SQL 递归查询示例

来源:互联网 发布:如何查看自己淘宝等级 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 08:47
SQL 递归查询示例: create table #EnterPrise(  Department nvarchar(50),--部门名称  ParentDept nvarchar(50),--上级部门  DepartManage nvarchar(30)--部门经理)insert into #EnterPrise select '技术部','总经办','Tom'insert into #EnterPrise select '商务部','总经办','Jeffry'insert into #EnterPrise select '商务一部','商务部','ViVi'insert into #EnterPrise select '商务二部','商务部','Peter'insert into #EnterPrise select '程序组','技术部','GiGi'insert into #EnterPrise select '设计组','技术部','yoyo'insert into #EnterPrise select '专项组','程序组','Yue'insert into #EnterPrise select '总经办','','Boss'--查询部门经理是Tom的下面的部门名称;with hgo as(   select *,0 as rank from #EnterPrise where DepartManage='Tom'   union all   select h.*,h1.rank+1 from #EnterPrise h join hgo h1 on h.ParentDept=h1.Department)select * from hgo/*Department           ParentDept                DepartManage      rank--------------- -------------------- ----------------------- -----------技术部               总经办                    Tom               0程序组               技术部                    GiGi              1设计组               技术部                    yoyo              1专项组               程序组                    Yue               2*/--查询部门经理是GiGi的上级部门名称;with hgo as(   select *,0 as rank from #EnterPrise where DepartManage='GiGi'   union all   select h.*,h1.rank+1 from #EnterPrise h join hgo h1 on h.Department=h1.ParentDept)select * from hgo/*Department               ParentDept          DepartManage    rank-------------------- ----------------------  -----------  -----------程序组                   技术部                 GiGi           0技术部                   总经办                 Tom            1总经办                                          Boss           2*/--===========================================================================================================create table #tt(id int,parentid int,name varchar(20))insert #ttselect 1,0,'上海市'union allselect 2,1,'虹口区'union allselect 3,1,'徐汇区'union allselect 4,1,'浦东新区'union allselect 5,2,'江湾镇'union allselect 6,2,'虹口足球场'union allselect 7,5,'吉买盛'union allselect 8,5,'易卜莲花'union allselect 9,5,'农工商'union allselect 10,6,'吉买盛'with cte as(select *,0 as levl from #tt where id=2union allselect a.*,b.levl+1 from #tt a,cte b where a.parentid=b.id)select * from cte where levl>0 --        id    parentid name                        levl----------- ----------- -------------------- -----------          5           2 江湾镇                            1          6           2 虹口足球场                          1         10           6 吉买盛                            2          7           5 吉买盛                            2          8           5 易卜莲花                           2          9           5 农工商                            2==============================================================================================if not object_id('Tab') is null    drop table TabGoCreate table Tab([Id] int,[ParentId] int,[Name] nvarchar(50))Insert Tabselect 1,0,N'上海市' union allselect 2,1,N'虹口区' union allselect 3,1,N'徐汇区' union allselect 4,1,N'浦东新区' union allselect 5,2,N'江湾镇' union allselect 6,2,N'虹口足球场' union allselect 7,5,N'吉买盛' union allselect 8,5,N'易卜莲花' union allselect 9,5,N'农工商' union allselect 10,6,N'吉买盛'GoIF OBJECT_ID('P_GetParentId') is not null drop proc P_GetParentIdgo   Create proc P_GetParentId(  @ParentId int)asbegindeclare @Del table(ID int,[ParentId] int)insert @Del select ID,[ParentId] from Tab a  where exists(select 1 from Tab where a.Id = 2)while  @@rowcount>0   begin    insert @Del    select a.ID,a.[ParentId]    from Tab a         inner join @Del b on b.ID=a.[ParentId]    where not exists(select 1 from @Del where ID=a.ID)    end    select * from @DelendgO--TESTEXEC P_GetParentId 2--结果--/*ID          ParentId----------- -----------2           15           26           27           58           59           510          6*/--============================================================================================ --SQL code/*标题:SQL SERVER 2000中查询指定节点及其所有子节点的函数(表格形式显示)作者:爱新觉罗·毓华(十八年风雨,守得冰山雪莲花开)时间:2008-05-12地点:广东深圳*/create table tb(id varchar(3) , pid varchar(3) , name varchar(10))insert into tb values('001' , null  , '广东省')insert into tb values('002' , '001' , '广州市')insert into tb values('003' , '001' , '深圳市')insert into tb values('004' , '002' , '天河区')insert into tb values('005' , '003' , '罗湖区')insert into tb values('006' , '003' , '福田区')insert into tb values('007' , '003' , '宝安区')insert into tb values('008' , '007' , '西乡镇')insert into tb values('009' , '007' , '龙华镇')insert into tb values('010' , '007' , '松岗镇')go--查询指定节点及其所有子节点的函数create function f_cid(@ID varchar(3)) returns @t_level table(id varchar(3) , level int)asbegin  declare @level int  set @level = 1  insert into @t_level select @id , @level  while @@ROWCOUNT > 0  begin    set @level = @level + 1    insert into @t_level select a.id , @level    from tb a , @t_Level b    where a.pid = b.id and b.level = @level - 1  end  returnendgo--调用函数查询001(广东省)及其所有子节点select a.* from tb a , f_cid('001') b where a.id = b.id order by a.id/*id   pid  name      ---- ---- ----------001  NULL 广东省002  001  广州市003  001  深圳市004  002  天河区005  003  罗湖区006  003  福田区007  003  宝安区008  007  西乡镇009  007  龙华镇010  007  松岗镇(所影响的行数为 10 行)*/--调用函数查询002(广州市)及其所有子节点select a.* from tb a , f_cid('002') b where a.id = b.id order by a.id/*id   pid  name      ---- ---- ----------002  001  广州市004  002  天河区(所影响的行数为 2 行)*/--调用函数查询003(深圳市)及其所有子节点select a.* from tb a , f_cid('003') b where a.id = b.id order by a.id/*id   pid  name      ---- ---- ----------003  001  深圳市005  003  罗湖区006  003  福田区007  003  宝安区008  007  西乡镇009  007  龙华镇010  007  松岗镇(所影响的行数为 7 行)*/drop table tbdrop function f_cid/*SQL code@@ROWCOUNT:返回受上一语句影响的行数。返回类型:integer。注释:任何不返回行的语句将这一变量设置为 0 ,如 IF 语句。示例:下面的示例执行 UPDATE 语句并用 @@ROWCOUNT 来检测是否有发生更改的行。*/UPDATE authors SET au_lname = 'Jones' WHERE au_id = '999-888-7777'IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0   print 'Warning: No rows were updated'/*结果:(所影响的行数为 0 行)Warning: No rows were updatedSQL code*//*标题:SQL SERVER 2005中查询指定节点及其所有子节点的函数(表格形式显示)作者:爱新觉罗·毓华(十八年风雨,守得冰山雪莲花开)时间:2010-02-02地点:新疆乌鲁木齐*/create table tb(id varchar(3) , pid varchar(3) , name nvarchar(10))insert into tb values('001' , null  , N'广东省')insert into tb values('002' , '001' , N'广州市')insert into tb values('003' , '001' , N'深圳市')insert into tb values('004' , '002' , N'天河区')insert into tb values('005' , '003' , N'罗湖区')insert into tb values('006' , '003' , N'福田区')insert into tb values('007' , '003' , N'宝安区')insert into tb values('008' , '007' , N'西乡镇')insert into tb values('009' , '007' , N'龙华镇')insert into tb values('010' , '007' , N'松岗镇')goDECLARE @ID VARCHAR(3)--查询ID = '001'的所有子节点SET @ID = '001';WITH T AS(  SELECT ID , PID , NAME  FROM TB  WHERE ID = @ID  UNION ALL  SELECT A.ID , A.PID , A.NAME  FROM TB AS A JOIN T AS B ON A.PID = B.ID)SELECT * FROM T ORDER BY ID/*ID   PID  NAME---- ---- ----------001  NULL 广东省002  001  广州市003  001  深圳市004  002  天河区005  003  罗湖区006  003  福田区007  003  宝安区008  007  西乡镇009  007  龙华镇010  007  松岗镇(10 行受影响)*/--查询ID = '002'的所有子节点SET @ID = '002';WITH T AS(  SELECT ID , PID , NAME  FROM TB  WHERE ID = @ID  UNION ALL  SELECT A.ID , A.PID , A.NAME  FROM TB AS A JOIN T AS B ON A.PID = B.ID)SELECT * FROM T ORDER BY ID/*ID   PID  NAME---- ---- ----------002  001  广州市004  002  天河区(2 行受影响)*/--查询ID = '003'的所有子节点SET @ID = '003';WITH T AS(  SELECT ID , PID , NAME  FROM TB  WHERE ID = @ID  UNION ALL  SELECT A.ID , A.PID , A.NAME  FROM TB AS A JOIN T AS B ON A.PID = B.ID)SELECT * FROM T ORDER BY ID/*ID   PID  NAME---- ---- ----------003  001  深圳市005  003  罗湖区006  003  福田区007  003  宝安区008  007  西乡镇009  007  龙华镇010  007  松岗镇(7 行受影响)*/drop table tb--注:除ID值不一样外,三个SQL语句是一样的。--===============================================================================declare @t table(id int identity(1,1),parentid int,name varchar(10))insert @t(parentid,name) select 0,'上海市'union all select 1,'虹口区'union all select 1,'徐汇区'union all select 1,'浦东新区'union all select 2,'江湾镇'union all select 2,'虹口足球场'union all select 5,'吉买盛'union all select 5,'易卜莲花'union all select 5,'农工商'union all select 6,'吉买盛'select * from @t;with tb as(    select * from @t    where id=2    union all    select a.* from @t a join tb b on a.parentid=b.id)select * from tborder by id/*(10 行受影响)id          parentid    name----------- ----------- ----------1           0           上海市2           1           虹口区3           1           徐汇区4           1           浦东新区5           2           江湾镇6           2           虹口足球场7           5           吉买盛8           5           易卜莲花9           5           农工商10          6           吉买盛(10 行受影响)id          parentid    name----------- ----------- ----------2           1           虹口区5           2           江湾镇6           2           虹口足球场7           5           吉买盛8           5           易卜莲花9           5           农工商10          6           吉买盛(7 行受影响)*/--============================================================================drop   table   tbgocreate   table   tb(code   int,su_code   int)insert   into   tb(code,su_code)   values(1,null)insert   into   tb(code,su_code)   values(11,1)insert   into   tb(code,su_code)   values(12,1)insert   into   tb(code,su_code)   values(111,11)insert   into   tb(code,su_code)   values(112,11)insert   into   tb(code,su_code)   values(121,12)insert   into   tb(code,su_code)   values(122,12)insert   into   tb(code,su_code)   values(1221,122)gocreate   table   #stack(item   int,levels   int)delete   from   #stackset   nocount   ongodeclare   @top   intdeclare   @level   intdeclare   @line   varchar(128)select   @top=code   from   tb   where   su_code   is   nullinsert   into   #stack   values(@top,1)select   @level=1while   @level> 0begin    if   exists(select   *   from   #stack   where   levels=@level)    begin        select   @top=item   from   #stack   where   levels=@level        select   @line=space(@level-1)+convert(varchar,@top)        print   @line        delete   from   #stack   where   levels=@level   and   item=@top        insert   into   #stack   select   code,@level+1   from   tb   where   su_code=@top        if   @@rowcount> 0                    select   @level=@level+1    endelse    select   @level=@level-1end--===============================================================================--函数-->Title:Generating test data-->Author:wufeng4552-->Date :2009-09-30 08:52:38set nocount onif object_id('tb','U')is not null drop table tbgocreate table tb(ID int, ParentID int)insert into tb select 1,0 insert into tb select 2,1 insert into tb select 3,1 insert into tb select 4,2 insert into tb select 5,3 insert into tb select 6,5 insert into tb select 7,6-->Title:查找指定節點下的子結點if object_id('Uf_GetChildID')is not null drop function Uf_GetChildIDgocreate function Uf_GetChildID(@ParentID int)returns @t table(ID int)asbegin   insert @t select ID from tb where ParentID=@ParentID   while @@rowcount<>0   begin      insert @t select a.ID from tb a inner join @t b      on a.ParentID=b.id and      not exists(select 1 from @t where id=a.id)   endreturnendgoselect * from dbo.Uf_GetChildID(5)/*ID-----------67*/-->Title:查找指定節點的所有父結點if object_id('Uf_GetParentID')is not null drop function Uf_GetParentIDgocreate function Uf_GetParentID(@ID int)returns @t table(ParentID int)asbegin   insert @t select ParentID from tb where ID=@ID   while @@rowcount!=0   begin     insert @t select a.ParentID from tb a inner join @t b       on a.id=b.ParentID and       not exists(select 1 from @t where ParentID=a.ParentID)   end  returnendgoselect * from dbo.Uf_GetParentID(2)/*ParentID-----------10*/--==========================================================================================--测试数据DECLARE @t TABLE(ID char(3),PID char(3),Name nvarchar(10))INSERT @t SELECT '001',NULL ,'山东省'UNION ALL SELECT '002','001','烟台市'UNION ALL SELECT '004','002','招远市'UNION ALL SELECT '003','001','青岛市'UNION ALL SELECT '005',NULL ,'四会市'UNION ALL SELECT '006','005','清远市'UNION ALL SELECT '007','006','小分市'--深度排序显示处理--生成每个节点的编码累计(相同当单编号法的编码)DECLARE @t_Level TABLE(ID char(3),Level int,Sort varchar(8000))DECLARE @Level intSET @Level=0INSERT @t_Level SELECT ID,@Level,IDFROM @tWHERE PID IS NULLWHILE @@ROWCOUNT>0BEGIN    SET @Level=@Level+1    INSERT @t_Level SELECT a.ID,@Level,b.Sort+a.ID    FROM @t a,@t_Level b    WHERE a.PID=b.ID        AND b.Level=@Level-1END--显示结果SELECT SPACE(b.Level*2)+'|--'+a.NameFROM @t a,@t_Level bWHERE a.ID=b.IDORDER BY b.Sort/*--结果|--山东省  |--烟台市    |--招远市  |--青岛市|--四会市  |--清远市    |--小分市--*/说明:以上内容均为从其他帖子汇总而来。
