iOS应用的真机调试 顺便搞定bundle identifiers, provisioning profiles, App IDs, or certificate signing requests.

来源:互联网 发布:一元包邮 淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 00:15



这里我碰到点问题,因为我是团队开发者账号,所以,不能干等着,得让team leader 给我个响应,我才能刷新到状态的的改变。

因为这些文章都提到了,安装完ios_development.cer,会有钥匙状的东西,其实就是publickey  and privatekey但是我就是没有啊,继续搜。google 里面用英文搜到了
Tutorials for iPhone / iOS Developers and Gamers

iOS Code Signing: Under The Hood

Notice that the private key shows certificates that it has been used to sign – in this case the developer certificate.

If you don’t have any keys listed here yet don’t worry, Keychain Access will create one for you the first time you request a certificate (which we’ll talk about later).

The keys that are listed here (or that will be listed here soon) are the foundation of all your provisioning and code signing abilities. Without them, you can’t sign your code or release your apps to the App Store!

If you lose them you have to start the whole process again – your certificates will not work any more, your provisioning profiles will generate only errors, you will waste a lot of time – so keep them safe.


转眼时间轴到了,现在是周一早上,总算搞定了,中间有个小插曲,设备上的Provisioning Profile已经更新了。但是 organizer当中的 library却木有更新,都删了,然后重新添加一下Provisioning Profile即可。

注意这里有两处1.library 下的2.设备下的 都要更新
