
来源:互联网 发布:mac口红畅销的颜色色号 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/07 16:55


#ifndef __LOGFILE__H__#define __LOGFILE__H__// Include fstream header#ifndef _FSTREAM_#include <fstream>using namespace std;#endifclass CLogFile{public:    void PrintCurTime();    CLogFile();    CLogFile(TCHAR* tszFileName);    ~CLogFile();    CLogFile& operator <<(long lVal);    CLogFile& operator <<(const TCHAR* str);    CLogFile& operator <<(TCHAR tch);    CLogFile& operator <<(int nVal);    CLogFile& operator <<(unsigned long ulVal);    CLogFile& operator <<(double dVal);    CLogFile& operator <<(unsigned int unVal);    void  LOGERROR(TCHAR* formatString, ...);private:    ofstream *m_cOutFile;    voidOutput(const TCHAR* data);};#endif// __LOGFILE__H__


#include "stdafx.h"#include <afxwin.h>#include <strstream>#include "logfile.h"using namespace std;CLogFile::CLogFile(){    //Open file    m_cOutFile = new ofstream(_T("c:\\smartform.log"), ios_base::out);    if (!m_cOutFile->is_open())    {        AfxMessageBox(_T("Unable to create log file"));        delete m_cOutFile;        m_cOutFile = NULL;    }}CLogFile::CLogFile(TCHAR* tszFileName){    m_cOutFile = new ofstream(tszFileName, ios_base::out);    if (!m_cOutFile->is_open())    {        AfxMessageBox(_T("Unable to create log file"));        delete m_cOutFile;        m_cOutFile = NULL;    }}CLogFile::~CLogFile(){    //Close the file and do clean up    m_cOutFile->close();    delete m_cOutFile;    m_cOutFile = NULL;}void CLogFile::Output(const TCHAR *data){    m_cOutFile->write(data,_tcslen(data));}void CLogFile::PrintCurTime(){    TCHAR dateString[52];    SYSTEMTIME cur;    GetLocalTime(&cur);    sprintf(dateString,"%d/%d/%d, %d:%d:%d ", cur.wYear, cur.wMonth,            cur.wDay, cur.wHour, cur.wMinute, cur.wSecond);    Output(dateString);}CLogFile& CLogFile::operator <<(unsigned int unVal){    strstream tmp;    tmp << unVal;    tmp << '\0';    TCHAR* output = tmp.str();    Output(output);    tmp.freeze(false);    return *this;}CLogFile& CLogFile::operator <<(long lVal){    strstream tmp;    tmp << lVal;    tmp << '\0';    TCHAR* output = tmp.str();    Output(output);    tmp.freeze(false);    return *this;}CLogFile& CLogFile::operator <<(const TCHAR* str){    Output(str);    return *this;}CLogFile& CLogFile::operator <<(TCHAR tch){    TCHAR szCh[2];    szCh[0] = tch;    szCh[1] = '\0';    Output(szCh);    return *this;}CLogFile& CLogFile::operator <<(int nVal){    strstream tmp;    tmp << nVal;    tmp << '\0';    TCHAR* output = tmp.str();    Output(output);    tmp.freeze(false);    return *this;}CLogFile& CLogFile::operator <<(unsigned long ulVal){    strstream tmp;    tmp << ulVal;    tmp << '\0';    TCHAR* output = tmp.str();    Output(output);    tmp.freeze(false);    return *this;}CLogFile& CLogFile::operator <<(double dVal){    strstream tmp;    tmp << dVal;    tmp << '\0';    TCHAR* output = tmp.str();    Output(output);    tmp.freeze(false);    return *this;}void CLogFile::LOGERROR(TCHAR* formatString, ...){    // Insert the current time..    PrintCurTime();    // Parse the format string and write to the file    if(formatString == NULL)    {        // No point in continuiing        return;    }    va_list argList;    // Set va_list to the beginning of optional arguments    va_start(argList, formatString);    TCHAR* ptr = formatString;    while(*ptr != '\0')    {        TCHAR* str = NULL;        int nInteger = 0;        unsigned int unInt= 0;        long lLong = 0;        unsigned long ulLong = 0;        double dDoub = 0;        if(*ptr == '%')        {            switch(*(ptr+1))            {                case 's':                    str = va_arg(argList, TCHAR*);                    if( NULL == str)                    break;                    *this << str;                    ptr++;                    break;                case 'd':                    nInteger = va_arg(argList, int);                    *this << nInteger;                    ptr++;                    break;                case 'u':                    unInt = va_arg(argList, unsigned int);                    *this << unInt;                    ptr++;                    break;                case 'l':                    ptr++;                    if(*(ptr+1) == 'd')                    {                        lLong = va_arg(argList, long);                        *this << lLong;                        ptr++;                    }                    else if(*(ptr+1) == 'u')                    {                        ulLong = va_arg(argList, unsigned long);                        *this << ulLong;                        ptr++;                    }                    break;                case 'f':                    dDoub = va_arg(argList, double);                    *this << dDoub;                    ptr++;                    break;                default:*this << *ptr;            }        } //  if(*ptr == '%')        else        {            *this << *ptr;        }        // Increment pointer..        ptr++;    }    *this << '\n';}



#include "StdAfx.h"#include "logfile.h"int main(){    CLogFile log("lof_file.txt");    log<<1;    log<<"\n";    log<<2.3;    log<<"\n";    log<<"ok";    log<<"\n";    log.LOGERROR("%d, %s",1,"error1");    log.LOGERROR("%d, %s",2,"error2");    return 0;}