
来源:互联网 发布:php 字符串分割 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 11:14



#ifdef WIN32 #include <winbase.h> #else #include <pthread.h> #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <queue> using namespace std; //这个是线程安全的队列,Synchronized类的实现在下面 template <class Type> class SyncQueue:public Synchronized{ public:         SyncQueue();         ~SyncQueue();         void push(const Type &);         Type pop(); private:         queue<Type> *p_Queue; }; template <class Type> SyncQueue<Type>::SyncQueue(){         p_Queue = new queue<Type>() ; } template <class Type> SyncQueue<Type>::~SyncQueue(){         delete p_Queue; } template <class Type> Type SyncQueue<Type>::pop(){         Type type;         lock();         while(p_Queue->empty()){                 try                 {                         wait();                 }                 catch(exception& ex)                 {                         cout<< ex.what()<<endl;                         throw;                 }                        }         type=p_Queue->front();         p_Queue->pop();         unlock();         return type; } template <class Type> void SyncQueue<Type>::push(const Type &type){         lock();         p_Queue->push(type);         try         {                 notify();         }         catch(exception& ex)         {                 cout<<ex.what()<<endl;                 throw;         }                        unlock(); } //Synchronized类的实现,仿java的一些方法,我参考了别人的代码 class Synchronized { public:         Synchronized();         ~Synchronized();         // Causes current thread to wait until another thread         // invokes the notify() method or the notifyAll()         // method for this object.         void                wait();         // Causes current thread to wait until either another         // thread invokes the notify() method or the notifyAll()         // method for this object, or a specified amount of time         // has elapsed.         // @param timeout         //    timeout in milliseconds.         // @param         //    return TRUE if timeout occured, FALSE otherwise.         bool                wait(unsigned long timeout);            // Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this         // object's monitor.         void                notify();         // Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's         // monitor.         void                notify_all();         // Enter a critical section.         void                lock();         // Try to enter a critical section.         // @return TRUE if the attempt was successful, FALSE otherwise.         bool                trylock();         // Leave a critical section.         void                unlock(); private: #ifdef WIN32         char            numNotifies;         HANDLE          semEvent;         HANDLE          semMutex;         bool                        isLocked; #else         int        cond_timed_wait(const timespec*);         pthread_cond_t  cond;         pthread_mutex_t monitor; #endif }; Synchronized::Synchronized() { #ifdef WIN32         // Semaphore initially auto signaled, auto reset mode, unnamed         semEvent = CreateEvent(0, false, false, 0);         // Semaphore initially unowned, unnamed         semMutex = CreateMutex(0, false, 0);         isLocked = false; #else         int result;         memset(&monitor, 0, sizeof(monitor));         result = pthread_mutex_init(&monitor, 0);         if(result)         {                 throw runtime_error("Synchronized mutex_init failed!");         }         memset(&cond, 0, sizeof(cond));         result = pthread_cond_init(&cond, 0);         if(result)         {                 throw runtime_error("Synchronized cond_init failed!");         } #endif } Synchronized::~Synchronized() { #ifdef WIN32         CloseHandle(semEvent);         CloseHandle(semMutex); #else         int result;         result = pthread_cond_destroy(&cond); //        if(result) //        { //                throw runtime_error("Synchronized cond_destroy failed!"); //        }         result = pthread_mutex_destroy(&monitor); //        if(result) //        { //                throw runtime_error("Synchronized mutex_destroy failed!"); //        } #endif } void Synchronized::wait() { #ifdef WIN32         wait(INFINITE); #else         cond_timed_wait(0); #endif } #ifndef WIN32 int Synchronized::cond_timed_wait(const struct timespec *ts) {   int result;   if(ts)         result = pthread_cond_timedwait(&cond, &monitor, ts);   else         result = pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &monitor);   return result; } #endif bool Synchronized::wait(unsigned long timeout) {         bool timeoutOccurred = false; #ifdef WIN32         isLocked = false;         if(!ReleaseMutex(semMutex))         {                 throw runtime_error("Synchronized: releasing mutex failed");         }         int err;         err = WaitForSingleObject(semEvent, timeout);         switch(err)         {         case WAIT_TIMEOUT:                 throw runtime_error("Synchronized: timeout on wait");                 timeoutOccurred = true;                 break;         case WAIT_ABANDONED:                 throw runtime_error("Synchronized: waiting for event failed");                 break;         }         if(WaitForSingleObject (semMutex, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)         {                 throw runtime_error("Synchronized: waiting for mutex failed");         }         isLocked = true; #else         struct timespec ts;         struct timeval  tv;         gettimeofday(&tv, 0);         ts.tv_sec  = tv.tv_sec  + (int)timeout/1000;         ts.tv_nsec = (tv.tv_usec + (timeout %1000)*1000) * 1000;         int err;         if((err = cond_timed_wait(&ts)) > 0)         {                 switch(err)                 {                 case ETIMEDOUT:                   timeoutOccurred = true;                   break;                 default:                   throw runtime_error("Synchronized: wait with timeout returned!");                   break;                 }         } #endif         return timeoutOccurred; } void Synchronized::notify() { #ifdef WIN32         numNotifies = 1;         if(!SetEvent(semEvent))         {                 throw runtime_error("Synchronized: notify failed!");         } #else         int result;         result = pthread_cond_signal(&cond);         if(result)         {                 throw runtime_error("Synchronized: notify failed!");         } #endif } void Synchronized::notify_all() { #ifdef WIN32         numNotifies = (char)0x80;         while (numNotifies--)         {                 if(!SetEvent(semEvent))                 {                         throw runtime_error("Synchronized: notify_all failed!");                 }         } #else         int result;         result = pthread_cond_broadcast(&cond);         if(result)         {                 throw runtime_error("Synchronized: notify_all failed!");         } #endif } void Synchronized::lock() { #ifdef WIN32     if(WaitForSingleObject(semMutex, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)     {                 throw runtime_error("Synchronized: lock failed!");                 return;     }     if(isLocked)     {                 // This thread owns already the lock, but             // we do not like recursive locking. Thus             // release it immediately and print a warning!                 if(!ReleaseMutex(semMutex))                 {                         throw runtime_error("Synchronized: unlock failed!");                 }                       throw runtime_error("Synchronized: recursive locking detected!");     }     isLocked = true; #else     pthread_mutex_lock(&monitor); #endif } void Synchronized::unlock() { #ifdef WIN32         isLocked = fasle;         if(!ReleaseMutex(semMutex))         {                 throw runtime_error("Synchronized: unlock failed!");                 return;         } #else         pthread_mutex_unlock(&monitor); #endif } bool Synchronized::trylock() { #ifdef WIN32         int status = WaitForSingleObject(semMutex, 0);         if(status != WAIT_OBJECT_0)         {                 throw runtime_error("Synchronized: try lock failed!");                 return false;         }         if(isLocked)         {                 if(!ReleaseMutex(semMutex))                 {                         throw runtime_error("Synchronized: unlock failed!");                 }                 return false;         }         else         {                 isLocked = true;         }         return true; #else         if(pthread_mutex_trylock(&monitor) == 0)                 return true;         else                 return false; #endif }

