
来源:互联网 发布:mac版ie内核浏览器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 18:24







设计过程<BR>1 编程的本质是:没有意外,最小化耦合,最大化内聚<BR>2 根除复杂性这个恶魔(Part 1)<BR>2.1 不要解决不存在的问题<BR>2.2 解决一个问题,而不要解决一类问题<BR>3 A user interface should not look like a computer program (the transparency principle)<BR>3 用户接口看起来不应该象一个计算机程序(透明原则)<BR>4 Don't confuse ease of learning with ease of use<BR>4 不要混淆易于使用和易于掌握这两个概念<BR>5 Productivity can be measured in the number of keystrokes<BR>5 生产率可以通过击键次数来衡量<BR>6 If you can't say it in English, you can't say it in C/C++<BR>6 如果你不能用自然语言表达,也就不能用C/C++表达<BR>6.1 Do the comments first<BR>6.1 先写注释<BR>7 Read code<BR>7 阅读代码<BR>7.1 There's no room for prima donnas in a contemporary programming shop<BR>8 Decompose complex problems into smaller tasks<BR>8 将复杂的问题分解为多个小任务<BR>9 Use the whole language (Use the appropriate tool for the job)<BR>10 A problem must be thought through before it can be solved<BR>10 解决问题之前应该深思熟虑<BR>11 Computer programming is a service industry<BR>11 计算机编程是服务行业<BR>12 Involve users in the development process<BR>12 开发过程应该有用户参与<BR>13 The customer is always right<BR>13 客户永远是正确的<BR>14 Small is Beautiful. (Big == slow)<BR>14 小即是美(大==慢)<BR>一般开发问题<BR>15 First, do no harm<BR>15 第一,不要有害<BR>16 Edit your code<BR>16 编辑你的代码<BR>17 A program must be written at least twice<BR>17 一个程序应该至少写两次<BR>18 You can't measure productivity by volume<BR>18 不能用代码量衡量生产率<BR>19 You can't program in isolation<BR>19 编程不能与世隔绝<BR>20 Goof off<BR>20 别把编程太当回事<BR>21 Write code with maintenance in mind梩he maintenance programmer is you<BR>21 写代码的时候应该时刻想着维护,假设你自己就是维护者<BR>21.1 Efficiency is often a bugaboo<BR>21.1 追求效率往往导致其它问题<BR>格式化和文档<BR>22 Uncommented code has no value<BR>22 没有注释的代码没有价值<BR>23 Put the code and the documentation in the same place<BR>23 将代码和文档放在一起<BR>24 Comments should be sentences<BR>24 注释应该是完整的句子<BR>25 Run your code through a spelling checker<BR>25 你的代码应该能通过拼写检查<BR>26 A comment shouldn't restate the obvious<BR>26 不要注释显而易见的东西<BR>27 A comment should provide only information needed for maintenance<BR>27 注释中应该只提供对维护有帮助的内容<BR>28 Comments should be in blocks<BR>28 使用块注释<BR>29 Comments should align vertically<BR>29 注释应该垂直对齐<BR>30 Use neat columns as much as possible<BR>30 代码应该尽可能的整齐的分列<BR>31 Don't put comments between the function name and the open brace<BR>31 不要在函数名和第一个花括号之间写注释<BR>32 Mark the ends of long compound statements with something reasonable<BR>32 在较长的代码块之后做标记性注释<BR>33 Put only one statement per line<BR>33 每行只写一条语句<BR>34 Put argument names in function prototypes<BR>34 函数原型中应该写上参数名<BR>35 Use a 損redicate?form to split up long expressions<BR>36 A subroutine should fit on a screen<BR>36 一个子函数的长度应该在一屏以内<BR>37 All code should be printable<BR>37 所有的代码都应该是可打印的<BR>38 Use lines of dashes for visual separation between subroutines<BR>38 使用整行连字符来隔离子函数代码<BR>39 White space is one of the most effective comments<BR>39 空白是最好的注释之一<BR>40 Use four-space indents<BR>40 使用四个空格做缩进<BR>41 Indent statements associated with a flow-control statement<BR>41 缩进所有与一个流程控制语句相关的语句<BR>41.1.Comments should be at the same indent level as the surrounding code<BR>41.1 注释应该与其对应的代码一同缩进<BR>42 Align braces vertically at the outer level<BR>42 在外层垂直对齐花括号<BR>43 Use braces when more than one line is present under a flow-control statement<BR>43 在流程控制语句下面如果有多于一条的语句,应该使用花括号<BR>