
来源:互联网 发布:虚拟试衣淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 00:55


解法:这是双端 LIS 问题,用 DP 的思想可解,目标规划函数 max{ b[i] + c[i] }, 其中 b[i] 为从左到右, 0 ~ i 个数之间满足递增的数字个数; c[i] 为从右到左, n-1 ~ i 个数之间满足递增的数字个数。最后结果为 n - max + 1。其中 DP 的时候,可以维护一个 inc[] 数组表示递增数字序列,inc[i] 为从小到大第 i 大的数字,然后在计算 b[i] c[i] 的时候使用二分查找在 inc[] 中找出区间 inc[0] ~ inc[i-1] 中小于 a[i] 的元素个数(low)。

/** * The problem: * 从一列数中筛除尽可能少的数使得从左往右看,这些数是从小到大再从大到小的(网易)。 * use binary search, perhaps you should compile it with -std=c99 * fairywell 2011 */  #include <stdio.h>    #define MAX_NUM    (1U<<31)    int  main()  {      int i, n, low, high, mid, max;            printf("Input how many numbers there are: ");      scanf("%d/n", &n);      /* a[] holds the numbers, b[i] holds the number of increasing numbers     * from a[0] to a[i], c[i] holds the number of increasing numbers     * from a[n-1] to a[i]     * inc[] holds the increasing numbers     * VLA needs c99 features, compile with -stc=c99     */      double a[n], b[n], c[n], inc[n];            printf("Please input the numbers:/n");      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) scanf("%lf", &a[i]);            // update array b from left to right      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) inc[i] = (unsigned) MAX_NUM;      //b[0] = 0;      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {          low = 0; high = i;          while (low < high) {              mid = low + (high-low)*0.5;              if (inc[mid] < a[i]) low = mid + 1;              else high = mid;          }          b[i] = low + 1;          inc[low] = a[i];      }            // update array c from right to left      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) inc[i] = (unsigned) MAX_NUM;      //c[0] = 0;      for (i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) {          low = 0; high = i;          while (low < high) {              mid = low + (high-low)*0.5;              if (inc[mid] < a[i]) low = mid + 1;              else high = mid;          }          c[i] = low + 1;          inc[low] = a[i];      }            max = 0;      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i )          if (b[i]+c[i] > max) max = b[i] + c[i];          printf("%d number(s) should be erased at least./n", n+1-max);          return 0;  }  
