LDA模型中的统计充分量(sufficient statistical)的理解

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统计量是数据的函数。函数就是一种「浓缩」讯息的动作。因此, 统计量中所包含的讯息, 通常比整个样本数据所包含的来得少.例如样本的顺序统计量只包含了有哪些值出现, 而不同值出现的顺序这样的讯息不见了。


但统计量比样本原数据少掉的讯息可能是无关紧要的 --- 和我们要了解的群体特性不相干, 如上述数据出现顺序在很多时候和我们关心的群体特性无关。统计量所包含关于群体特性的讯息不比原样本数据少, 就是充分统计量。

在参数化模型, 例如常态分布, 我们可能用很简单的统计量就可囊括样本中所包含的全部参数讯息, 如样本平均数和样本变异数包含了样本所携带的, 关于常态群体参数 (群体平均数和标准差) 的全部讯息。但有些时候,尤其是非参数化模型, 可能要整个样本的顺序统计量才是充分的。


  1. In statistics, a statistic is sufficient for the parameter θ, which indexes the distribution family of the data, precisely when the data's conditional probability distribution, given the statistic's value, no longer depends on θ. P(x|t,θ) = P(x|t)
  2. Suppose one has samples from a distribution, does not know exactly what that distribution is, but does know that it comes from a certain set of distributions that is determined partly or wholly by a certain parameter, q. A statistic is sufficient for inference about q if and only if the values of any sample from that distribution give no more information about q than does the value of the statistic on that sample. E.g. if we know that a distribution is normal with variance 1 but has an unknown mean, the sample average is a sufficient statistic for the mean.
  3. Sufficient statistics have many uses in statistical inference problems. In hypothesis testing, the Likelihood Ratio Test can often be reduced to a sufficient statistic of the data. In parameter estimation, the Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator of a parameter θ can be characterized by sufficient statistics and the Rao-Blackwell Theorem.  Minimal sufficient statistics are, roughly speaking, sufficient statistics that cannot be compressed any more without losing information about the unknown parameter. Completeness is a technical characterization of sufficient statistics that allows one to prove minimality. These topics are covered in detail in this module. Further examples of sufficient statistics may be found in the module on the Fisher-Neyman Factorization Theorem








[1] http://sinokylin.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!F34E44CB40CC7976!543.entry

[2] L. Scharf. (1991). Statistical Signal Processing. Addison-Wesley.
