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common        [5kCmEn]               a.       1.普通的,平常的 2.共有的,公用的

commonplace [5kCmEnpleis]          a. 1.平凡的 2.陈腐的

commonwealth [5kCmEnwelW]         n.            共和国,联邦,共同体




conserve [kEn5sE:v]               vt.       1.保存,保重 


例:    conserve our nationalheritage


conserve energy 节约能源

conservation [7kCnsE(:)5veiFEn]                n.     1.保护,保存 2.节约(自然资源)

conservative [kEn5sE:vEtiv]                 a.     1.保守的,守旧的 2.保守党的

                                             n.     1.保守主义者 2. [Conservative ]保守党员

3.稳健派 4.防腐剂,保护料

例:  Conservative party (英国的)保守党

a conservativeestimate审慎的估计

conversation [7kCnvE5seiFEn]            n.        谈话


1. Conservation should, therefore, bemade a part of everyone’s daily life. (CET-6, 1993.6, Passage2, Paragraph 3)



2. To conserve is tosave and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition thatothers may also share the enjoyment. (CET-6, 1993.6, Passage 2, Paragraph 1)



3. Some home scholars want their childrento learn not only traditional subject matter but also strict religious doctrineand aconservative political and social perspective.(CET-6, 1998.6, Passage 2, Paragraph 7)





can [kAn]                         vt.       装进罐中,把食品装罐                  

n.        罐头,铁罐

                                              conj.    能,可以

canal [kE5nAl]                      n.        1.运河 2. (人体的)管道

cancel [5kAnsEl]                    vt.        取消,删去

cancellation [kAnsE5leiFEn]                  n.     取消

cancer [5kAnsE]                         n.        癌,毒瘤

candidate [5kAndidit]                     n.      候选人, 投考者

candle [5kAndl]                        n.        蜡烛              vt.     对着光检查

candler [5kAndlE]                   n.        烛台

candy [5kAndi]                        n.        糖果, 冰糖         v.蜜饯,糖煮(水果)

canon [5kAnEn]                     n.         1.教会法教规,教规

2. (基督教的)正典圣经(简称正经)



1. But biological parents aren’t alwayspreferable to adoptive ones,andbiological parentage does not convey an absolute ownership thatcancelsall the rights of children. (CET-4, 2003.6, Passage 4, Paragraph 6)



2. Lastweek the agency cancelled its earlier approval,effectively banning (禁止) the device. (CET-4, 1991.6,Passage 3, Paragraph 1)





charge [tFB:dV]                       v.       1.控告,指责 2.要价,收费3.充电


n.       1.费用 2.控告 3.主管 4.电荷 5.冲锋,袭击

discharge [dis5tFB:dV]                            v.       1.排出,发射,流出,放(电)


n.       1.解除 2.排出,发射,流出,放(电)

1. “Intelligent”people do not have N.B.D.’s because they are in charge ofthemselves. (CET-6,2001.1, Passage 4, Paragraph 3)



2. Takingcharge of yourself involves putting to rest some very prevalentmyths. (CET-6, 2001.1,Passage 4, Paragraph 1)



3. In 1993, New York State ordered stores to chargea deposit on beverage(饮料)containers. (CET-4, 2001.1,Passage 4, Paragraph 1)





launch [lC:ntF]                        v.       1.发动 2.发射3.使(船)下水

lunch [lQntF]                         n.        午餐,午饭

luncheon [5lQntFEn]                 n.        午宴, 正式的午餐(:多用于应用文邀请信)


“TheApollo Ⅱ moon launch was slightly off-course 90 percent ofthe time.” (CET-4, 1995.6, Passage 2, Paragraph 4)





confirm [kEn5fE:m]                vt.      1.确认,批准 2.使更坚固3.(进一步)证实

affirm [E5fE:m]                         vt.       断言

affirmative [E5fE:mEtiv]                 a.        肯定的

firm [fE:m]                              a.       1.严格的 2.稳定的3.坚定的 n.商行,公司


Peopletend to be more impressed by evidence that seems to confirmsomerelationship. (CET-4, 1995.1, Passage 1, Paragraph1)





define [di5fain]                     vt.       1.限定,规定 2.给……下定义

definite [5definit]                       a.       1.明确的 2.限定的

definition [7defi5niFEn]                    n.        定义,释义

infinite [5infinit]                            a.        无限的,无穷的

infinity [in5finiti]                    n.   1.无限 2.大量

fine [fain]                             a.       1.优秀的 2.纤细的3.晴朗的4.健康的

v.        罚款

finance [fai5nAns]                   n.        财政,金融           vt.          提供资金

financial [fai5nAnFEl]                    a.        财政的,金融的

refine [ri5fain]                         vt.       提纯,精炼

refinery [ri5fainEri]                       n.        精炼厂,提炼厂

confine [5kCnfain]                          vt.      1.局限,限制 2.管制,禁闭

It gave rise to mass production and,through mass production, to a society in which wealthwas not confinedto the few. (CET-6, 1996.6, Passage 3, Paragraph 3)




district [5distrikt]                      n.        区,行政区,地区

strict       [strikt]                             a.        1.严格的,严厉的 (规则或行为)


例:    a strict analysis精确的分析

restrict [ris5trikt]                      vt.       限制,约束

restriction [ris5trikFEn]               n.     1.限制,约束 2. (pl.)限制性规定


1. They cannotcare for the present restricted and inadequate system. (CET-6,2003.6, Passage 3, Paragraph 3)



2. We all enjoyour freedom of choice and do not like to see it restrictedwhenit is within the legal and moral boundaries of society. (CET-6, 1993.6, Passage 4, Paragraph 1)





constrain [kEn5strein]                  vt.      强迫,抑制,拘束

restrain [ris5trein]                      vt.      1.控制,抑制 2.制止

restraint [ris5treint]               n.        抑制,制止

strain [strein]                                      v.       1.拉紧,拉直 2.紧张,尽力3.拉伤,扭伤

n.       1.紧张,过多的疲劳 2.张力,应变

refrain [ri5frein]                        n.       重复,叠句

v.        节制,避免,制止

train [trein]                          n.        1.火车  

2. (一)行, (一)串,系列,(思想的)连续

                                              v.       训练

1. Yet this leads to long-term dependencyand perhaps permanent constraints on developing countries’economies. (CET-6,1998.6, Passage 1, Paragraph 4)



2. It is easier to negotiate initial salaryrequirement because once you are inside, the organizationalconstraintsinfluence wage increases. (CET-4, 2004.1, Passage 2, Paragraph 1)



3. Everyone agrees a system that is feeling the strain afterrapid expansion needs a lot more money—but there is little hope of getting it from the taxpayer and notmuch scope for attracting more finance from business. (CET-6, 1999.6, Passage3, Paragraph 4)



4. Allthis imposes a constant pressure and strain of work, butin spite of this some students still find time for great activity in studentaffairs. (CET-4, 1990.1, Passage 2, Paragraph 2)





abrupt [E5brQpt]                    a.       1.突然的,意外的



bankrupt [5bANkrQpt]                vt.   使破产           n.     破产者a.      破产的

corrupt [kE5rQpt]                                     v.       1.贿赂,收买 2.(使)腐败  

                                              a.     腐化的,贪污的

erupt [i5rQpt]                       vi.       (尤指火山)喷出,爆发

interrupt [7intE5rQpt]                 v.       1.打断(话) 2.中断,阻碍

disrupt [dis5rQpt]                            v.     使中断,使分裂,使瓦解,

使陷于混乱, 破坏

(: 词干rupt有 “破,破坏”的意思)

1. Earthscientists announced at a news conference recently that they had used thesystem for closely monitoring a deep-sea volcaniceruption(爆发)for the first time and that they plansimilar studies. (CET-4, 2002.6, Passage 3, Paragraph 4)



2. The buying binge (无节制) has become as important aswatching Old Faithful fountainserupt in Yellowstone Parkor sunbathing on a beach in Florida. (CET-6, 1998.1, Passage 4, Paragraph 4)

毫无节制的消费已经变得和在黄石国家公园观看Old Faithful喷泉和在佛罗里达海滩观赏落日一样重要。




touch [tQtF]                            n.       1.联系 2.接触3. 一点儿

                                              v.      1.触摸2.感动3.涉及到

例:    a touch of fever 有点发烧

touching [5tQtFiN]                      a.        令人感动的




denial [di5naiEl]                     n. 1.拒绝,拒绝给予 2.否认

deny [di5nai]                       vt.      1.拒绝给予 2.否认

defy [di5fai]                        vt.   1.(公然)违抗,蔑视 2.向……挑战


1. Attempts to prevent pollution by legislation,economic incentives and friendly persuasion have been met by lawsuits, personaland industrialdenial and long delays—not only in acceptingresponsibility, but more importantly, in doing something about it. (CET-6,1999.6, Passage 2, Paragraph 1)



2. Long after the 1998 World Cup waswon, disappointed fans were still cursing the disputed refereeing(裁判) decisions thatdeniedvictory to their team. (CET-4, 2000.6, Passage 1, Paragraph1)
