
来源:互联网 发布:手机nfc软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 09:02
        #region DataTable筛选,排序返回符合条件行组成的新DataTable或直接用DefaultView按条件返回        /// <summary>        /// DataTable筛选,排序返回符合条件行组成的新DataTable或直接用DefaultView按条件返回        /// eg:SortExprDataTable(dt,"Sex='男'","Time Desc",1)        /// </summary>        /// <param name="dt">传入的DataTable</param>        /// <param name="strExpr">筛选条件</param>        /// <param name="strSort">排序条件</param>        /// <param name="mode">1,直接用DefaultView按条件返回,效率较高;2,DataTable筛选,排序返回符合条件行组成的新DataTable</param>        public static DataTable SortDataTable(DataTable dt, string strExpr, string strSort, int mode)        {            switch (mode)            {                case 1:                    //方法一 直接用DefaultView按条件返回                    dt.DefaultView.RowFilter = strExpr;                    dt.DefaultView.Sort = strSort;                    return dt;                case 2:                    //方法二 DataTable筛选,排序返回符合条件行组成的新DataTable                    DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();                    DataRow[] GetRows = dt.Select(strExpr, strSort);                    //复制DataTable dt结构不包含数据                    dt1 = dt.Clone();                    foreach (DataRow row in GetRows)                    {                        dt1.Rows.Add(row.ItemArray);                    }                    return dt1;                default:                    return dt;            }        }        #endregion
        #region 获取DataTable前几条数据        /// <summary>        /// 获取DataTable前几条数据        /// </summary>        /// <param name="TopItem">前N条数据</param>        /// <param name="oDT">源DataTable</param>        /// <returns></returns>        public static DataTable DtSelectTop(int TopItem, DataTable oDT)        {            if (oDT.Rows.Count < TopItem) return oDT;            DataTable NewTable = oDT.Clone();            DataRow[] rows = oDT.Select("1=1");            for (int i = 0; i < TopItem; i++)            {                NewTable.ImportRow((DataRow)rows[i]);            }            return NewTable;        }        #endregion        #region 获取DataTable中指定列的数据        /// <summary>        /// 获取DataTable中指定列的数据        /// </summary>        /// <param name="dt">数据源</param>        /// <param name="tableName">新的DataTable的名词</param>        /// <param name="strColumns">指定的列名集合</param>        /// <returns>返回新的DataTable</returns>        public static DataTable GetTableColumn(DataTable dt, string tableName, params string[] strColumns)        {            DataTable dtn = new DataTable();            if (dt == null)            {                throw new ArgumentNullException("参数dt不能为null");            }            try            {                dtn = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(tableName, true, strColumns);            }            catch (Exception e)            {                throw new Exception(e.Message);            }            return dtn;        }        #endregion
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Data;using System.Collections;using System.Text;namespace GuanEasy{ /// <summary>     /// DataSet助手     /// </summary>     public class DataSetHelper     {         private class FieldInfo         {             public string RelationName;             public string FieldName;             public string FieldAlias;             public string Aggregate;         }           private DataSet ds;         private ArrayList m_FieldInfo;         private string m_FieldList;         private ArrayList GroupByFieldInfo;         private string GroupByFieldList;           public DataSet DataSet         {             get { return ds; }         }           #region Construction           public DataSetHelper()         {             ds = null;         }           public DataSetHelper(ref DataSet dataSet)         {             ds = dataSet;         }           #endregion           #region Private Methods           private bool ColumnEqual(object objectA, object objectB)         {             if ( objectA == DBNull.Value && objectB == DBNull.Value )             {                 return true;             }             if ( objectA == DBNull.Value || objectB == DBNull.Value )             {                 return false;             }             return ( objectA.Equals( objectB ) );         }           private bool RowEqual(DataRow rowA, DataRow rowB, DataColumnCollection columns)         {             bool result = true;             for ( int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++ )             {                 result &= ColumnEqual( rowA[ columns[ i ].ColumnName ], rowB[ columns[ i ].ColumnName ] );             }             return result;         }           private void ParseFieldList(string fieldList, bool allowRelation)         {             if ( m_FieldList == fieldList )             {                 return;             }             m_FieldInfo = new ArrayList();             m_FieldList = fieldList;             FieldInfo Field;             string[] FieldParts;             string[] Fields = fieldList.Split( ',' );             for ( int i = 0; i <= Fields.Length - 1; i++ )             {                 Field = new FieldInfo();                 FieldParts = Fields[ i ].Trim().Split( ' ' );                 switch ( FieldParts.Length )                 {                     case 1:                         //to be set at the end of the loop                         break;                     case 2:                         Field.FieldAlias = FieldParts[ 1 ];                         break;                     default:                         return;                 }                 FieldParts = FieldParts[ 0 ].Split( '.' );                 switch ( FieldParts.Length )                 {                     case 1:                         Field.FieldName = FieldParts[ 0 ];                         break;                     case 2:                         if ( allowRelation == false )                         {                             return;                         }                         Field.RelationName = FieldParts[ 0 ].Trim();                         Field.FieldName = FieldParts[ 1 ].Trim();                         break;                     default:                         return;                 }                 if ( Field.FieldAlias == null )                 {                     Field.FieldAlias = Field.FieldName;                 }                 m_FieldInfo.Add( Field );             }         }           private DataTable CreateTable(string tableName, DataTable sourceTable, string fieldList)         {             DataTable dt;             if ( fieldList.Trim() == "" )             {                 dt = sourceTable.Clone();                 dt.TableName = tableName;             }             else            {                 dt = new DataTable( tableName );                 ParseFieldList( fieldList, false );                 DataColumn dc;                 foreach ( FieldInfo Field in m_FieldInfo )                 {                     dc = sourceTable.Columns[ Field.FieldName ];                     DataColumn column = new DataColumn();                     column.ColumnName = Field.FieldAlias;                     column.DataType = dc.DataType;                     column.MaxLength = dc.MaxLength;                     column.Expression = dc.Expression;                     dt.Columns.Add( column );                 }             }             if ( ds != null )             {                 ds.Tables.Add( dt );             }             return dt;         }           private void InsertInto(DataTable destTable, DataTable sourceTable,                                 string fieldList, string rowFilter, string sort)         {             ParseFieldList( fieldList, false );             DataRow[] rows = sourceTable.Select( rowFilter, sort );             DataRow destRow;             foreach ( DataRow sourceRow in rows )             {                 destRow = destTable.NewRow();                 if ( fieldList == "" )                 {                     foreach ( DataColumn dc in destRow.Table.Columns )                     {                         if ( dc.Expression == "" )                         {                             destRow[ dc ] = sourceRow[ dc.ColumnName ];                         }                     }                 }                 else                {                     foreach ( FieldInfo field in m_FieldInfo )                     {                         destRow[ field.FieldAlias ] = sourceRow[ field.FieldName ];                     }                 }                 destTable.Rows.Add( destRow );             }         }           private void ParseGroupByFieldList(string FieldList)         {             if ( GroupByFieldList == FieldList )             {                 return;             }             GroupByFieldInfo = new ArrayList();             FieldInfo Field;             string[] FieldParts;             string[] Fields = FieldList.Split( ',' );             for ( int i = 0; i <= Fields.Length - 1; i++ )             {                 Field = new FieldInfo();                 FieldParts = Fields[ i ].Trim().Split( ' ' );                 switch ( FieldParts.Length )                 {                     case 1:                         //to be set at the end of the loop                         break;                     case 2:                         Field.FieldAlias = FieldParts[ 1 ];                         break;                     default:                         return;                 }                   FieldParts = FieldParts[ 0 ].Split( '(' );                 switch ( FieldParts.Length )                 {                     case 1:                         Field.FieldName = FieldParts[ 0 ];                         break;                     case 2:                         Field.Aggregate = FieldParts[ 0 ].Trim().ToLower();                         Field.FieldName = FieldParts[ 1 ].Trim( ' ', ')' );                         break;                     default:                         return;                 }                 if ( Field.FieldAlias == null )                 {                     if ( Field.Aggregate == null )                     {                         Field.FieldAlias = Field.FieldName;                     }                     else                    {                         Field.FieldAlias = Field.Aggregate + "of" + Field.FieldName;                     }                 }                 GroupByFieldInfo.Add( Field );             }             GroupByFieldList = FieldList;         }           private DataTable CreateGroupByTable(string tableName, DataTable sourceTable, string fieldList)         {             if ( fieldList == null || fieldList.Length == 0 )             {                 return sourceTable.Clone();             }             else            {                 DataTable dt = new DataTable( tableName );                 ParseGroupByFieldList( fieldList );                 foreach ( FieldInfo Field in GroupByFieldInfo )                 {                     DataColumn dc = sourceTable.Columns[ Field.FieldName ];                     if ( Field.Aggregate == null )                     {                         dt.Columns.Add( Field.FieldAlias, dc.DataType, dc.Expression );                     }                     else                    {                         dt.Columns.Add( Field.FieldAlias, dc.DataType );                     }                 }                 if ( ds != null )                 {                     ds.Tables.Add( dt );                 }                 return dt;             }         }           private void InsertGroupByInto(DataTable destTable, DataTable sourceTable, string fieldList,                                        string rowFilter, string groupBy)         {             if ( fieldList == null || fieldList.Length == 0 )             {                 return;             }             ParseGroupByFieldList( fieldList );              ParseFieldList( groupBy, false );              DataRow[] rows = sourceTable.Select( rowFilter, groupBy );             DataRow lastSourceRow = null, destRow = null;             bool sameRow;             int rowCount = 0;             foreach ( DataRow sourceRow in rows )             {                 sameRow = false;                 if ( lastSourceRow != null )                 {                     sameRow = true;                     foreach ( FieldInfo Field in m_FieldInfo )                     {                         if ( !ColumnEqual( lastSourceRow[ Field.FieldName ], sourceRow[ Field.FieldName ] ) )                         {                             sameRow = false;                             break;                         }                     }                     if ( !sameRow )                     {                         destTable.Rows.Add( destRow );                     }                 }                 if ( !sameRow )                 {                     destRow = destTable.NewRow();                     rowCount = 0;                 }                 rowCount += 1;                 foreach ( FieldInfo field in GroupByFieldInfo )                 {                     switch ( field.Aggregate.ToLower() )                     {                         case null:                          case "":                         case "last":                             destRow[ field.FieldAlias ] = sourceRow[ field.FieldName ];                             break;                         case "first":                             if ( rowCount == 1 )                             {                                 destRow[ field.FieldAlias ] = sourceRow[ field.FieldName ];                             }                             break;                         case "count":                             destRow[ field.FieldAlias ] = rowCount;                             break;                         case "sum":                             destRow[ field.FieldAlias ] = Add( destRow[ field.FieldAlias ], sourceRow[ field.FieldName ] );                             break;                         case "max":                             destRow[ field.FieldAlias ] = Max( destRow[ field.FieldAlias ], sourceRow[ field.FieldName ] );                             break;                         case "min":                             if ( rowCount == 1 )                             {                                 destRow[ field.FieldAlias ] = sourceRow[ field.FieldName ];                             }                             else                            {                                 destRow[ field.FieldAlias ] = Min( destRow[ field.FieldAlias ], sourceRow[ field.FieldName ] );                             }                             break;                     }                 }                 lastSourceRow = sourceRow;             }             if ( destRow != null )             {                 destTable.Rows.Add( destRow );             }         }           private object Min(object a, object b)         {             if ( ( a is DBNull ) || ( b is DBNull ) )             {                 return DBNull.Value;             }             if ( ( (IComparable) a ).CompareTo( b ) == -1 )             {                 return a;             }             else            {                 return b;             }         }           private object Max(object a, object b)         {             if ( a is DBNull )             {                 return b;             }             if ( b is DBNull )             {                 return a;             }             if ( ( (IComparable) a ).CompareTo( b ) == 1 )             {                 return a;             }             else            {                 return b;             }         }           private object Add(object a, object b)         {             if ( a is DBNull )             {                 return b;             }             if ( b is DBNull )             {                 return a;             }             return ( (decimal) a + (decimal) b );         }           private DataTable CreateJoinTable(string tableName, DataTable sourceTable, string fieldList)         {             if ( fieldList == null )             {                 return sourceTable.Clone();             }             else            {                 DataTable dt = new DataTable( tableName );                 ParseFieldList( fieldList, true );                 foreach ( FieldInfo field in m_FieldInfo )                 {                     if ( field.RelationName == null )                     {                         DataColumn dc = sourceTable.Columns[ field.FieldName ];                         dt.Columns.Add( dc.ColumnName, dc.DataType, dc.Expression );                     }                     else                    {                         DataColumn dc = sourceTable.ParentRelations[ field.RelationName ].ParentTable.Columns[ field.FieldName ];                         dt.Columns.Add( dc.ColumnName, dc.DataType, dc.Expression );                     }                 }                 if ( ds != null )                 {                     ds.Tables.Add( dt );                 }                 return dt;             }         }           private void InsertJoinInto(DataTable destTable, DataTable sourceTable,                                     string fieldList, string rowFilter, string sort)         {             if ( fieldList == null )             {                 return;             }             else            {                 ParseFieldList( fieldList, true );                 DataRow[] Rows = sourceTable.Select( rowFilter, sort );                 foreach ( DataRow SourceRow in Rows )                 {                     DataRow DestRow = destTable.NewRow();                     foreach ( FieldInfo Field in m_FieldInfo )                     {                         if ( Field.RelationName == null )                         {                             DestRow[ Field.FieldName ] = SourceRow[ Field.FieldName ];                         }                         else                        {                             DataRow ParentRow = SourceRow.GetParentRow( Field.RelationName );                             DestRow[ Field.FieldName ] = ParentRow[ Field.FieldName ];                         }                     }                     destTable.Rows.Add( DestRow );                 }             }         }           #endregion           #region SelectDistinct / Distinct           /// <summary>         /// 按照fieldName从sourceTable中选择出不重复的行,         /// 相当于select distinct fieldName from sourceTable         /// </summary>         /// <param name="tableName">表名</param>         /// <param name="sourceTable">源DataTable</param>         /// <param name="fieldName">列名</param>         /// <returns>一个新的不含重复行的DataTable,列只包括fieldName指明的列</returns>         public DataTable SelectDistinct(string tableName, DataTable sourceTable, string fieldName)         {             DataTable dt = new DataTable( tableName );             dt.Columns.Add( fieldName, sourceTable.Columns[ fieldName ].DataType );               object lastValue = null;             foreach ( DataRow dr in sourceTable.Select( "", fieldName ) )             {                 if ( lastValue == null || !( ColumnEqual( lastValue, dr[ fieldName ] ) ) )                 {                     lastValue = dr[ fieldName ];                     dt.Rows.Add( new object[]{lastValue} );                 }             }             if ( ds != null && !ds.Tables.Contains( tableName ) )             {                 ds.Tables.Add( dt );             }             return dt;         }           /// <summary>         /// 按照fieldName从sourceTable中选择出不重复的行,         /// 相当于select distinct fieldName1,fieldName2,,fieldNamen from sourceTable         /// </summary>         /// <param name="tableName">表名</param>         /// <param name="sourceTable">源DataTable</param>         /// <param name="fieldNames">列名数组</param>         /// <returns>一个新的不含重复行的DataTable,列只包括fieldNames中指明的列</returns>         public DataTable SelectDistinct(string tableName, DataTable sourceTable, string[] fieldNames)         {             DataTable dt = new DataTable( tableName );             object[] values = new object[fieldNames.Length];             string fields = "";             for ( int i = 0; i < fieldNames.Length; i++ )             {                 dt.Columns.Add( fieldNames[ i ], sourceTable.Columns[ fieldNames[ i ] ].DataType );                 fields += fieldNames[ i ] + ",";             }             fields = fields.Remove( fields.Length - 1, 1 );             DataRow lastRow = null;             foreach ( DataRow dr in sourceTable.Select( "", fields ) )             {                 if ( lastRow == null || !( RowEqual( lastRow, dr, dt.Columns ) ) )                 {                     lastRow = dr;                     for ( int i = 0; i < fieldNames.Length; i++ )                     {                         values[ i ] = dr[ fieldNames[ i ] ];                     }                     dt.Rows.Add( values );                 }             }             if ( ds != null && !ds.Tables.Contains( tableName ) )             {                 ds.Tables.Add( dt );             }             return dt;         }           /// <summary>         /// 按照fieldName从sourceTable中选择出不重复的行,         /// 并且包含sourceTable中所有的列。         /// </summary>         /// <param name="tableName">表名</param>         /// <param name="sourceTable">源表</param>         /// <param name="fieldName">字段</param>         /// <returns>一个新的不含重复行的DataTable</returns>         public DataTable Distinct(string tableName, DataTable sourceTable, string fieldName)         {             DataTable dt = sourceTable.Clone();             dt.TableName = tableName;               object lastValue = null;             foreach ( DataRow dr in sourceTable.Select( "", fieldName ) )             {                 if ( lastValue == null || !( ColumnEqual( lastValue, dr[ fieldName ] ) ) )                 {                     lastValue = dr[ fieldName ];                     dt.Rows.Add( dr.ItemArray );                 }             }             if ( ds != null && !ds.Tables.Contains( tableName ) )             {                 ds.Tables.Add( dt );             }             return dt;         }           /// <summary>         /// 按照fieldNames从sourceTable中选择出不重复的行,         /// 并且包含sourceTable中所有的列。         /// </summary>         /// <param name="tableName">表名</param>         /// <param name="sourceTable">源表</param>         /// <param name="fieldNames">字段</param>         /// <returns>一个新的不含重复行的DataTable</returns>         public DataTable Distinct(string tableName, DataTable sourceTable, string[] fieldNames)         {             DataTable dt = sourceTable.Clone();             dt.TableName = tableName;             string fields = "";             for ( int i = 0; i < fieldNames.Length; i++ )             {                 fields += fieldNames[ i ] + ",";             }             fields = fields.Remove( fields.Length - 1, 1 );             DataRow lastRow = null;             foreach ( DataRow dr in sourceTable.Select( "", fields ) )             {                 if ( lastRow == null || !( RowEqual( lastRow, dr, dt.Columns ) ) )                 {                     lastRow = dr;                     dt.Rows.Add( dr.ItemArray );                 }             }             if ( ds != null && !ds.Tables.Contains( tableName ) )             {                 ds.Tables.Add( dt );             }             return dt;         }           #endregion           #region Select Table Into           /// <summary>         /// 按sort排序,按rowFilter过滤sourceTable,         /// 复制fieldList中指明的字段的数据到新DataTable,并返回之         /// </summary>         /// <param name="tableName">表名</param>         /// <param name="sourceTable">源表</param>         /// <param name="fieldList">字段列表</param>         /// <param name="rowFilter">过滤条件</param>         /// <param name="sort">排序</param>         /// <returns>新DataTable</returns>         public DataTable SelectInto(string tableName, DataTable sourceTable,                                     string fieldList, string rowFilter, string sort)         {             DataTable dt = CreateTable( tableName, sourceTable, fieldList );             InsertInto( dt, sourceTable, fieldList, rowFilter, sort );             return dt;         }           #endregion           #region Group By Table           public DataTable SelectGroupByInto(string tableName, DataTable sourceTable, string fieldList,                                            string rowFilter, string groupBy)         {             DataTable dt = CreateGroupByTable( tableName, sourceTable, fieldList );             InsertGroupByInto( dt, sourceTable, fieldList, rowFilter, groupBy );             return dt;         }           #endregion           #region Join Tables           public DataTable SelectJoinInto(string tableName, DataTable sourceTable, string fieldList, string rowFilter, string sort)         {             DataTable dt = CreateJoinTable( tableName, sourceTable, fieldList );             InsertJoinInto( dt, sourceTable, fieldList, rowFilter, sort );             return dt;         }           #endregion           #region Create Table           public DataTable CreateTable(string tableName, string fieldList)         {             DataTable dt = new DataTable( tableName );             DataColumn dc;             string[] Fields = fieldList.Split( ',' );             string[] FieldsParts;             string Expression;             foreach ( string Field in Fields )             {                 FieldsParts = Field.Trim().Split( " ".ToCharArray(), 3 ); // allow for spaces in the expression                 // add fieldname and datatype                 if ( FieldsParts.Length == 2 )                 {                     dc = dt.Columns.Add( FieldsParts[ 0 ].Trim(), Type.GetType( "System." + FieldsParts[ 1 ].Trim(), true, true ) );                     dc.AllowDBNull = true;                 }                 else if ( FieldsParts.Length == 3 ) // add fieldname, datatype, and expression                 {                     Expression = FieldsParts[ 2 ].Trim();                     if ( Expression.ToUpper() == "REQUIRED" )                     {                         dc = dt.Columns.Add( FieldsParts[ 0 ].Trim(), Type.GetType( "System." + FieldsParts[ 1 ].Trim(), true, true ) );                         dc.AllowDBNull = false;                     }                     else                    {                         dc = dt.Columns.Add( FieldsParts[ 0 ].Trim(), Type.GetType( "System." + FieldsParts[ 1 ].Trim(), true, true ), Expression );                     }                 }                 else                {                     return null;                 }             }             if ( ds != null )             {                 ds.Tables.Add( dt );             }             return dt;         }           public DataTable CreateTable(string tableName, string fieldList, string keyFieldList)         {             DataTable dt = CreateTable( tableName, fieldList );             string[] KeyFields = keyFieldList.Split( ',' );             if ( KeyFields.Length > 0 )             {                 DataColumn[] KeyFieldColumns = new DataColumn[KeyFields.Length];                 int i;                 for ( i = 1; i == KeyFields.Length - 1; ++i )                 {                     KeyFieldColumns[ i ] = dt.Columns[ KeyFields[ i ].Trim() ];                 }                 dt.PrimaryKey = KeyFieldColumns;             }             return dt;         }           #endregion     } }

热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 怎么办q币换成qq余额 支付宝qb冲多了怎么办 微信没钱怎么办怎么赚 忘记微信支付密码怎么办 手机设备注册达上限怎么办 在新手机上登微信需要验证怎么办 手机号被限制注册qq号怎么办 手机互换了微信怎么办 微信申诉只有一位好友怎么办 微信申诉没有好友怎么办 四川电信多余的话费怎么办 四川电信话费多了怎么办 固话冲q币要密码怎么办 手机卡怎么突然没了怎么办 联通话费冲错了怎么办 王卡高额半停机 怎么办 计算机报考在手机上网上支付怎么办 建行app充话费不到账怎么办 币乎账号被骗了怎么办? q币充了想返还怎么办 q币账号充值错了怎么办 淘宝乐充话费没到账怎么办 微信信用卡还款未到账怎么办 登不上qq怎么改qq密码怎么办 qq改不了以前的密码怎么办 qq微信密码都被改了怎么办 qq账号被盗一直改密码怎么办? 2018qq密码忘了怎么办 我qq密码忘记了怎么办 微信怎么办该改密码 微信改密码收不到验证码怎么办 微信不能改密码怎么办 qq钱包被限额了怎么办? 注册战网手机号被使用怎么办 电信充值卡密码刮花了怎么办 油卡充值卡密码刮花了怎么办 电费充值卡密码刮花了怎么办 手机充值卡密码刮坏了怎么办 办中石化油卡怎么办 移动代充q币没到怎么办 电信手机话费充多了怎么办