ZOJ 3474 Taekwondo

来源:互联网 发布:subversion mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 15:55

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Alice is very fond of Taekwondo and he is also a member of Taekwondo Association of Zhejiang University. One day, his friends decide to compare with him. Now Alice must face all of his friends'challange, that is to say, if there are T friends, then he will take T matchs in just one day! Of course Alice has limited energe power, so he must carefully arrange the order of the T matchs and take optional strategy to win all the matchs.

Here are the rules of taekwondo match. Player must use available kicks to hit available position of his opponent's body. Different kick gets different points. To simplify this problem, we assume that Alice will use only 3 kinds of kicks, as shown below:

  1. Axe Kick:consume P1 energe power, get 3 points
  2. Back-Whirling Kick: consume P2 energe power, get 2 points
  3. Turning Kick: consum P3 energe power, get 1 points
P1P2P3 depends on the opponent and will be given in the input. For example, if the opponent is taller than Alice, then Axe Kick may consume more energe, but for a shorter opponent, it will be easier to use Axe Kick,thus consuming less energe.

If Alice wants to win a single match, he must get at least 7 points and guarantee that his enenge is above zero. After each match, Alice will have a chance to rest, and will recover R energe power, Ralso depends on different opponent. Alice's initial energe power is S , and after a rest, his energe power may be more than S, which is available. Remember that Alice can freely arrange the order of all the matches and he must win all the matches.


The first line of the input is a single integer m, which is the number of test cases. In each case, fisrt there are two integers T (T≤22) and S (S≤100), indicating that there are T friends to compare with Alice and Alice's initial energe power is S. the following T lines each contain 4 integers: Pi1Pi2Pi3Ri, as described above. (0<=Pi1Pi2Pi3Ri≤100)


For each case, you should output one line. If Alice can win all the matches, output the max energe power he can save at last. Otherwise,output "no".

Sample Input

22 10040 40 40 10020 70 10 1001 1040 40 40 100

Sample Output



In case 1, Alice should compare with the second person first, consume 50 energe power (2 Axe Kick and 1 Turning Kick), recover 100, then compare with the first person, consume 120 (2 Axe Kick and 1 Turning Kick), recover 100, thus the answer is 130.




#define test#include<iostream>#include<cstdlib>#include<cstring>#include<cstdio>#include<cmath>using namespace std;struct power{    int p1, p2, p3, r;} team[24];struct point{    int r, con;} add[24], de[24];int r_cmp(const void *a, const void *b){    point *aa = (point *)a;    point *bb = (point *)b;    return aa->r < bb->r ? 1 : -1;}int con_cmp(const void *a, const void *b){    point *aa = (point *)a;    point *bb = (point *)b;    return aa->con > bb->con ? 1 : -1;}int differ(int i) // 数据量较小,可以枚举所有情况判断最小消耗值{    int _min=0x7FFFFFFF, a, b, c;    for(a=0; a <= 3; a++)        for(b=0; b <= 4; b++)            for(c=0; c <= 7; c++)                if(a*3 + b*2 + c >= 7)                    _min = min(_min,c*team[i].p3 + b*team[i].p2 + a*team[i].p1);    return _min;}int flag[24], s;int main(){#ifdef test    freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);#endif    int m, t;    scanf("%d", &m);    while(m--)    {        int add_i = 0, de_i = 0;        scanf("%d%d", &t, &s);        for(int i = 1; i <= t; i++)        {            scanf("%d%d%d%d", &team[i].p1, &team[i].p2, &team[i].p3, &team[i].r);            int ans = differ(i);            if(team[i].r - ans >= 0)            {                add[add_i].r = team[i].r;                add[add_i++].con = ans;            }            else            {                de[de_i].r = team[i].r;                de[de_i++].con = ans;            }        }        qsort(add, add_i, sizeof(add[0]), con_cmp); // 净体力恢复值为正的按消耗值从小到大排序        qsort(de, de_i, sizeof(de[0]), r_cmp);  // 净体力恢复值为负的按恢复值从大到小排序        int ok = 1;        for(int i = 0;ok && i < add_i; i++)        {            if(s <= add[i].con)  // 若不满足条件,则跳出返回0,挑战失败                ok = 0;            s += add[i].r - add[i].con;        }        for(int i = 0; ok && i < de_i; i++)        {            if(s <= de[i].con)                ok = 0;            s += de[i].r - de[i].con;        }        if(ok)            printf("%d\n", s);        else            printf("no\n");    }    return 0;}
