
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝客分销系统源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 06:55

drop user demo cascade
drop tablespace demo including contents
create tablespace demo logging datafile 'c:\tablespace_zjl.dbf' size 512M autoextend on next 256M maxsize 10240M
create user demo identified by demo default tablespace demo temporary tablespace TEMP profile DEFAULT
grant connect to demo
grant dba to demo
Imp system/sys@orcl file='C:\sjcj\demo_2012-03-26.dmp' fromuser=demo,touser=demo log='C:\sjcj\demo_2012-03-26.log'


exp chss_unieap/chss_unieap@数据库名 file=d:chss153.dmp log=d:chss153.log owner=(chss,chss_unieap,chss_jxkh,integ,webhis).

exp chss_unieap/chss_unieap@数据库名 file=d:chss_unieap.dmp log=d:chss_unieap.log owner=chss_unieap
