
来源:互联网 发布:弹性棉条绒裤子淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 17:11

26.Laser Cutter: Don’t Miss A Thing; collision detection between a line and a circle

In our last post, we saw how to do collision detection between bullets (modelled as an exact point) and asteroids (modelled as a circle). In this post we are going to upgrade our spaceship, and equip it with a laser for breaking up asteroids. This is going to involve a bit of equation re-arranging.


Space Lasers


A laser is a straight line projecting from the front of the spaceship. To do collision detection between the laser and the asteroid, we need to check whether a line intersects a circle. For that, we return tothe mathematical representation of a line, representing our laser line as:


\begin{pmatrix} x \\ y \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \text{spaceshipX} \\ \text{spaceshipY} \end{pmatrix} + \text{scalar} \times \begin{pmatrix} \text{dirX} \\ \text{dirY} \end{pmatrix}

We know from last time that the way to check if a particular point intersects a circle is to check the distance against the radius:


\sqrt{(x - \text{centreX})^2 + (y - \text{centreY})^2} \leq \text{radius}

To find out if any point on the line is inside the circle, we can actually subsitute our line equation into the circle equation, like so:


\sqrt{(\text{spaceshipX} + (\text{scalar}\times\text{dirX}) - \text{centreX})^2 + (\text{spaceshipY} + (\text{scalar}\times\text{dirY}) - \text{centreY})^2} \leq \text{radius}

This will tell us if any point on the line is inside the circle. In fact, for collision detection, all we need to check is if the line hits the outside of the circle. If the line touches the circle at all, we know that they intersect. Mathematically, we can change that less-than-or-equal-to into an equals (this will come in handy later on):


\sqrt{(\text{spaceshipX} + (\text{scalar}\times\text{dirX}) - \text{centreX})^2 + (\text{spaceshipY} + (\text{scalar}\times\text{dirY}) - \text{centreY})^2} = \text{radius}

The only unknown in that equation is scalar, so we need to rearrange for that — we can start by squaring both sides, because we know both sides will be positive:


(\text{spaceshipX} + (\text{scalar}\times\text{dirX}) - \text{centreX})^2 + (\text{spaceshipY} + (\text{scalar}\times\text{dirY}) - \text{centreY})^2 = \text{radius}^2

Let’s define a couple of helper variables to trim that down:


\text{distX} = \text{spaceshipX} - \text{centreX}
\text{distY} = \text{spaceshipY} - \text{centreY}

That gives us:


(\text{distX} + (\text{scalar}\times\text{dirX}))^2 + (\text{distY} + (\text{scalar}\times\text{dirY}))^2 = \text{radius}^2

\text{distX}^2 + (2\times\text{distX}\times\text{scalar}\times\text{dirX}) + (\text{scalar}^2\times\text{dirX}^2) + \text{distY}^2 + (2\times\text{distY}\times\text{scalar}\times\text{dirY}) + (\text{scalar}^2\times\text{dirY}^2) = \text{radius}^2

(\text{dirX}^2 + \text{dirY}^2) \times \text{scalar}^2 + ((2\times\text{distX}\times\text{dirX}) + (2\times\text{distY}\times\text{dirY}))\times\text{scalar} + \text{distX}^2 + \text{distY}^2 - \text{radius}^2 = 0

Phew! Now what we have is a quadratic equation, which we can solve using the standardquadratic formula. The quadratic formula tells us that any equation of the formax^2 + bx + c can be rearranged to:

哎呀!现在我们所得到的是一个二次方程,它可以使用标准的二次公式来求解。二次公式告诉我们任何形如ax^2 + bx + c的方程式都可以变形为:

x = \displaystyle\frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}

And in fact, we don’t care what the value of x is, we just want to know if the equation has a solution: if it has a solution, the line touches the circle — if there is no solution, that’s because the line doesn’t touch the circle. The part which tells us whether there is a solution is the b^2 - 4 \times a \times c part — if this is 0 or higher (and thus can be square-rooted) then there is a solution, but if it’s negative then there’s no solution. From above, we have that:

实际上,我们并不在意x的值是多少,我们仅仅希望知道该方程是否有解:如果有一个解,直线便会接触到圆——如果无解那是因为直线没有和圆碰触到。公式告诉我们是否有解的部分是b^2 - 4 \times a \times c——如果大于等于零(于是可以开平方)则有解,但是如果它是负数则说明无解。从上面的公式我们可以得到:

x = \text{scalar}
a = \text{dirX}^2 + \text{dirY}^2
b = (2\times\text{distX}\times\text{dirX}) + (2\times\text{distY}\times\text{dirY})
c = \text{distX}^2 + \text{distY}^2 - \text{radius}^2

And thus our code for collision detection between the laser and the asteroid is:


         double dirX = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(getRotation()));        double dirY = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(getRotation()));                for (Asteroid asteroid : (List<Asteroid>)getWorld().getObjects(Asteroid.class))        {            double distX = getX() - asteroid.getX();            double distY = getY() - asteroid.getY();                        double a = dirX * dirX + dirY * dirY;            double b = 2 * distX * dirX + 2 * distY * dirY;            double c = distX * distX + distY * distY - asteroid.getRadius() * asteroid.getRadius();                        if (b * b - 4 * a * c >= 0)            {                if (asteroid.hit(30))                {                    destroyedAsteroid();                }            }        }

And do you know what — it works! You can have a play live on the Greenfoot site.
