
来源:互联网 发布:avast手机安全软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:12
create procedure sys.sp_help   @objname nvarchar(776) = NULL  -- object name we're after  as   -- PRELIMINARY   set nocount on   declare @dbname sysname    ,@no varchar(35), @yes varchar(35), @none varchar(35)   select @no = 'no', @yes = 'yes', @none = 'none'     -- If no @objname given, give a little info about all objects.   if @objname is null  ----传入空值 begin    -- DISPLAY ALL SYSOBJECTS --          select              'Name'          = o.name,              'Owner'         = user_name(ObjectProperty( object_id, 'ownerid')),              'Object_type'   = substring(v.name,5,31)          from sys.all_objects o, master.dbo.spt_values v          where o.type = substring(v.name,1,2) collate database_default and v.type = 'O9T'          order by [Owner] asc, Object_type desc, Name asc      print ' '      -- DISPLAY ALL USER TYPES    select     'User_type' = name,     'Storage_type' = type_name(system_type_id),     'Length'  = max_length,     'Prec'  = Convert(int,TypePropertyEx(user_type_id, 'precision')),     'Scale'  = Convert(int,TypePropertyEx(user_type_id, 'scale')),     'Nullable'  = case when is_nullable = 1 then @yes else @no end,     'Default_name' = isnull(object_name(default_object_id), @none),     'Rule_name'  = isnull(object_name(rule_object_id), @none),     'Collation'  = collation_name    from sys.types    where user_type_id > 256    order by name      return(0)   end     -- Make sure the @objname is local to the current database.   select @dbname = parsename(@objname,3)   if @dbname is null    select @dbname = db_name()   else if @dbname <> db_name()    begin     raiserror(15250,-1,-1)     return(1)    end     -- @objname must be either sysobjects or systypes: first look in sysobjects   declare @objid int   declare @sysobj_type char(2)   select @objid = object_id, @sysobj_type = type from sys.all_objects where object_id = object_id(@objname)     -- IF NOT IN SYSOBJECTS, TRY SYSTYPES --   if @objid is null   begin    -- UNDONE: SHOULD CHECK FOR AND DISALLOW MULTI-PART NAME    select @objid = type_id(@objname)      -- IF NOT IN SYSTYPES, GIVE UP    if @objid is null    begin     raiserror(15009,-1,-1,@objname,@dbname)     return(1)    end      -- DATA TYPE HELP (prec/scale only valid for numerics)    select     'Type_name' = name,     'Storage_type' = type_name(system_type_id),     'Length'  = max_length,     'Prec'   = Convert(int,TypePropertyEx(user_type_id, 'precision')),     'Scale'   = Convert(int,TypePropertyEx(user_type_id, 'scale')),     'Nullable'   = case when is_nullable=1 then @yes else @no end,     'Default_name' = isnull(object_name(default_object_id), @none),     'Rule_name'  = isnull(object_name(rule_object_id), @none),     'Collation'  = collation_name    from sys.types    where user_type_id = @objid      return(0)   end     -- FOUND IT IN SYSOBJECT, SO GIVE OBJECT INFO   select    'Name'    = o.name,    'Owner'    = user_name(ObjectProperty( object_id, 'ownerid')),          'Type'              = substring(v.name,5,31),    'Created_datetime' = o.create_date   from sys.all_objects o, master.dbo.spt_values v   where o.object_id = @objid and o.type = substring(v.name,1,2) collate database_default and v.type = 'O9T'     print ' '     -- DISPLAY COLUMN IF TABLE / VIEW   if exists (select * from sys.all_columns where object_id = @objid)   begin      -- SET UP NUMERIC TYPES: THESE WILL HAVE NON-BLANK PREC/SCALE    declare @numtypes nvarchar(80)    select @numtypes = N'tinyint,smallint,decimal,int,real,money,float,numeric,smallmoney'      -- INFO FOR EACH COLUMN    print ' '    select     'Column_name'   = name,     'Type'     = type_name(user_type_id),     'Computed'    = case when ColumnProperty(object_id, name, 'IsComputed') = 0 then @no else @yes end,     'Length'     = convert(int, max_length),     'Prec'     = case when charindex(type_name(system_type_id), @numtypes) > 0            then convert(char(5),ColumnProperty(object_id, name, 'precision'))            else '     ' end,     'Scale'     = case when charindex(type_name(system_type_id), @numtypes) > 0            then convert(char(5),OdbcScale(system_type_id,scale))            else '     ' end,     'Nullable'    = case when is_nullable = 0 then @no else @yes end,     'TrimTrailingBlanks' = case ColumnProperty(object_id, name, 'UsesAnsiTrim')            when 1 then @no            when 0 then @yes            else '(n/a)' end,     'FixedLenNullInSource' = case        when type_name(system_type_id) not in ('varbinary','varchar','binary','char')         then '(n/a)'        when is_nullable = 0 then @no else @yes end,     'Collation'  = collation_name    from sys.all_columns where object_id = @objid      -- IDENTITY COLUMN?    if @sysobj_type in ('S ','U ','V ','TF') and @objid > 0    begin     print ' '     declare @colname sysname     select @colname = col_name(@objid, column_id) from sys.identity_columns where object_id = @objid     select      'Identity'    = isnull(@colname,'No identity column defined.'),      'Seed'    = ident_seed(@objname),      'Increment'   = ident_incr(@objname),      'Not For Replication' = ColumnProperty(@objid, @colname, 'IsIDNotForRepl')     -- ROWGUIDCOL?     print ' '     select @colname = null     select @colname = name from sys.columns where object_id = @objid and is_rowguidcol = 1     select 'RowGuidCol' = isnull(@colname,'No rowguidcol column defined.')    end   end     -- DISPLAY ANY PARAMS   if exists (select * from sys.all_parameters where object_id = @objid)   begin    -- INFO ON PROC PARAMS  --查询存储过程参数--object_id=object_id(@TableName)  print ' '    select     'Parameter_name' = name,     'Type'   = type_name(user_type_id),     'Length'   = max_length,     'Prec'   = case when type_name(system_type_id) = 'uniqueidentifier' then precision          else OdbcPrec(system_type_id, max_length, precision) end,     'Scale'   = OdbcScale(system_type_id, scale),     'Param_order'  = parameter_id,     'Collation'   = convert(sysname, case when system_type_id in (35, 99, 167, 175, 231, 239)        then ServerProperty('collation') end)      from sys.all_parameters where object_id = @objid   end     -- DISPLAY TABLE INDEXES & CONSTRAINTS   if @sysobj_type in ('S ','U ')   begin    print ' '    EXEC sys.sp_objectfilegroup @objid    print ' '    EXEC sys.sp_helpindex @objname    print ' '    EXEC sys.sp_helpconstraint @objname,'nomsg'    if (select count(*) from sysdepends where depid = @objid and deptype = 1) = 0    begin     raiserror(15647,-1,-1,@objname) -- No views with schemabinding reference table '%ls'.    end    else    begin              select distinct 'Table is referenced by views' = obj.name from sys.objects obj, sysdepends deps      where obj.type ='V' and obj.object_id = deps.id and deps.depid = @objid       and deps.deptype = 1 group by obj.name      end   end   else if @sysobj_type in ('V ') and @objid > 0   begin    -- VIEWS DONT HAVE CONSTRAINTS, BUT PRINT THESE MESSAGES BECAUSE 6.5 DID    print ' '    raiserror(15469,-1,-1,@objname) -- No constraints defined    print ' '    raiserror(15470,-1,-1,@objname) -- No foreign keys reference table '%ls'.    EXEC sys.sp_helpindex @objname   end     return (0) -- sp_help  sp_help null
