Sencha Touch 2中如何在DataView中显示IndexBar

来源:互联网 发布:mysql 数据库合并 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 19:59






Ext.define('App.view.NewIndexBar', {    extend: 'Ext.Component',    alternateClassName: 'Ext.NewIndexBar',    /**     * @event index     * Fires when an item in the index bar display has been tapped.     * @param {Ext.dataview.IndexBar} this The IndexBar instance     * @param {String} html The HTML inside the tapped node.     * @param {Ext.dom.Element} target The node on the indexbar that has been tapped.     */    config: {        baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'indexbar',        /**         * @cfg {String} direction         * Layout direction, can be either 'vertical' or 'horizontal'         * @accessor         */        direction: 'vertical',        /**         * @cfg {Array} letters         * The letters to show on the index bar.         * @accessor         */        letters: ['一', '二', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'],        ui: 'alphabet',        /**         * @cfg {String} listPrefix         * The prefix string to be appended at the beginning of the list.         * E.g: useful to add a "#" prefix before numbers.         * @accessor         */        listPrefix: null    },    // @private    itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + '',    updateDirection: function(newDirection, oldDirection) {        alert("4");        var baseCls = this.getBaseCls();        this.element.replaceCls(baseCls + '-' + oldDirection, baseCls + '-' + newDirection);    },    getElementConfig: function() {       alert("5");        return {            reference: 'wrapper',            classList: ['x-centered', 'x-indexbar-wrapper'],            children: [this.callParent()]        };    },    updateLetters: function(letters) {        alert("6");        this.innerElement.setHtml('');        if (letters) {            var ln = letters.length,                i;            for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {                this.innerElement.createChild({                    html: letters[i]                });            }        }    },    updateListPrefix: function(listPrefix) {        alert("7");        if (listPrefix && listPrefix.length) {            this.innerElement.createChild({                html: listPrefix            }, 0);        }    },    // @private    initialize: function() {        this.callParent();        this.innerElement.on({            touchstart: this.onTouchStart,            touchend: this.onTouchEnd,            touchmove: this.onTouchMove,            scope: this        });    },    // @private    onTouchStart: function(e, t) {        alert("8");        if(isExc)        {            e.stopPropagation();            this.innerElement.addCls(this.getBaseCls() + '-pressed');//附加indexbar样式            this.pageBox = this.innerElement.getPageBox();            this.onTouchMove(e);        }    },    // @private    onTouchEnd: function(e) {        alert("9");        this.innerElement.removeCls(this.getBaseCls() + '-pressed');        isExc=true;    },    // @private    onTouchMove: function(e) {        if(isExc)        {            var point = Ext.util.Point.fromEvent(e),                target,                pageBox = this.pageBox;           /* console.log('point:'+point);            console.log('target:'+target);            console.log('pageBox:'+pageBox);*/            if (!pageBox) {                //console.log(pageBox);                pageBox = this.pageBox = this.el.getPageBox();            }            if (this.getDirection() === 'vertical') {                if (point.y > pageBox.bottom || point.y < {                    return;                }                target = Ext.Element.fromPoint(pageBox.left + (pageBox.width / 2), point.y);                //console.log(target);            }            else {                if (point.x > pageBox.right || point.x < pageBox.left) {                    return;                }                target = Ext.Element.fromPoint(point.x, + (pageBox.height / 2));            }            if (target) {                this.fireEvent('index',this, target.dom.innerHTML,target);            }        }    },    destroy: function() {        alert("11");        var me = this,            elements =,            ln = elements.length,            i = 0;        for (; i < ln; i++) {            Ext.removeNode(elements[i]);        }        this.callParent();    }}, function() {    //<deprecated product=touch since=2.0>    /**     * @member Ext.dataview.IndexBar     * @method isHorizontal     * Returns true when direction is horizontal.     * @removed 2.0.0     */    Ext.deprecateMethod(this, 'isHorizontal', null, "Ext.dataview.NewIndexBar.isHorizontal() has been removed");    /**     * @member Ext.dataview.IndexBar     * @method isVertical     * Returns true when direction is vertical.     * @removed 2.0.0     */    Ext.deprecateMethod(this, 'isVertical', null, "Ext.dataview.NewIndexBar.isVertical() has been removed");    /**     * @member Ext.dataview.IndexBar     * @method refresh     * Refreshes the view by reloading the data from the store and re-rendering the template.     * @removed 2.0.0     */    Ext.deprecateMethod(this, 'refresh', null, "Ext.dataview.NewIndexBar.refresh() has been removed");    /**     * @Member Ext.dataview.IndexBar     * @cfg {Boolean} alphabet     * True to use the letters property to show a list of the alphabet.     * @removed 2.0.0     */    Ext.deprecateProperty(this, 'alphabet', null, "Ext.dataview.NewIndexBar.alphabet has been removed");    /**     * @member Ext.dataview.IndexBar     * @cfg {Boolean} itemSelector     * A simple CSS selector for items.     * @removed 2.0.0     */    Ext.deprecateProperty(this, 'itemSelector', null, "Ext.dataview.NewIndexBar.itemSelector has been removed");    /**     * @member Ext.dataview.IndexBar     * @cfg {Boolean} store     * The store to be used for displaying data on the index bar.     * @removed 2.0.0     */    Ext.deprecateProperty(this, 'store', null, " has been removed");    //</deprecated>});


Ext.define('App.view.Homepage', {    extend: 'Ext.dataview.DataView',    xtype: 'homepage',        requires: [        'Ext.TitleBar',        'App.view.NewIndexBar',        'Ext.dataview.IndexBar'    ],        config: {        baseCls: 'categories-list',        itemTpl: [            '<div class="image" style="background-image:url({urlId}.png)"></div>',            '<div class="name">{label}</div>'        ].join(''),scrollable: true,        store:'Categories',        NewIndexBar:true    },    updateInline: function(newInline) {        alert("saddsdsa");        this.callParent(arguments);        if (newInline) {            this.setOnItemDisclosure(false);            this.setNewIndexBar(false);            this.setGrouped(false);        }    },    applyNewIndexBar: function(NewIndexBar) {        return Ext.factory(NewIndexBar, App.view.NewIndexBar, this.getNewIndexBar());    },    updateNewIndexBar: function(NewIndexBar) {        alert("2")        if (NewIndexBar && this.getScrollable()) {            this.indexBarElement = this.getScrollableBehavior().getScrollView().getElement().appendChild(NewIndexBar.renderElement);            NewIndexBar.on({                index: 'onIndex',                scope: this            });            this.element.addCls(this.getBaseCls() + '-indexed');        }    },    onIndex: function(NewIndexBar, index) {        Ext.getStore('Categories').clearFilter();        var me = this,            key = index.toLowerCase(),            store = me.getStore(),            //store=Ext.getStore('Categories'),            //groups = store.getGroups(),            //ln = groups.length,            scrollable = me.getScrollable(),            scroller, group, i, closest, id, item;        eval("var re = /^" + index + ".*/");        Ext.getStore('Categories').filter("label",re);        isExc=false;    },    destroy: function() {        Ext.destroy(this.getNewIndexBar(), this.indexBarElement, this.header);        this.callParent();    }});

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