
来源:互联网 发布:少儿计算机编程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 18:26

 function AddSelectOption( selectElement, optionText, optionValue )
 var oOption = document.createElement("OPTION") ;

 oOption.text = optionText ;
 oOption.value = optionValue ; 

 selectElement.options.add(oOption) ;

 return oOption ;

Public Function GetNewFileName()
 dim ranNum
 dim dtNow
 GetNewFileName=year(dtNow) & right("0" & month(dtNow),2) & right("0" & day(dtNow),2) & right("0" & hour(dtNow),2) & right("0" & minute(dtNow),2) & right("0" & second(dtNow),2) & ranNum
End Function

 Public Sub SaveAs(sItem, sFileName)
  If File(sItem).Size < 1 Then
   nErr = 2
   Exit Sub
  End If
  If Not IsAllowed(File(sItem).Ext) Then
   nErr = 4
   Exit Sub
  End If
  Dim oFileStream
  Set oFileStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
  With oFileStream
   .Type  = 1
   .Mode  = 3
   oSourceData.Position = File(sItem).Start
   oSourceData.CopyTo oFileStream, File(sItem).Size
   .Position = 0
   .SaveToFile sFileName, 2
  End With
  Set oFileStream = Nothing
 End Sub

Sub CreateServerFolder( folderPath )
 Dim oFSO
 Set oFSO = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
 Dim sParent
 sParent = oFSO.GetParentFolderName( folderPath )
 ' Check if the parent exists, or create it.
 If ( NOT oFSO.FolderExists( sParent ) ) Then CreateServerFolder( sParent )
 If ( oFSO.FolderExists( folderPath ) = False ) Then
  oFSO.CreateFolder( folderPath )
 End If
 Set oFSO = Nothing
End Sub

Function GetUrlFromPath( resourceType, folderPath )
 If resourceType = "" Then
  GetUrlFromPath = RemoveFromEnd( sUserFilesPath, "/" ) & folderPath
  GetUrlFromPath = sUserFilesPath & resourceType & folderPath
 End If
End Function

Function RemoveExtension( fileName )
 RemoveExtension = Left( fileName, InStrRev( fileName, "." ) - 1 )
End Function

Function RemoveFromStart( sourceString, charToRemove )
 Dim oRegex
 Set oRegex = New RegExp
 oRegex.Pattern = "^" & charToRemove & "+"

 RemoveFromStart = oRegex.Replace( sourceString, "" )
End Function

Function RemoveFromEnd( sourceString, charToRemove )
 Dim oRegex
 Set oRegex = New RegExp
 oRegex.Pattern = charToRemove & "+$"

 RemoveFromEnd = oRegex.Replace( sourceString, "" )
End Function

Function ConvertToXmlAttribute( value )
 ConvertToXmlAttribute = Replace( value, "&", "&amp;" )
End Function

Function InArray( value, sourceArray )
 Dim i
 For i = 0 to UBound( sourceArray )
  If sourceArray(i) = value Then
   InArray = True
   Exit Function
  End If
 InArray = False
End Function