
来源:互联网 发布:微信扫号器数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 04:00


#include "stdio.h"#define MAX_SIZE  50   /* 最大的稀疏矩阵 */typedef enum  {head, entry} tagfield; //行链表的头指针和列链表的头指针struct entry_node  { //非零元节点      int  row;  //非零元所在行的下标      int  col;  //非零元所在列的下标      int  value;  //非零元的数值};typedef struct Matrix  {   //矩阵      struct Matrix*  down;   //非零元所在列表的后继区域      struct Matrix  *right; //非零元所在行表的后继区域      tagfield  tag;  //行列头指针      union   {         struct Matrix  *  next;   struct entry_node  entry;      } u;}matrix_node;typedef matrix_node * matrix_pointer;matrix_pointer  hdnode [ MAX_SIZE ];matrix_pointer new_node(void) //定义新node,并分配存储空间{      matrix_pointer temp;temp = (matrix_pointer)malloc(sizeof(matrix_node));if (temp==NULL) {  printf("The memory is full\n");  exit(1);}return temp;}             matrix_pointer Create(void){       int num_rows, num_cols, num_terms, num_heads, i,current_row;    int col,value,row;matrix_pointernode,temp,last;    printf("Enter the number of rows, columns and number of nonzero terms: ");    scanf("%d%d%d",&num_rows,&num_cols,&num_terms);    num_heads = (num_cols > num_rows) ? num_cols :num_rows;/* 建立新结点 */    node = new_node(); node->tag = entry;    node->u.entry.row = num_rows;    node->u.entry.col = num_cols;if ( !num_heads )node->right = node;    else {        for ( i = 0; i<num_heads; i++ ) {            temp = new_node();            hdnode[i] = temp;hdnode[i]->tag = head;            hdnode[i]->right = temp;             hdnode[i]->u.next = temp;}   current_row = 0;last = hdnode[0];for ( i = 0; i < num_terms; i++ ) {            printf("Enter row, column and value: ");            scanf("%d%d%d",&row,&col,&value);            if ( row > current_row ) {                /* 转到row所在行去*/                last->right = hdnode[current_row];                current_row = row; last = hdnode[row];}            temp = new_node();            temp->tag = entry; temp->u.entry.row = row;            temp->u.entry.col = col;            temp->u.entry.value = value;  last->right = temp;            last = temp;/*链接到列结点上 */            hdnode[col]->u.next->down = temp;              hdnode[col]->u.next = temp;          }/* 结束上一行结点 */        last->right = hdnode[current_row]; /*结束所有行结点*/        for ( i=0; i<num_cols; i++ )hdnode[i]->u.next->down= hdnode[i];  /*链接所有的头结点 */        for ( i=0; i<num_heads-1; i++ )             hdnode[i]->u.next = hdnode[i+1];        hdnode[num_heads-1]->u.next = node;        node->right = hdnode[0];    }    return node;}     void main(){matrix_pointer matric = Create();}


#include "stdio.h"#define MAX_SIZE  50   /* 最大的稀疏矩阵 */typedef enum  {head, entry} tagfield;struct entry_node  {      int  row;      int  col;      int  value;};typedef struct Matrix  {struct Matrix*  down;      struct Matrix  *right;      tagfield  tag;      union   {       struct Matrix  *  next; struct entry_node  entry;      } u;}matrix_node;typedef matrix_node * matrix_pointer;matrix_pointer  hdnode [ MAX_SIZE ];matrix_pointer new_node(void){      matrix_pointer temp;temp = (matrix_pointer)malloc(sizeof(matrix_node));if (temp==NULL) {printf("The memory is full\n");exit(1);}return temp;}             matrix_pointer Create(void){       int num_rows, num_cols, num_terms, num_heads, i,current_row;    int col,  value,row;matrix_pointernode,temp,last;    printf("Enter the number of rows, columns and number of nonzero terms: ");    scanf("%d%d%d",&num_rows,&num_cols,&num_terms);    num_heads = (num_cols > num_rows) ? num_cols :num_rows;/* 建立新结点 */    node = new_node(); node->tag = entry;    node->u.entry.row = num_rows;    node->u.entry.col = num_cols;if ( !num_heads )node->right = node;    else {/*初始化头结点如图5-5-4*/        for ( i = 0; i<num_heads; i++ ) {            temp = new_node();            hdnode[i] = temp;hdnode[i]->tag = head;            hdnode[i]->right = temp;             hdnode[i]->u.next = temp;}   current_row = 0;last = hdnode[0];for ( i = 0; i < num_terms; i++ ) {            printf("Enter row, column and value: ");            scanf("%d%d%d",&row,&col,&value);            if ( row > current_row ) {                /* 转到row所在行去*/                last->right = hdnode[current_row];                current_row = row; last = hdnode[row];}            temp = new_node();            temp->tag = entry; temp->u.entry.row = row;            temp->u.entry.col = col;            temp->u.entry.value = value;/* 链接到行结点上如图5-5-5所示 */            last->right = temp;            last = temp;/*链接到列结点上 */            hdnode[col]->u.next->down = temp;              hdnode[col]->u.next = temp;          }/* 结束上一行结点 */        last->right = hdnode[current_row]; /*结束所有行结点*/        for ( i=0; i<num_cols; i++ )hdnode[i]->u.next->down= hdnode[i];  /*链接所有的头结点 */        for ( i=0; i<num_heads-1; i++ )             hdnode[i]->u.next = hdnode[i+1];        hdnode[num_heads-1]->u.next = node;        node->right = hdnode[0];    }    return node;}     void erase(matrix_pointer *node){matrix_pointer x,y,head = (*node)->right;int i;/* 遍历每行,删除元素结点和头结点 */for ( i = 0; i< (*node)->u.entry.row; i++ ) {y = head->right;while ( y != head ) {x = y; y = y->right; free(x);}x = head; head = head->u.next; free(x);}/* 删除剩余的头结点*/y = head;while ( y != *node ) {x = y; y = y->u.next; free(x);}free(*node); *node = NULL;}void main(){matrix_pointer matric=Create();erase(&matric);}