Chapter 7.顺序容器list

来源:互联网 发布:微课编辑软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 18:48


tips: list的成员函数 remove、unique修改了其关联的基础容器,与泛型算法不同,而merge、splice破坏了其实参,与泛型算法也不同


list4个构造函数(same as vector and deque)
3.初始化为一对迭代器之间值的 list [first,last)
4.初始化为用另一个 list 而拷贝的 list [拷贝构造函数]
1.explicit  list ( const Allocator& = Allocator() );                                   
2.explicit  list ( size_type n, const T& value= T(), const Allocator& = Allocator() );  
3.template <class InputIterator>
      list ( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const Allocator& = Allocator() );
4. list ( const list<T,Allocator>& x );                                              
eg:   list <int> first;                                // empty list of ints   list <int> second (4,100);                       // four ints with value 100   list <int> third (second.begin(),second.end());  // iterating through second   list <int> fourth (third);                       // a copy of third  // the iterator constructor can also be used to construct from arrays:  int myints[] = {16,2,77,29};   list <int> fifth (myints, myints + sizeof(myints) / sizeof(int) );
emptyTest whether list is emptysizeReturn sizemax_sizeReturn maximum size [test winxp 32bit vs2008 value is: 1073741823]resizeChange size
Element access:
frontAccess first elementbackAccess last element
assignAssign list contentpush_backAdd element at the endpop_backDelete last elementinsertInsert elementseraseErase elementsswapSwap content//algorithm exists swap, and the same behavior.clearClear contentpush_frontInsert element at beginning→list and deque uniquepop_frontDelete first elementlist and deque unique
Operations:→list unique
spliceMove elements from list to listremoveRemove elements with specific value//algorithm exists one operating between two iterators.remove_ifRemove elements fulfilling condition//sameuniqueRemove duplicate values//samemergeMerge sorted listssortSort elements in containerreverseReverse the order of elements
1.void splice ( iterator position, list<T,Allocator>& x );
2.void splice ( iterator position, list<T,Allocator>& x, iterator i );
3.void splice ( iterator position, list<T,Allocator>& x, iterator first, iterator last );
//下面是c++ primer上的说明
2.lst.splice(iter,lst2,iter2) //只是移动lst2中的iter2对应的元素到lst的iter位置处,lst、lst2可以为相同的list对象
3.lst.splice(iter,beg,end) //移动一个iterator range,beg、end可以为相同的list对象,但是如果移动到的位置iter在beg-end之间,这种运算未定义
eg:  list<int> mylist1, mylist2;  list<int>::iterator it;  // set some initial values:  for (int i=1; i<=4; i++)     mylist1.push_back(i);      // mylist1: 1 2 3 4  for (int i=1; i<=3; i++)     mylist2.push_back(i*10);   // mylist2: 10 20 30  it = mylist1.begin();  ++it;                         // points to 2  mylist1.splice (it, mylist2); // mylist1: 1 10 20 30 2 3 4                                // mylist2 (empty)                                // "it" still points to 2 (the 5th element)                                         mylist2.splice (mylist2.begin(),mylist1, it);                                // mylist1: 1 10 20 30 3 4                                // mylist2: 2                                // "it" is now invalid.  it = mylist1.begin();  advance(it,3);                // "it" points now to 30  mylist1.splice ( mylist1.begin(), mylist1, it, mylist1.end());                                // mylist1: 30 3 4 1 10 20
eg:int myints[]= {17,89,7,14};list<int> mylist (myints,myints+4);mylist.remove(89);
eg:// a predicate implemented as a function:bool single_digit (const int& value) { return (value<10); }// a predicate implemented as a class:class is_odd{public:  bool operator() (const int& value) {return (value%2)==1; }};int main (){  int myints[]= {15,36,7,17,20,39,4,1};  list<int> mylist (myints,myints+8);   // 15 36 7 17 20 39 4 1  mylist.remove_if (single_digit);      // 15 36 17 20 39  mylist.remove_if (is_odd());          // 36 20
1.void unique ( );
2.template <class BinaryPredicate>
      void unique ( BinaryPredicate binary_pred );
eg://unique只对已经排好序的容器有效,使用前要先sort// a binary predicate implemented as a function:bool same_integral_part (double first, double second){ return ( int(first)==int(second) ); }// a binary predicate implemented as a class:class is_near{public:  bool operator() (double first, double second)  { return (fabs(first-second)<5.0); }};int main (){  double mydoubles[]={ 12.15,  2.72, 73.0,  12.77,  3.14,                       12.77, 73.35, 72.25, 15.3,  72.25 };  list<double> mylist (mydoubles,mydoubles+10);  mylist.sort();             //  2.72,  3.14, 12.15, 12.77, 12.77,                             // 15.3,  72.25, 72.25, 73.0,  73.35  mylist.unique();           //  2.72,  3.14, 12.15, 12.77                             // 15.3,  72.25, 73.0,  73.35  mylist.unique (same_integral_part);  //  2.72,  3.14, 12.15                                       // 15.3,  72.25, 73.0  mylist.unique (is_near());           //  2.72, 12.15, 72.25
1.void merge ( list<T,Allocator>& x );
2.template <class Compare>
      void merge ( list<T,Allocator>& x, Compare comp );
eg:// this compares equal two doubles if//  their interger equivalents are equalbool mycomparison (double first, double second){ return ( int(first)<int(second) ); }int main (){  list<double> first, second;  first.push_back (3.1);  first.push_back (2.2);  first.push_back (2.9);  second.push_back (3.7);  second.push_back (7.1);  second.push_back (1.4);  first.sort();  second.sort();  first.merge(second);  second.push_back (2.1);  first.merge(second,mycomparison);
eg:  list<int> mylist;  int * p;  unsigned int i;  // allocate an array of 5 elements using mylist's allocator:  p=mylist.get_allocator().allocate(5);  // assign some values to array  for (i=0; i<5; i++) p[i]=i;  cout << "The allocated array contains:";  for (i=0; i<5; i++) cout << " " << p[i];  cout << endl;  mylist.get_allocator().deallocate(p,5);
The allocated array contains: 0 1 2 3 4
