oracle 存储过程返回结果集

来源:互联网 发布:简单的c语言小游戏 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 03:10

oracle 存储过程返回结果集

-- 启用服务器输出
set serveroutput on

-- 创建测试表
create table test_pkg_test
id number(10) constraint pk_test_pkg_test primary key,
name varchar2(30)

-- 写入测试数据
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(1);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(2);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(3);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(4);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(5);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(6);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(7);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(8);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(9);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(10);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(11);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(12);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(13);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(14);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(15);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(16);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(17);
insert into test_pkg_test(id) values(18);
update test_pkg_test set name='name of ' || to_char(id);

-- 声明程序包
create or replace package pkg_test
type  type_cursor is ref cursor;
procedure read_rows (header varchar2, result out type_cursor);
end pkg_test;

-- 实现程序包
create or replace package body pkg_test
procedure read_rows (header varchar2, result out type_cursor)
  sqlText varchar2(500);
  if header is null or length(header)=0 then
   sqlText := 'select * from test_pkg_test';
   sqlText := 'select * from test_pkg_test where substr(name,1,' || to_char(length(header)) || ')=''' || header || '''';
  end if;
  open result for sqlText;
end read_rows;
end pkg_test;

-- 在 sqlplus 中测试
var result refcursor
exec pkg_test.read_rows(null,:result);
print result
exec pkg_test.read_rows('name of 1', :result);
print result;

-- 在程序中测试(c#.Net)
-- ***************************************
    static class pkg_test
        public static void Test()
            using (OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection())
                conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=mydb;User Id=myuser;Password=mypassword";

                using (OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("pkg_test.read_rows", conn))
                    cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    OracleParameter p = new OracleParameter("header", OracleType.VarChar);
                    p.Value = "name of 1";
                    //p.Value = DBNull.Value;

                    p = new OracleParameter("result", OracleType.Cursor);
                    p.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;

                    OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", reader.GetValue(0), reader.GetValue(1));

-- ***************************************

-- 删除程序包和测试表
drop package pkg_test;
drop table test_pkg_test;
