
来源:互联网 发布:苏州俊知地产 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 16:24



int lst_test(void){int i;list *head, *new;printf("%s begin:\n", __func__);for (i = 0; i < LST_COUNT; i++){if (i == 0){head = create();head->p_data = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));    *((int *)(head->p_data)) = 0;continue;}new = (list*)malloc(sizeof(list));if (new == NULL){perror("alloc list node error!\n");return -1;}new->p_data = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));if (1 == g_perf_on){if (i < 20)*((int *)(new->p_data)) = rand() % 1000;else*((int *)(new->p_data)) = 899777;}else{*((int *)(new->p_data)) = rand() % LST_COUNT;}add_tail(head, new);}//print out list;if (LST_COUNT <= 100)print_lst(head);//delete one node;//int value = 4;//del_node(head, (void *)(&value));//add node;/*int dat0 = 8, dat1 = 1000;printf("add node:\n");add_node(head, (void *)&dat0, (void *)&dat1);//*///sort list;///*if ( 1 == g_perf_on ){sort_lst(head, 0);if (LST_COUNT <= 100){printf("sorted list 0:\n");print_lst(head);}printf("sorted list -1:\n");sort_lst(head, -1);if (LST_COUNT <= 100)print_lst(head);}//*///reverse list;//reverse_lst(&head);//print_lst_from_tail(head);free_lst(head);printf("%s end!\n", __func__);return 0;}


void usage(const char *str){printf("\n\tUsage:\n");printf("\t%s [-p | [ -p --count <N>]]\n", str);printf("\tExample:\n");printf("\t%s\n", str);printf("\tprint random array of data stored in the list;\n");printf("\t%s -p\n", str);printf("\tbubble sort performance testing;\n");printf("\t%s -p --count <N>\n", str);printf("\tbubble sort performance testing, the list has N nodes;\n");printf("\n");}//Linux/Unix平台可以使用系统函数getopt(),详细请使用man 3 getopt;int parse_args(int cnt, char **pptr){if (cnt == 1){return 1;}else if (cnt == 2){if ( 0 == strncmp("-p", pptr[1], strlen("-p")) ){g_perf_on = 1;return 1;}else{perror("argument error!\n");return -1;}}else if (cnt == 4){if ( 0 == strncmp("-p", pptr[1], strlen("-p") ) && \ 0 == strncmp("--count", pptr[2], strlen("--count")) ){LST_COUNT = atoi(pptr[3]);if (LST_COUNT > 0){g_perf_on = 1;return 1;}else{return -1;}}}}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){if (argc != 1 && argc != 2 && argc != 4){usage(argv[0]);return 1;}//parse arguments;if ( -1 == parse_args(argc, argv) ){printf("arguments not correct!\n");usage(argv[0]);return -1;}printf("list node count: %d\n", LST_COUNT);lst_test();return 0;}

至此, 粗略地实现了双向链表。

