tectia hardnig 后 Xmanager 不能连接

来源:互联网 发布:耐克官网抢鞋软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 13:53

今天发现; tectia hardnig 后 Xmamanger 不能连接,老是报错: X11 forwarding request reject.


smit chuser
发现 rlogin 没有变成 true,还有login 还要变成true.

如果是/etc/ssh 下面有个sshd_configure 把里面的 roologindrect = yes.

今天的问题是 装的是 /etc/ssh2 下面是tectia

里面的关键文件是: ssh-server-config.xml

这个文件是做过 hardning 的。里面的内容可以看一下,下面的 内容,hardning 以前的内容是:

1: 先把原来的ssh-server-config.xml 先 备份。
2: cp ssh-server-config-default.xml ssh-server-config.xml
3: 重新 启动: tectia 的进程:
stopsrc -s ssh-server-tectia;startsrc -s ssh-server-tectia;

上面是为了防止ssh 进程断掉。



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE secsh-server SYSTEM
   "/opt/tectia/share/auxdata/ssh-server-ng/ssh-server-ng-config-1.dtd" [
  <!ENTITY configdir PUBLIC "secsh:directory(config-server)" "">

<!-- Tectia Server 6.x - ssh-server-config-default.xml

     Copyright (c) Tectia Corporation.
     This software is protected by international copyright laws.
     All rights reserved.

     NOTE: This file demonstrates the hardcoded default settings used by
     ssh-server-g3 when it loads its configuration. Changing this file will
     not affect the actual default settings!
     To use this file as a basis of your server configuration, copy it to
     the same directory with the name "ssh-server-config.xml". Edit the file
     using a text editor or an XML editor. For more information on the
     configuration syntax, see the ssh-server-config(5) manual page or SSH
     Tectia Server Administrator Manual.
     ssh-server-g3 locates the DTD automatically. The DOCTYPE declaration
     shows the path on Unix platforms.
  On 32-bit Windows platforms, the default path to DTD is:
     "C:\Program Files\SSH Communications Security\SSH Tectia\SSH Tectia AUX\ssh-server-ng\ssh-server-ng-config-1.dtd"
  On 64-bit windows platforms, the default path to the DTD is:
  "C:\Program Files (x86)\SSH Communications Security\SSH Tectia\SSH Tectia AUX\ssh-server-ng\ssh-server-ng-config-1.dtd"

     The &configdir; entity is expanded by ssh-server-g3 as the default
     configuration directory on each platform.
     On Unix: "/etc/ssh2"
     On 32-bit Windows platforms: "C:\Program Files\SSH Communications Security\SSH Tectia\SSH Tectia Server"
     On 64-bit Windows platforms: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SSH Communications Security\SSH Tectia\SSH Tectia Server"
     If you edit the configuration file using an XML editor and want to
     validate the XML, change the contents of the DOCTYPE declaration
     according to your platform. Note that both the DOCTYPE declaration and
     the DTD are mandatory; should they be missing, the server will not be
     able to parse the configuration properly.


    <!-- By default, the crypto libraries are used in the "standard" mode.
         They can also be used in the "fips" mode. -->
    <crypto-lib mode="standard" />

    <!-- By default, the address family used by the server is only inet (so only IPv4 addresses are used)
         It can be set to use inet, inet6 or any. -->
    <address-family type="inet" />

    <!-- Replace the value of xauth-path with the path to the xauth binary on your host. -->
    <!-- <settings xauth-path="/usr/bin/xauth" /> -->
    <settings windows-logon-type="interactive" />

      <private file="&configdir;/hostkey" />    

 <!-- Ports to listen on -->
    <listener id="default" port="22" />

      <log-events facility="auth" severity="informational">
        Auth_method_success Auth_method_failure Auth_methods_completed
        Auth_methods_available Hostbased_auth_warning
        Publickey_auth_warning Publickey_auth_success GSSAPI_auth_warning
      <log-events facility="auth" severity="warning">
        Hostbased_auth_error Publickey_auth_error GSSAPI_auth_error
      <log-events facility="daemon" severity="error">
      <log-events facility="daemon" severity="notice">
        Server_listener_failed Server_listener_started
        Server_listener_stopped Server_reconfig_finished
        Server_reconfig_started Server_stopping Server_running
      <log-events facility="daemon" severity="warning">
        Servant_exited Servant_error
      <log-events facility="normal" severity="informational">
        Algorithm_negotiation_success Certificate_validation_success
        Certificate_validation_failure Key_store_create
        Key_store_destroy Key_store_add_provider Key_store_decrypt
        Key_store_sign Key_store_sign_digest Logout Disconnect
        Channel_open_failure Session_channel_open
        Session_channel_close Forwarding_channel_open
        Forwarding_channel_close Forwarding_listener_open
        Forwarding_listener_close Auth_listener_open
        Auth_listener_close Auth_channel_open Auth_channel_close
      <log-events facility="normal" severity="security-failure">
        Connection_denied Login_failure
      <log-events facility="normal" severity="security-success">
        Connect Login_success
      <log-events facility="normal" severity="warning">
        Algorithm_negotiation_failure KEX_failure
        Key_store_create_failed Key_store_add_provider_failed
        Key_store_decrypt_failed Key_store_sign_failed

    <limits max-connections="256" max-processes="40" />

    <!-- Change pam-calls-with-commands to "yes" to enable PAM account
         management, session and credential setting calls for
         connections regardless of authentication method. -->

    <pluggable-authentication-modules service-name="ssh-server-g3"
                                      pam-calls-with-commands="no" />

  <!-- Some of the ciphers, macs, or authentication methods might be
       missing depending on your architecture. -->


    <connection name="connection" action="allow" tcp-keepalive="no">
      <!-- Rekey happens every hour or after 1GB of data, which ever is
           sooner. -->
      <rekey seconds="3600" bytes="1000000000" />

      <cipher name="aes128-cbc" />
      <cipher name="aes192-cbc" />
      <cipher name="aes256-cbc" />
      <cipher name="aes128-ctr" />
      <cipher name="aes192-ctr" />
      <cipher name="aes256-ctr" />
      <cipher name="3des-cbc" />
      <!-- The following cipher is only available on Windows and Linux
           x86 platforms, and only when in non-FIPS mode -->
      <cipher name="crypticore128@ssh.com" allow-missing="yes" />

      <mac name="hmac-sha1" />
      <mac name="hmac-sha1-96" />
      <mac name="hmac-sha256-2@ssh.com" />
      <mac name="hmac-sha224@ssh.com" />
      <mac name="hmac-sha256@ssh.com" />
      <mac name="hmac-sha384@ssh.com" />
      <mac name="hmac-sha512@ssh.com" />
      <!-- The following mac is only available on Windows and Linux
           x86 platforms, and only when in non-FIPS mode -->
      <mac name="crypticore-mac@ssh.com" allow-missing="yes" />

      <!-- The following KEX methods are available by default,
     and all are supported under FIPS mode -->
   <kex name="diffie-hellman-group1-sha1" />
   <kex name="diffie-hellman-group14-sha1" />
   <kex name="diffie-hellman-group14-sha256@ssh.com" />
   <kex name="diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1" />
   <kex name="diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256" />


  <authentication-methods login-grace-time="600">
    <!-- By default, the banner message is empty. -->
    <banner-message />

    <!-- This is the default strict file modes setting. Note that this
         is Unix-specific, and has no effect on Windows. -->
    <auth-file-modes strict="yes" mask-bits="022" />

    <authentication name="authentication">

      <!-- Not all authentication methods are available everywhere.
           GSS-API, for example, is only available on select platforms.
           The 'allow-missing' attribute allows configuration to
           succeed even if the plugin is missing. Otherwise listing
           missing authentication plugins in the authentication block of
           a config file will make the configuration fail if the plugin
           is not found.  -->

      <!-- For the above reason, gssapi has the allow-missing
           attribute set to 'yes' out in this example config file. -->
      <auth-gssapi allow-missing="yes" />
      <auth-publickey />
      <auth-password />
      <auth-keyboard-interactive />


    <!-- This following passwd-change group and rule are added to the
         initial configuration ONLY IF no configuration file is present.
         This default policy will be overridden if a configuration file
         is found, in which case in order to have a policy for enforced
         password changing, you will need to add a similar policy to
         your configuration file. -->
    <group name="passwd-change">
 <user-password-change-needed />

    <!-- This rule is used to force password change. -->
    <rule group="passwd-change">
      <terminal action="deny" />
      <subsystem type="sftp" application="sft-server-g3" action="deny" />
      <command application="/usr/bin/passwd" action="forced" />
      <tunnel-local action="deny" />
      <tunnel-remote action="deny" />
    <!-- Enforced password change rule ends. -->

    <!-- By default, idle timeouts are disabled. -->
    <rule idle-timeout="0">

      <environment allowed-case-sensitive="TERM,PATH,TZ,LANG,LC_*" />
      <terminal action="allow" />

      <subsystem type="sftp" application="sft-server-g3" action="allow">
 <!-- Home folder and virtual folders, Windows specific. -->
 <attribute name="home" value="%USERPROFILE%" />
 <!-- These implicit default virtual folders are only set if no
      virtual folders are set in the configuration. If you set
      ANY virtual folders, none of the following will be set. -->
 <attribute name="virtual-folder" value="C=C:\" />
 <attribute name="virtual-folder" value="D=D:\" />
 <attribute name="virtual-folder" value="E=E:\" />
 <!-- ... all available drives. -->

      <command action="allow" />

      <!-- All tunnel types are distinct and independent of each
           other. -->
      <tunnel-agent action="allow" />
      <tunnel-x11 action="allow" />
      <tunnel-local action="allow" />
      <tunnel-remote action="allow" />





下面是 hardning 后的配置:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE secsh-server SYSTEM
   "/etc/ssh2/ssh-tectia/auxdata/ssh-server-ng/ssh-server-ng-config-1.dtd" [
  <!ENTITY configdir PUBLIC "secsh:directory(config-server)" "">

<!-- SSH Tectia Server 6.x - ssh-server-config-default.xml

     NOTE: This file demonstrates the hardcoded default settings used by
     ssh-server-g3 when it loads its configuration. Changing this file will
     not affect the actual default settings!
     To use this file as a basis of your server configuration, copy it to
     the same directory with the name "ssh-server-config.xml". Edit the file
     using a text editor or an XML editor. For more information on the
     configuration syntax, see the ssh-server-config(5) manual page or SSH
     Tectia Server Administrator Manual.
     ssh-server-g3 locates the DTD automatically. The DOCTYPE declaration
     shows the path on Unix platforms. On Windows, the path to DTD is:
     "C:\Program Files\SSH Communications Security\SSH Tectia\SSH Tectia AUX\ssh-server-ng\ssh-server-ng-config-1.dtd"

     The &configdir; entity is expanded by ssh-server-g3 as the default
     configuration directory on each platform.
     On Unix: "/etc/ssh2"
     On Windows: "C:\Program Files\SSH Communications Security\SSH Tectia\SSH Tectia Server"
     If you edit the configuration file using an XML editor and want to
     validate the XML, change the contents of the DOCTYPE declaration
     according to your platform.


    <crypto-lib mode="standard" />

    <!-- Replace the value of xauth-path with the path to the xauth
         binary on your host. -->
      xauth-path="/usr/X11R6/bin/xauth" />

      <private file="&configdir;/hostkey" />

    <listener id="default" port="22" address=""/>

      <log-events facility="auth" severity="informational">
        Auth_method_success Auth_method_failure Auth_methods_completed
        Auth_methods_available Hostbased_auth_warning
        Publickey_auth_warning Publickey_auth_success GSSAPI_auth_warning
      <log-events facility="auth" severity="warning">
        Hostbased_auth_error Publickey_auth_error GSSAPI_auth_error
      <log-events facility="daemon" severity="error">
      <log-events facility="daemon" severity="notice">
        Server_listener_failed Server_listener_started
        Server_listener_stopped Server_reconfig_finished
        Server_reconfig_started Server_stopping Server_running
      <log-events facility="daemon" severity="warning">
        Servant_exited Servant_error
      <log-events facility="normal" severity="informational">
        Algorithm_negotiation_success Certificate_validation_success
        Certificate_validation_failure Key_store_create
        Key_store_destroy Key_store_add_provider Key_store_decrypt
        Key_store_sign Key_store_sign_digest Logout Disconnect
        Channel_open_failure Session_channel_open
        Session_channel_close Forwarding_channel_open
        Forwarding_channel_open Forwarding_channel_close
        Forwarding_listener_open Forwarding_listener_close
        Auth_listener_open Auth_listener_close Auth_channel_open
      <log-events facility="normal" severity="security-failure">
        Connection_denied Login_failure
      <log-events facility="normal" severity="security-success">
        Connect Login_success
      <log-events facility="normal" severity="warning">
        Algorithm_negotiation_failure KEX_failure
        Key_store_create_failed Key_store_add_provider_failed
        Key_store_decrypt_failed Key_store_sign_failed

    <limits max-connections="50" max-processes="40" />

    <!-- Change pam-calls-with-commands to "yes" to enable PAM account
  management, session and credential setting calls for
  connections regardless of authentication method. -->

    <pluggable-authentication-modules service-name="ssh-server-g3"
                                      pam-calls-with-commands="no" />

  <!-- Some of the ciphers, macs, or authentication methods might be
       missing depending on your architecture. -->

    <connection name="connection" action="allow" tcp-keepalive="yes">
      <!-- Rekey happens every hour or after 1GB of data, which ever is
           sooner. -->
      <rekey seconds="3600" bytes="1000000000" />

      <cipher name="aes128-cbc" />
      <cipher name="aes192-cbc" />
      <cipher name="aes256-cbc" />
      <!-- AES in SDCTR mode is not available in if the crypto-lib mode
           attribute is set to FIPS. -->
      <cipher name="aes128-ctr" />
      <cipher name="aes192-ctr" />
      <cipher name="aes256-ctr" />
      <cipher name="3des-cbc" />
      <!-- The following ciphers are not available if the crypto-lib mode
           attribute is set to FIPS. -->
      <cipher name="seed-cbc@ssh.com" />
      <!-- The following cipher is only available on Windows and Linux
           x86 platforms. -->
      <cipher name="crypticore128@ssh.com" allow-missing="yes" />

      <mac name="hmac-sha1" />
      <!-- The following MACs are not available if the crypto-lib mode
           attribute is set to FIPS. -->
      <mac name="hmac-md5" />
      <!-- The following mac is only available on Windows and Linux
           x86 platforms. -->
      <mac name="crypticore-mac@ssh.com" allow-missing="yes" />


  <authentication-methods login-grace-time="120">
    <!-- By default, the banner message is empty. -->
    <banner-message />

    <!-- This is the default strict file modes setting. Note that this
         is Unix-specific, and has no effect on Windows. -->
    <auth-file-modes strict="yes" mask-bits="022" />

 <authentication name="denyadmin" action="deny">
     <user-privileged value="yes" allow-undefined="no" />

    <authentication name="authentication">

      <!-- Not all authentication methods are available everywhere.
           GSS-API, for example, is only available on select platforms.
           The 'allow-missing' attribute allows configuration to
           succeed even if the plugin is missing. Otherwise listing
           missing authentication plugins in the authentication block of
           a config file will make the configuration fail if the plugin
           is not found.  -->

      <!-- For the above reason, gssapi has the allow-missing
           attribute set to 'yes' out in this example config file. -->
      <auth-gssapi allow-missing="yes" />
      <auth-publickey />
      <auth-password />
      <auth-keyboard-interactive />



    <!-- This following passwd-change group and rule are added to the
         initial configuration ONLY IF no configuration file is present.
         This default policy will be overridden if a configuration file
         is found, in which case in order to have a policy for enforced
         password changing, you will need to add a similar policy to
         your configuration file. -->
   <group name="passwd-change">
 <user-password-change-needed />

    <!-- This rule is used to force password change. -->
    <rule group="passwd-change">
      <terminal action="deny" />
      <subsystem type="sftp" application="sft-server-g3" action="deny" />
      <command application="/usr/bin/passwd" action="forced" />
      <tunnel-local action="deny" />
      <tunnel-remote action="deny" />
    <!-- Enforced password change rule ends. -->

    <!-- By default, idle timeouts are disabled. -->
    <rule idle-timeout="0" print-motd="yes">

      <environment allowed-case-sensitive="TERM,PATH,TZ,LANG,LC_*" />
      <terminal action="allow" />

      <subsystem type="sftp" application="sft-server-g3" action="allow">
 <!-- Home folder and virtual folders, Windows specific. -->
 <attribute name="home" value="%USERPROFILE%" />
 <!-- These implicit default virtual folders are only set if no
      virtual folders are set in the configuration. If you set
      ANY virtual folders, none of the following will be set. -->
 <attribute name="virtual-folder" value="C=C:\" />
 <attribute name="virtual-folder" value="D=D:\" />
 <attribute name="virtual-folder" value="E=E:\" />
 <!-- ... all available drives. -->

      <command action="allow" />

      <!-- All tunnel types are distinct and independent of each
           other. -->
      <tunnel-agent action="allow" />
      <tunnel-x11 action="allow" />
      <tunnel-local action="allow" />
      <tunnel-remote action="allow" />




可以上传 上面这两个文件, 用diff来比较一下,就可以看到是哪里的不一样。

