C++ premier -- 模板与泛型编程

来源:互联网 发布:人工智能发展的危机 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 07:54



template<typename T> int compare( const T& a, const T& b ){if( a > b )return 1;if( a < b )return -1;return 0;}

int main(){int a = 0, b = 1;double c = 30.1, d = 40.5;compare( a, b );  //compare( const int&, const int& ) is instantiatedcompare( c, d );//compare( const double&, const double& ) is instantiatedcompare( a, c );//error: no matching function for compare( const int&, const double& )}

1. const转换:接受const引用或const指针的函数可以分别用非const对象的引用或指针来调用,无须产生新的实例化。如果函数接受非引用类型,形参类型和实参都忽略const,即无论传递const或非const对象给接受非引用类型的函数,都使用相同的实例化。
2. 数组或函数到指针的转换:如果模板形参不是引用类型,则对数组或函数类型的实参应用常规指针转换。数组实参将当作指向其第一个元素的指针,函数实参当作指向函数类型的指针。
template <typename T> void fobj( T a, T b ){  }template <typename T> void fref( const T& a, const T& b ){ }string s1("a value");const string s2( "another value" );fobj( s1, s2 ); //ok:calls function fobj( string, string ), const is ignoredfref( s1, s2 ); //ok:calls function fref( const string&, const string& ), s1 converted to const referenceint a[10], b[42];fobj( a, b ); //ok:calls function fobj( int*, int* );fref( a, b ); //error: no matching function for fref( int&[10], int&[42] )

template <typename T, size_t N> void printArray( const T (&array)[N] ){for( size_t t=0; t!=N; ++t )cout<<array[t]<<" ";cout<<endl;}//调用函数:const double a[3] = {2, 3, 4.3};//这里我有一个问题就是,如果把a声明为double a[3]的话,编译会报错:no matching function for printArray( double[3] )printArray( a );//instantiate printArray( const double(&)[3] )

typename T是一种类型形参,而size_t N是一种非类型形参,当用下面两个语句调用该函数时,T在编译时初始化为double而N则初始化为3。


template <class T> class Bar{//grants access to ordinary, nontemplate class and functionfriend class FooBar;friend void fcn();//...};template <class T> class Bar2{//grant access to Foo1 or template_fcn1 parameterized by any typetemplate<class T2> friend class Foo1;template<class T2> friend void template_fcn1( const T2& );//...};//declaration of template class Foo2 and tempalte function template_fcntemplate <class T> class Foo2;template <class T> void template_fcn( const T& );template <class T> class Foo{//grants access to a single specific instance parameterized by char*friend class Foo2<char*>;friend void template_fcn2<char*> (char* const& );//...}


我们通常会将函数声明、类声明放在头文件中而其定义放在另一些cpp文件中。如何让编译器知道函数的具体实现呢?书中介绍有两种编译模型:一是包含编译模型,在声明模板的头文件最后指明,用#include ***.cpp表示。二是分别编译模型,在模板的定义前加入export关键字。不同编译器可能会使用不同的编译模型,例如我用的是g++,使用的是包含编译模型。


const char* a = "hello", *b = new char[6];b = "hello";compare( a, b );

此时调用的函数为compare( const char*, const char* ),而在函数体内真正进行比较的是两个指针的地址,返回的结果不具备任何意义。我们需要为const char*版本专业定义一种新的比较方法,该模板函数的模板特化如下:
template<>int compare<char*>( char* const& a, char* const& b ){//cout<<"specific"<<endl;return strcmp( a, b );}

//Queue.h#ifndef QUEUE_H#define QUEUE_H#include<iostream>template<class Type> class Queue;template<class Type> std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const Queue<Type> &q );std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const Queue<const char*> &q );template<class Type> class QueueItem{//声明友元friend class Queue<Type>;friend std::ostream& operator<< <Type> ( std::ostream&, const Queue<Type>& );//private class, no public members.private:QueueItem( const Type& t ): item(t), next(0){ }Type item;QueueItem* next;};template<class Type> class Queue{friend std::ostream& operator<< <Type> ( std::ostream&, const Queue<Type>& );public:Queue():head(0),tail(0){  }template<class It> Queue( It beg, It end ):head(0),tail(0){copy_elems( beg, end );}Queue( const Queue &Q ):head(0),tail(0){copy_elems( Q );}Queue& operator=( const Queue& rhs );~Queue(){ destroy(); }template<class Iter> void assign( Iter, Iter );Type& front(){return head->item;}const Type& front() const{return head->item;}void push( const Type& );void pop();bool empty() const{return head == 0;}private:QueueItem<Type>* head;QueueItem<Type>* tail;void destroy();void copy_elems( const Queue& );template<class Iter> void copy_elems( Iter, Iter );};//为特化类Queue<const char*>定义的重载函数template<> std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const Queue<const char*> &q )template<> class Queue<const char*>{friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream&, const Queue<const char*>& );public:Queue<const char*>(){ std::cout<<"specific"<<std::endl; }void push( const char* );void pop(){ real_queue.pop(); }bool empty() { return real_queue.empty(); }std::string front(){ return real_queue.front(); }const std::string front() const { return real_queue.front(); }private:Queue<std::string> real_queue;};//包含模型#include "Queue.cpp"#endif

template<class Type> void Queue<Type>::destroy(){while( !empty() )pop();}template<class Type> void Queue<Type>::pop(){QueueItem<Type>* p = head;head = head->next;delete p;}template<class Type> void Queue<Type>::push( const Type& elem ){QueueItem<Type>* p = new QueueItem<Type>( elem );if( empty() )head = tail = p;else{tail->next = p;tail = p;}}template<class Type> void Queue<Type>::copy_elems( const Queue& Q ){for( QueueItem<Type>* p=Q.head; p; p=p->next )push(p->item);}template<class Type> Queue<Type>& Queue<Type>::operator=( const Queue& rhs ){if( this != &rhs ){while( !empty() )pop();copy_elems( rhs );}return *this;}template<class Type> template<class It> void Queue<Type>::assign( It beg, It end){destroy();copy_elems( beg, end );}template<class Type> template<class It>void Queue<Type>::copy_elems( It beg, It end ){while( beg != end ){push(*beg);++beg;}}//实现特化类的成员函数void Queue<const char*>::push( const char* val ){real_queue.push( val );}/*如果只是特化类中的成员函数,方式如下:template<> void Queue<const char*>::push( const char* const& val ){std::cout<<"specific"<<std::endl;char* new_item = new char[strlen(val)+1];strncpy( new_item, val, strlen(val)+1 );QueueItem<const char*> *q = new QueueItem<const char*>(new_item);if( empty() )head = tail = q;else{tail->next = q;tail = q;}}template<> void Queue<const char*>::pop(){std::cout<<"specific"<<std::endl;QueueItem<const char*> *p = head;delete head->item;head = head->next;delete p;}*/template<class Type> std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const Queue<Type> &q ){out<<"<";QueueItem<Type>* p;for( p = q.head; p; p=p->next )out<<p->item<<" ";out<<">";return out;}std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const Queue<const char*> &q ){return out<<q.real_queue;}

