
来源:互联网 发布:vue.js 图片点击放大 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 01:44
         © 2006 版权声明
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        Filter截取了请求如何处理呢? 我想到了2种方式(当然,还有其它的),
        1)request参数需要指明本次提交的数据要填充至哪个bean,且参数与bean的field严格匹配,这样利用 Reflection ,取出bean的field,然后从request.getParameter(field)取得数据进行填充。
        2)采取配置文件进行request 的form数据到bean的映射,方式也是采用Reflection来完成填充工作。

        2种方式各有优缺点,方式1不够灵活,方式2则对于某些人看来则是烦琐,毕竟还需要配置,也失去了本文简化request form处理的目的。因此本人推荐第一种方式,即使存在某些情况,也可以在bean中增加新方法来处理。

        数据的有效性检查也放在bean里做,将数据无效的信息放在bean的error hashmap里,在filter填充完bean后,检查bean是否有效,有无效的数据,则直接返回客户端;否则,调用chain.doFilter(request, response)继续处理,并将这个bean放入ThreadLocal中,留待后续class访问,当这个线程结束后,bean会被垃圾收集器清除。


 * SimpleFilter.java
 * Created on 2006年9月20日, 下午2:54

package org.openthoughts.testings;

import Java.io.*;
import Java.lang.reflect.Field;
import Java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import Java.lang.reflect.Method;
import Java.util.HashMap;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

import javax.servlet.Filter;
import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import org.openthoughts.util.Form2BeanUtil;

 * Stuff a bean specified by request with form data.
 * @author <a href="guangquanzhang@gmail.com">javafuns</a>
 * @version

public class SimpleFilter implements Filter {
    // The filter configuration object we are associated with.  If
    // this value is null, this filter instance is not currently
    // configured.
    private FilterConfig filterConfig = null;
    public SimpleFilter() {
     * Init method for this filter
    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) {
        this.filterConfig = filterConfig;

     * Do actual work for filling.
     * @param request The servlet request we are processing
     * @param result The servlet response we are creating
     * @param chain The filter chain we are processing
     * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
     * @exception ServletException if a servlet error occurs
    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
            FilterChain chain)
            throws IOException, ServletException {
        String beanName = ((HttpServletRequest)request).getParameter("formbean");
System.err.println(" form bean is " + beanName);
        Class beanClazz = null;
        Object beanObject = null;
        boolean isValid = false;
        if(beanName != null) {
            try {
                beanClazz = Class.forName(beanName);
                if(beanClazz != null) {
                    beanObject = beanClazz.newInstance();
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                request.setAttribute("MainErrMsg", beanName + " not found");
                this.filterConfig.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp").forward(request, response);
            } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
                request.setAttribute("MainErrMsg", beanName + " can not be instantiated");
                this.filterConfig.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp").forward(request, response);
            } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
                request.setAttribute("MainErrMsg", beanName + " not access");
                this.filterConfig.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp").forward(request, response);
        if(beanObject != null) {
            Field[] fields = beanClazz.getDeclaredFields();

            for(Field field : fields) {
                Method beanMethod = null;
                String fieldName = field.getName();
                String fieldValue = ((HttpServletRequest)request).getParameter(fieldName);
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.append(fieldName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase());
                try {
                    beanMethod = beanClazz.getDeclaredMethod(sb.toString(), String.class);
                } catch (SecurityException ex) {
                    request.setAttribute("MainErrMsg", " Security reason ");
                    this.filterConfig.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp").forward(request, response);
                } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
                    request.setAttribute("MainErrMsg", beanName + " does not have method named " + sb.toString());
                    this.filterConfig.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp").forward(request, response);
                if(beanMethod != null) {
                    try {
                        beanMethod.invoke(beanObject, fieldValue);
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
                        request.setAttribute("MainErrMsg", "illegal argument for the method " + sb.toString() + " of " + beanName);
                        this.filterConfig.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp").forward(request, response);
                    } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
                        request.setAttribute("MainErrMsg", beanName + " invoke target exception ");
                        this.filterConfig.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp").forward(request, response);
                    } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
                        request.setAttribute("MainErrMsg", beanName + " illegal access to " + sb.toString());
                        this.filterConfig.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp").forward(request, response);
            Method getAllErrors = null;
            try {
                getAllErrors = beanClazz.getDeclaredMethod("getAllErrors");
            } catch (SecurityException ex) {
                System.err.println("Security exception when call getAllErrors()");
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
                System.err.println("No such method named getAllErrors()");
            if(getAllErrors != null) {
                try {
                    isValid = ((HashMap)getAllErrors.invoke(beanObject)).isEmpty();
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
                    System.err.println("Illegal argument for getAllErrors()");
                } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
                    System.err.println("Illegal Access to getAllErrors()");
                } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
                    System.err.println("Invocation target exception");
        if(beanName == null || isValid) {
            chain.doFilter(request, response);
        } else {
            if(beanObject != null) {
                request.setAttribute("formbean", beanObject);
            this.filterConfig.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(getRequestURI(request)).forward(request, response);

     * Destroy method for this filter
    public void destroy() {

    public String getRequestURI(ServletRequest request) {
        String requestURI = ((HttpServletRequest)request).getRequestURI();
        String queryString = ((HttpServletRequest)request).getQueryString();
        return requestURI + queryString;
     * Return a String representation of this object.
    public String toString() {
        if (filterConfig == null) return ("SimpleFilter()");
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("SimpleFilter(");
        return (sb.toString());



 * SimpleBean.java
 * Created on 2006年9月20日, 下午5:51

package org.openthoughts.beans;

import Java.io.Serializable;
import Java.util.HashMap;

 * @author Administrator
public class SimpleBean implements Serializable {
    private String userName;
    private String password;
    public SimpleBean() {
    public String getUserName() {
        return userName;
    public void setUserName(String userName) {
        this.userName = userName;

    public String getPassword() {
        return password;
    public void setPassword(String password) {
        this.password = password;
    public HashMap getAllErrors() {
        return new HashMap();


 * Form2BeanUtil.java
 * Created on 2006年9月20日, 下午4:51
 * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
 * and open the template in the editor.

package org.openthoughts.util;

 * Hold formbean for appropriate thread via ThreadLocal.
 * @author <a href="guangquanzhang@gmail.com">javafuns</a>
public class Form2BeanUtil {
    private static final ThreadLocal container = new ThreadLocal();
     * Put the form bean to ThreadLocal.
    public static void put(Object object) {
     * Get the current thread's form bean.
    public static Object get() {
        return container.get();


 * SimpleServlet.java
 * Created on 2006年9月20日, 下午5:48

package org.openthoughts.testings;

import Java.io.*;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import org.openthoughts.beans.SimpleBean;
import org.openthoughts.util.Form2BeanUtil;

 * @author Administrator
 * @version
public class SimpleServlet extends HttpServlet {
    /** Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> methods.
     * @param request servlet request
     * @param response servlet response
    protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        SimpleBean sb = (SimpleBean)Form2BeanUtil.get();
        if(sb != null) {
            request.setAttribute("formbean", sb);
        this.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp").forward(request, response);
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="HttpServlet methods. Click on the + sign on the left to edit the code.">
    /** Handles the HTTP <code>GET</code> method.
     * @param request servlet request
     * @param response servlet response
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
        processRequest(request, response);
    /** Handles the HTTP <code>POST</code> method.
     * @param request servlet request
     * @param response servlet response
    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
        processRequest(request, response);
    /** Returns a short description of the servlet.
    public String getServletInfo() {
        return "Short description";
    // </editor-fold>

PS: 类似的方式在很多框架都有实现,比如struts的formbean