftime (char *restrict s, size_t maxsize,                 const char *restrict format,                 const struct tm *restrict tp);



#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>#define MAXSIZE 40int main( int argc,char *argv[] ){        char format[]="aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHIjmMnprRStTuUVwWxXyYzZ%";        time_t now;        if( ( now=time( NULL ) )==-1 ){                fputs( "time error!",stdout );                exit( -1 );        }        struct tm *local;        if( ( local=localtime( &now ) )==NULL ){                fputs( "localtime error!",stdout );                exit( -1 );        }        char buf[ MAXSIZE ];        int i;        char form[3];        for( i=0;i<sizeof( format )/sizeof( char );++i ){                sprintf( form,"%%%c",format[i] );                if( strftime( buf,MAXSIZE,form,local )==0 ){                        fputs( "strftime error !",stdout );                        exit( -1 );                }                printf("The time using format %c is %s \n",format[i],buf );        }        exit( 0 );}
程序运行结果如下:The time using format a is Sun 

The time using format A is Sunday 
The time using format b is Jul 
The time using format B is July 
The time using format c is Sun Jul 29 19:44:04 2012 
The time using format C is 20 
The time using format d is 29 
The time using format D is 07/29/12 
The time using format e is 29 
The time using format E is %E 
The time using format f is %f 
The time using format F is 2012-07-29 
The time using format g is 12 
The time using format G is 2012 
The time using format h is Jul 
The time using format H is 19 
The time using format I is 07 
The time using format j is 211 
The time using format m is 07 
The time using format M is 44 
The time using format n is 
The time using format p is PM 
The time using format r is 07:44:04 PM 
The time using format R is 19:44 
The time using format S is 04 
The time using format t is      
The time using format T is 19:44:04 
The time using format u is 7 
The time using format U is 31 
The time using format V is 30 
The time using format w is 0 
The time using format W is 30 
The time using format x is 07/29/12 
The time using format X is 19:44:04 
The time using format y is 12 
The time using format Y is 2012 
The time using format z is +0800 
The time using format Z is CST 
The time using format % is %